The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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THE SPlHNGIEU) DAnY SATURDAY JATtUAky 8 1935 aometMns moredeanlwl I BRATTLEBORO VOTES LUO LUDLOW THE WEATHER BIG SNOWSTORM something more definite Italy Determined to Pay SWEEPSUPCOAST Decision to Take Over a 1 System at Option Price of One Pays $200 ine of winter swirled the COURT APPEALS JUDGE the STEAMER ARRIVALS the first week of from Amusem*nts Amusem*nts Her EAST LONGMEADOW and they his and own ThaPictureTriumpM to nuo post is Included In the 1411 It would employes who feel that they cannot £ood RouaWc BRAZILIAN MARTIAL LAW 1 REWS VAN BIBBER COMEDY 111 ClliVli LJUJl IU UCiHg ptCJtllCl A41UO 1 ifiS its character aa a purely tentativejCatgenna aed Rio Grande Do Syy PALAC rtlhl has and the hope to sub measure for has the the SU oflt THREE HIGHEST NAMED OR POSTMASTERSHIP Shfte Kuhbvra Skute taowiihoea PATTI NEW REVUE was th were Week StnrtfinK Tomorrow REGINALD DENNY in BAST yiMES TODAY Greatest Production I AST TIMES TODAY HAROLD LLOYD in CHURCH REPORTS SHOW PROSPERITY ARREST WHITE SLAVE GANG NOW SEEMS IMMINENT Coomes the clerk re ciuUiuuiis last 13 by confession and 10 by let Two members have died There COURT SQUARE BAST TIME TONIGHT NO MATINEE TODAY Roy Sedley Domiao Band Bnd and Buddy Rio de Janeiro Jan The gov ernment has extended until April 30 the state of siege in the federal dis trict states of Rio de Janeiro Sao Paulo Matto Grosso Parana Santa Washington Jan Appointment of ederal Judge Ruftls oster the eastern district of Louisiana to the federal court of appeals Sth cir cuit was decided upon today by Presit (lent Coolidge office workers COURT SQUARE 3 DAYS BEGINNING NEXT MONDAY NIGHT SEATS NOW SEBBING Eves 5Oc S2J0s Wed Mat 50c SI AO LLAUJRENC6 UJEBER flMwaC 3ka TRANS CONTINENTAL TOUR THE CHARMING JANE DILLON THORNTON SQUIRES BOYLE and PATSY 2 STEPCHILDREN COMPROMISE BILL GIVEN TO SENATE 'I ON POSTAL RATES Stockholm at New York 2dl Gothenburg Western World at Rio de Janeiro 1st from New York President Garfield at Genoa 29th from New York Entry Day Monday Monday will be entry day for perior court cases in the clerk office a man says to his tobacconist Another can of Edge we take it to mean he wants Edgeworth uniform rises today at 719 and sets at Eights nn automobiles and on other Week Starting Tomorrow MONTE BLUE and MARIE PREVOST in the "Dark AsiMorinfc eature The 6th Commandment publishers salary in was that day Riveting All Done The statement last night by the American Bridge company engineer Moore that the rivets on the upstream side of the North end bridge under construction are all in place so that the temporary project could be begun at once if desired coupled with the fact that after the planking con tract was signed December 22 it was planned to begin work at once on the i new structure added to the belief of common councilmen that the project would not be put through Councilman Richard Bellows a member of the bridge committee who opposed the plan said last night he thought that the new mayor would call the bridge committee together soon after his Inauguration to take action on the contract Mr Bellows believed that if the roadway is not under construction by that time and TO STOP PLEDGE CARD PLAN WGHGRADt SMcShctobACCO Heavy all In Michigan Detroit Mich Jan wallowed to work today through the first heavy general snow blanket of the winter Snow was reported from six inches to a foot in depth over the state but no bad drifts had formed and traffic and trains are only Slight ly delayed Special Children Show Thi Mornlnx 1030 Ticket A Picture Yon Will Never orget CHILDS Inc 273 279 High St Holyoke Open Saturdny Evenina Till 0310 than 30 minutes A printed report prepared by the village commissioners was given the voters but there was no opposition to its findings or recommendations The principal resolution as presented by Cal Estey was adopted unani mously as were th other resolutions presented The village commissioners Whitney Jr Hughes and Reed made a thorough investi I gation and the acceptance of their recommendations reflected the confi dence of the voters 1 Judge A Schwenk was chosen moderator after the calling of the meeting to order by Mr Whitney Mr Hughes presented the case for the commissioners Probably no impor tant action was ever taken by Brat tleboro voters in so short a time as that of this meeting The commis sioners employed Arthur Towne of Durkee White Towne of Springfield to inspect the system of the water works company and to report on its condition and present worth About 300 attended the meeting The water works has been owned by an incor porated company for about 35 years Citizens hope that th the town own ing the system the rates will be low ered jC: RANKCRUMtT MUSICAL COMEDY GM WITH A SPARKLING CAST AND A TIANY CHORUS Italy stands bv the principle that interallied war debts must be paid according to a semi official declaration tonight The dec laration added that Italy intended to begin payments on her debt as soon as the condition of her budget per mitted The statement was made In view or the fact that certain opposition papers had asserted that the Italian govern ment aid not support me principle payment Lancashire Eng estimating the con sumption rf cotton for the current year at 12000000 bales or at least 1000000 below Wall street's earlier estimates Wheat prices bi eke over 2 cents a bushel on heavy realizing Sterling exchange sold just under $175 tit the highest level since the removal of the wartime in 1919 Wheat Hits $221 at Minneapolis Minneapolis Jan A carload of wheat sold at the Chamber of Com merce here today for $221 a bushel riving the first day's trading here in 3 925 the highest mark reached for wheat since 1920 The previous high post war cash price was $218 es tablished December 26 last Edward Burt The reports from societies all showed a prosperous irst Heavy all of Season Hits New York Mary land and Northern Virginia Blanketed New York Jan 2 The first real snow storm of the down on New York today from the southwest delaying and spoiling punctuality resolutions for the new year The snow caused the thermometer to rise to 24 degrees It was 20 de grees yesterday One year ago the mercury registered '38 The weather bureau reported 1 'inches of snow fallen at 8 a Drifting snow under a medium northeast 24 mile wind sifted into the subways and across surface car lines holding up traffic Harbor craft went slowly in the face of the heavy screen of snow Hakes Snow In Maryland and Virginia Washington Jan 2 A blizzard swept down on Maryland and North ern Virginia during the night blan keting the entire region under eight Inches of snow Street car transportation in the capital was at a standstill and thou ands of government clerks walked to work UIH4C1 ULUU1L WJ LHCIU V4U4V AUUniUb if the contract can be canceled with 'that he knew some of them but aa i ntn ina nai i i OUl LUU KjeaL 1UJSO LU UI Mio Parker would ask that the commit tee revoke the action taken by the committee when Mayor Leonard urged that the contract be signed I Mr Parker admitted last night that he had not solved the legal question connected with canceling the contract He said that would be up to the man he appoints city solicitor Judge Sikes Sends Officer to Investigate Party oriTWay to His Home Suffield Jan 2 A surprise party arranged for last night at the home of Judge and Mrs Howard Sikes was nearly broken up by James Davis who lives near the Sikes home on Hickory street A party of friends from Drqadbrook Thompsonville and other nearby towns who had planned the party in observance of the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Sikes came in automobiles and trucks Plans had been made beforehand so that all might arrive at the Sikes home at the same time In trying to carry out these plans all the ears coming first as well as a large truck stopped according to ar rangements near the Davis home until all had arrived On seeing these people tn the dark the thought came to Mr Davis that the party must be bootleggers who were probably mak ing liquor exchanges and he imme diately called tip by telephone Judge Sikes and told him of his suspicions The judge being no friend of liquor law violators called up Deputy Sher iff Geer and told him to nvestigate at once The deputy sheriff imme diately went to the scene trip was made in record time and the party was intact when he arrived Upon learning of the anxiety to have these people arrested the surprise party became a huge joke in which the sheriff also joined Judge Sikes discovered a min utes later that all those concerned were on their way to his home for th party of which he and his wife were in complete ignorance and then joined in to make it a pleasing event Judge and Mrs Sikes were married In Broadbrook Ct 40 years ago by Rev Bell and have always lived here Mr Sikes besides being the active judge of the town court has been one of the leading members of the Mapleton grange for many years and has held innumerable posi tions in that organization The even ing was spent in games and music after which refreshments were served 388 Laughs in 40 Minutes THE NERVOUS WRECK With OTTO KRUGER And New York Company Prices 50c $2 50 Rhode Plan to Leave Rutland Today Rutland Jan 2 The Rhode Island Republican senators who have been guests at a local hotel for a number of months as the result c' the diffi culties in the Rhode Island Legisla ture will leave tomorrow for their homes so as to be on hand at the inauguration of the Republican gov ernor on Tuesday Sixteen were re elected during their absence They have been busy with their farewells to the townspeople with whom they have been on friendly terms NEW YORK STOCK RUSH HITS HIGHEST PRICES IN HISTORY (Continued rom irst Page) Th tin chicles should be lighted at 459 Wilmington Del Jan 2 Wilming ton was visited by the first snow storm of the winter today The snow was three inches deep on the level at 8 a Cleveland Jan Cleveland to day was shoveling out from under a blanket of snow that had fallen dur ing the night Traffic was hampered Country roads near the city were al most impassable from drifts OUR WINTER OOTWEAR Will Give Satisfactory Service Overshoes libber Hoota Mkls Wool Stocking All New Vaudeville THURS RL SAT orecast for New England The weather bureau report indi cates for northern and southern New England snow today tomorrow fair not much change in temperature for eastern New York partly cloudy today and tomorrow slightly warm er tomorrow General Conditions and orecast The Atlantic coast disturbance is off the New Jersey coast attended by gales Another disturbance covers the Canadian northwest and pre ssure Is high over New England and the Canadian maritime provinces the Smith Atlantic and East Gulf states and Pacific states and the plateau re gion Difring the last 24 hours rains have occurred in the North Pacific states and the northern parts of the Last Gulf and South Atlantic states and southern New England It has become decidedly warmer over the middle and northern plain states and Saskatchewan and temperatures have risen in the northern part of the mid dle Atlantic and north Atlantic states Elsewhere changes have been unimportant The outlook is for unsettled weather with snow today in New England Elsewhere in the states cast oft the Mississippi river the weather will be generally fair Tempe natures will rise slowly in the middle and north Atlantic states Storm warnings arc displayed on the Atlantic coast from Delaware Breakwater to Eastport Me Winds: North of Sandy Hook strong easterly winds and gales with rain or snow Weather In Springfield The weather yesterday according to the Springfield armory report and in comparison with the corresponding day last year was as follows: STATBCMBlTrtfx WniORGtiRZE AMERICANS ROBBED IN CHINESE HOLDUP Washington Jan 2 The military governor has placed military guards on trains and taken steps to apprehend four or more armed Chinese in the uniforms of the engtien army who held up and robbed passengers aboard a Pekin Tientsin train near Tientsin cn December 30 the state department was advised tocay by Clarence Gauss Amerian consul general in Tientsin ive Americans Locklin Alfred Weitzer Lieuts Gallagher and Lehr of the United States army and Mrs Lehr were included in the foreign passengers robbed on the train dispatch said Entertainers 9 People With the Selected eature WINE The Picture of the Hour SUIELD SURPRISE PARTY IS SURPRISED BONDS ROM RONDOUT ROBBBERY RECOVERED Little Rock Ark Jan United States postal officials recovered here late today $79000 In Liberty bonds stolen from a ijiad train at Rondout Ill last June The bonds were found in a rural free delivery mull box 10 miles west of Little Rock on the Maumelle road after Maj James A itco*ck chief of the Little Rock de tective bureau had received au anonymous telephone call telling him the bonds would be found there Annual Meeting of the Con gregational Parish Of ficers Elected East Longmeadow Jan 2 The an nual supper business meeting and roll call at the Congregational 'church yesterday was unusually well attend ed An excellent roast pork supper vias served moderator numerous given and condition Mrs Lucy ieu members year ter were 78 verbal responses and 57 by letters Tne largest number in ses sion was last Sunday when there were Jo present nie unuay sciiool sent $86 to the Near East reliet ilk pastor in his report said he had officiated at five weddings and eight funerals He had made 478 cans during year ana nas Ibl families identified with the church in some way Charles Collis treasurer reported $3800 had been collected with a bal ance on hand with bills paid of $404 The cradle roll has 43 members and home department 65 members The meeting closed with a discus sion on the needs of a new pipe or gan and remodeling the church so as to have more room The officers CHANEY SUNDAY Scranton Pa Jan 2 Northeastern Pennsylvania was in the grip of a blizzard this morning Railroads were finding it hard to keep trains on schedule and trollys were also being handicapped In Some instances the storm was also interfering with movement of coal trains ourth Gale In Six Days Sweeps 1 Southern England London Jan The fourth gale in six days roared over Southern Eng land all night with predictions the storm would last another day and night Coastwise shipping was in dis tress white the Thames which had just begun to recede was flooded worse than ever with much minor damage to property The flooding ot the Thames sur passed the previous record established in 1903 In places the river was more than three miles wide Telephone lines connecting London with the continent are down and domestic service is badly crippled Departure of troop ships with In dian replacement was postponed as I were most merchant sailings and i channel services LAST CHANCES TO SEE THE WONDER PICTURE PETER PAN MISS IT I gfit Ludlow Caidldates lake Exams Eisold Seavey and Munsing Lead Ludlow Jan 2 Word was received from Washington today that Richard Eisold Clement Seavey and Robert Munsing stood highest in the list of candidates for the office of post master made vacant by the death of Thomas isken last September Eisold conducts a realty business in the village Seavey is treasurer of the Ludlow Brush company and Mun sing is in the farming and dairy business at Ludlow Center The ex amination for the office closed No vember 11 and eight filed applications The others were Wilfred Langevin Arthur I Howe Arthur Thayer Joseph Beaudriault and Perley Meron The office is now temporarily filled by Miss Mary Ross assistant Senator Shea of Holyoke iles Bill in Boston or bidding It rom Our Special Reporter Poston Jan 2 Withdrawal of Sen ator John I' Shea of Holyoke from legislative service is apparently not to diminish his interest in matters of legislation Today he filed with the clerk of the Senate a bill aimed at the practice of employing persons to circulate nomination papers and pledge cards or years in fact since the adoption of the direct primary it has been the practice of office seekers to employ persons to obtain names on nomina tion papers during the last guberna torial campaign Mayor James Cur ley of Boston developed the idea to a further stage by circulating cards pledging the signer to support candidacy The Shea bill provides that person in order to promote his candidacy for public office or that of another shall by the use of a card system or otherwise procure the signed pledges or promises of voters to support such candidacy at the polls or Senator Shea fears that the tre mendous number of pledge cards se cured by Curley reputed to be in ex cess of half a million may had local candidates to resort to the same methods with the result that the Aus tralian Iwillot wall be endangered he said today "that siicli legislation is necessary in order to stop a growing practice that not only become a nuisance to electorate but that contravenes spirit of the Australian ballot "When an individual is asked sign such pledge cards he puts him self on record as to his political faith or opinion and virtually agrees to close his ears to any further argu ment or to consider any possible later developments that might well change i his opinions "ft is obnoxious in that it allows persons of influence to go through factories and mercantile establish ments and offer these pledge cards to arner i witnesses I Dist Atty were light increases on some kinds of Beiond class mall reduce other exist ing second class rates and levy in creases in bctli third and fourth class mall and various special services nuch ns postal Insurance and special tlellvery On second class mfl the in neases would apply only to advertis ing portions ot publications and only then in tho first second and fourth rones In the third and fifth zones existing rates would be continued while decreases would bo effected on the sixth and seventh and elgthh Zones These reductions of present rates were agreed upon it was said in the hope of getting large magazine pub lishers to resume distant ma deliv eries which of recent years have geiio to private express companies Second Class Rates Readjusted Second class mail rates arc entire ly readjusted under the terms of the bill which provides tor a flat rate Of cents a pound on reading matter in all periodicals and abolishes the preferential rate now existing for edu cational and nonprofit publications An increase ot a cent a pound over present rates on advertising content ot papers and magazines is authorized in the first second and fourth postal zones with corresponding reductions in the sixth and seventh zones and a decrease ot two cents in the eighth tone Those terms arc conceded to be a victory for newspapers who opposed the postoftice proposal which would increase reading matter two cents a pound and make a ma teria! increase on advertising in all tones The committee recommenda tion amounts to an average increase of one quarter cent in reading matter which is largely compensated for in the reductions granted on advertis ing in far zones Souvenir Postal Card Rates Raised Private and souvenir postal cards rates are raised to two cenw Double mailing cards are raised te three rents The regular government postal raid remains one cent Additional service charge of two rents a package on all parcel post packages is provided for and slight ly increased rates on all I ackages "'i flvo pounds Third class rates will be left the ame as at present but the limit of eight ounces per piece is lowered to four ounces This is for the purpose if driving a substantial part of the third class into other classifications It was stated speeial delivery anil registry rates postal savings and all other classesf business remain unchanged A new service for parcel packages which it Is estimated will bring in $3000000 In additional rev Ci 'ICS provide more expeditious handling for tich mail matter at a charge of 25 cents per package If 1 per cent of parcel post matter moves in this service the extra revenues probably will run into the millions Jan 1HZ5 Jan 2 924 BIJOU Another Willing to ay It Offit 's Retun Liquor Appeals Ludlow Jan 2 Victor Bellucci Peter Horacek Philip Zoulty Steve I Kogut and Katherine Chlastawa TO BUY WATER WORKS raid victim SETTLES HIS CAS RENCH OER BASIS START OH DEBT IXING (Continued rom irst Page) certain tomorrow's dilpatches would bring all the information desired and give officials here for the first time since the war a concrete proposal from rance for payment of the debts With full possession of the facts Secretary Hughes will transmit them to Secretary Mellon I chairman of the American debt funding commission which alone has the power to decide hether the plan will be acceptable to this country Most officials placed credence in tie report that rance would seek a 90 vear period for liquidating its obliga tion and that an amortization rate of i of 1 per cent would be proposed as the method of cutting down the1aM in nnnual instalments It was calculated float on the basis of the interest rates carried by previously arranged funding settlements the of 1 per cent amortization rate would wipe out the debt in about 80 years Possibly from knowledge imparted to Secretary Mellon by Embassador Jusserand in their previous conversa tions officials accepted reports that rance would ask a 10 year delay in payments as logical It was explained that the treasury computation of 80 years for paying the debt at per cent each year would coincide with tire 90 year proposal reported since the 90 years was supposed to include the 10 year period when no payments were contemplated No Complete Moratorium Reports that rance may be asking for remission of the interest charges over the 10 year period and thus make of it a moratorium in fact were dis counted Most officials conversant with conditions believed that the rench were too well acquainted with the American attitude toward cancel lation of the debt in whole or in part to propose such an arrangement and these officials declared that any plan contemplating remission of any of the obligations was defeated In Congress in advance of its receipt at the cap itol I The debt commission probably will be called together to talk over the proposal as soon as it is received and turned over to the treasury by Secretary Hughes The consensus of opinion appeared to be however that the commission can do little more than talk about the offer at this time Members ot the commission necessa rily have to be guided it was said by evidence of the attitude in Con gress and it was declared that until such evidence is developed the com mission will be unable to proceed far in considering any proposal that goes far afield from the basis established in the settlement with Great Britain rench Offer Tentative (By the Associated Press Paris Jan 2 Minister of inance Clementel has taken the first steps toward negotiations for the funding of the rench debt to the United States according to information given out today by the foreign office It was made plain however that Clemen action was purely unofficial tend ing rather to an exchange of views between his department and the American treasury department than between the two governments The finance suggestions were supposed to have been contained in "a memorandum which was delivered to Embassador Herrick Tuesday night when the latter called on Premier Herriot The memorandum was signed by Clementel Instead of by Her riot who is minister of foreign affairs in addition to being premier thus fix VAUDEVILLE That Cannot lie Excelled THIS CITY HEADLINING' VICTOR 4 other Snrfin Mnnifay ELINOR With John Gilbert and Alleew Prlade Thrill Comedy looked it it and It con tained articles of clothing including corduroy trousers shirt and collars It was offered in evidence Lieut Murphy irst At Scene Cross examined by Atty Ely he said he was in charge of the detective bureau that night and after getting the telephone call he was at the store at 22 Liberty street in nve uiiuum He saw two revolvers lying on the round and was told another was near the stairs One revolver was lying under a window our or five Chinamen were in the front room and about a dozen in back He had the men removed to the hospital three guns were handed him and he left and turned the case over to others in the department He did not notice the condition of the furniture or observe any bullet holes Officer Thomas Murphy handed him one revolver another man another 'and the third was handed him by a man he did not know but he was a white man Officer Arthur Parker who also went to the store said that Lieut Joseph Murphy was there when he got there I'aricer at uieui request opened two automatics and removed the bullets He found one unexploded cartridge In one and eight in another Later at the range in the police station he fired the revolvers to see if there were any more unex ploded cartridges in them and one more was found in each so that there had really been two in one and nine in the other you notice any difference the ejection of the asked Mr Clason looked as though it had Parker was show two shells and identified them as the ones fired by him After he had been in the store an hour a Chinaman picked up three shells from the floor and gave them tn him They were automatic shells There was sugar cane on the floor and it was while the Chinaman was scuffling his foot around the floor that he ran against the shells Parker remained at the store for ah hour at Lieut request to see that nobody got out of the store Officer Thomas Murphy was the next witness He went with Lieut Murphy and Officer Mitchel to the store on the night of the shooting A Chinaman took him by the arm and said that there was something behind the counter and he found a little Chinaman lying on hto back uncon scious and Murphy thought that he was dead Blood was on his shirt front officer took him to Mercy hospital Another Chinaman also took him by the arm and led him to an other wounded and unconscious Chinaman and the witness had him also removed to the hospital Murphy saw a revolver on the floor and turned it over to Lieut Murphy who laid it on the counter The witness later saw two of the defendants at the police station Republicans Have Contest 4 or State Chairman To Meet the 1 5th Boston Jan 2 The Republican i state committee will meet to organize for 1925 26 at the clubhouse ot i thdfl Republican club of Massa chusetts 46 Beacon street at 230 Thursday afternoon the 15th and indications are that there will be keen contests for the chairmanship chairman of the divisL'D and the post of executive secretary A The call for the meeting wt rnt out this afternoon by Willard tlib bard of Dorchester secretary of the committee who will preside at 'Lo meeting until such time as a new chairman is elected to succeed ift ank oss of itchburg The commit tee at present consists of 79 members there being one vacancy that cf a woman member from the 7th Middle sex district or many months an active contest ha'sr toeen going on for the chairrnaq ship of the committee the friends of three men being openly working among the members of the committee The candidates are former Senator rancis Prescott of Grafton William elton of Salem and Mark Duff! of New Bedford The friends (ft all 1 three have been claiming a majority: of the votes but it is probable that when the time for voting comes and! it is apparent that one candidate has a majority of those present the other candidates will step out of the wry Burt clerk Mrs Lucy Coomes Kiisurer cuaiies Collis buuuay school superintendent George Wheeler assistant Henry 8 Ashley auditor King deacon for four years Davis trustee ins property cummuice 8 Champlin church committee Mra Bennett A Wheeler and Mis 8 Champlin music committee ss Mabel Ellis Ida Johnson and Burt Sunday school commit tee Andrew Nelson A Wheeler and Mrs Ashley missionary committee Mrs: A Wheeler re ligious education committee Mrs Davte Baptist Church Annual Meeting The annual business meeting and social of the Baptist church was well attended yesterday New years greetings were exchanged between the Congregational and Baptist churches The following officers were elected: Clerk A Champlin treas urer red Lyman treasurer of Mis Mrs rrea Lyman trus Champlin A Lange and rank Smith chorister Pease organist Miss Dwight assistant Miss $525 Oc is Unanm us Brattleboro Vt Jan The voters of the village of Brattleboro' at a special meeting tonight decided to buy the village water system of the Brat tleboro'' Waterworks company at the ATI zx omion 01 cvn tutco were unanimous and all the business I whose Piaces wl Ji a a a or 1 74 thA nrotec as done in less 1 raided by the on New out of the project was done in less appeared before Trial Justice George Haas tonight at a special sitting of the court and all but Zuolty pleaded not guilty and will appear 1 Wednesday evening Zuolty pleaded I guilty to keeping liquor illegally and was fined $100 Katherine Chlastawa I charged with the same offense was i held in $500 bonds The others were held in $1500 bonds Bellucci who was fined $150 and costs amounting to $30 was willing to pay if the court would return him his liquor This was refused He then appealed At his place the officers found a case of brandy several quarts of gin some whisky wine and ale and had also made previous purchases Much difficulty was experienced in se curing bondsmen for some of the men as several of those who offered them selves had their property in the name of their wives Other cases were Walter Swiatlow ski of East street who pleaded guilty to tan assault his wife and had his case filed He will report weekly to the chief of police for one year Mike Ostrowski charged with resist ing and obstructing an officer and us ing profane language was fined $10 and bonded to keep the peace for one year rank Garrow pleaded guilty to drunkenness and was fined $10 (Continued rom irst ajc) similar sentence after the pair pleaded guilty to the charge at Palmer dis trict court The raid on the place which result ed in the clews believed to uncover the operations of the white slave ring was headed by local department of justice agents working with members of the state constabulary attached to the barracks at Holden Young Girls Auctioned OS It is understood that the ring been operating from Worcester the Woonsocket woman acted as lookout Recently it is said the head quarters have been transferred to this city The gang is said to have operated a chain of amusem*nt places and road houses in this vicinity one of which is said to be located at North Wil braham Young girls are said to have been introduced to these places and auctioned off to the highest bidders rom time to time others have been transferred from hotise to house as they became too well known to the police of the town or section of the city in which they were living The department of justice agents laid low until they were certain that they knew all the members of the inside and with the aid of the state police expect to have the white slave holders in custody within a few hours TRIAL CHINESE IN SHOOTING CASE OVER TO MONDAY (Continued rom irst Page) said he knocked on the door and In each case announced himself as 'oo and oon were their union suits and said they had been in bed since 7 that night Hong re fused to talk Later the three men were taken to Mercy hospital where they were Identified as the gunmen by their alleged victims our Guns ound Resumption of the trial which has been in session all week began yester day morning with testimony by Lieut Murphy who as in charge of the detective bureau on the night of the shooting and took charge of the case Three revolvers were found in or near the store The first was picked up by Lieut Murphy The others were re covered by an unidentified person and by Patrolman Murphy who took the wounded Chinese to the hospital Lieut Murphy said he was handed two iziioilc hv Pntrnlmsn 'Parker Direct examination or was conducted by Asst Charles Clason afford to retuse them is not enough to say that many sign and then vote as they please Such conditions result in a lack of respect for a written pledge and to that extent are subversive of RHODE EXILE AT AN END (Continued rom irst Page) program which the Democrats sought to put through were a constitutional convention a 48 hour working week for women and children In industry complete repeal of the property quali fication and redistricting of the state Senate SHEPHERD PLANS SUIT ON PROBE Chicago Jan Chemists and physicians who examined the exhumed body of William Nelson McCliriTbck21 years old who I died a month ago have decided that I the young man's death was duo to typhoid fever complicated by a sec ondary internal intestinal hemorrhage Coroner Oscar Wolfe announced today after their reports had been submitted to him William Shepherd who with his wife the guardian raised young McClintock and inherited his fortune accepted the findings as a complete 1 vindication of any suspicions the authorities have attached to him and in a statement indicated that he ex pected to bring legal action against those he believes responsible for investigation 'cross examined at great length by Atty Joseph Ely for the defense during which he had several warm al tercations verbally with Dist Atty Charles Wright Court sat until 315 yesterday1 'afternoon Hong Denied Having Been on Liberty Street Lieut Joseph A Murphy was the first witness When asked about knowing some of the Chinese he said i to identify them by name Asked if names meant much to him he admitted that they did not in the case of Chinese He said that the revolver found outside had four cartridges and two empty shells when recovered One of the au tomatics had nine cartridges unex ploded in the magazine and the other automatic had four cartridges In the magazine He said that he was pres ent when Hong was arrested at the hotel the morning after the shooting The lieutenant went to room in the hotel before his arrest and was told by the defendant that he had arrived in the city by train the night before and did not leave the hotel and had not been up to Liberty street lie found a bag in room on the floor near a tame xie over to see what was in brought it to thd station NO PLANK ROAD OR NORTH END BRIDGE LIKELY (Continued rom irst Pagt) a conference over the bridge on SING TO UKULELE AS CREW UNER IGHTS (Continued on Second Page) was gaining headway The storm prevented the Mohawk from anchor ing until the vicinity of Brandywine light about seven miles north of Lewes was reached There with the Mer 1 chants Miners liner Persian the! coast guard cutter Kickapoo and the tugs Mars and Kaleen alongside the Mohawk came to rest in a heavy fog Ship Abandoned and Sunk Passengers in life belts lined decks and finally were removed the Kickapoo and landed on iua vi a slon funds tees A way Mrs Gertrude Ruby Davis ushers Ralph Jenne and Kenneth Smith It was voted to take an every mem ber canvass this year Mrs rank Smith ot Hampden road is chairman of the committee The financial con dition of the church is favorable Al) bills are paid and a balance in the treasury TJCommittee Reports Measurer Reducing li'z Schedule on Second Class i Mail Matter Washington Jan 2 American pub won a sweeping victory today Vwhen the Senate postoffice committee adopted a new postal rate schedule Juharply reducing the "aecommendations for increase on sec end class mail Pew rate bill Including also rr9 visions for a $68000000 salary in crease for postoftice employes was imported to the Senate late this after iloon It was drafted as a compro to meet the storm of opposition raised against the new schedules pro a posed by the postofllce department yhich would have made bWr tho burden of the i ease Administration leaders tho comnromlse postal salary bill which President Coolidge vetoed before the Senate reaches a scheduled vote on it Tues day Rates Effective April 15 'The new rates would become effec tive April 15 and would ebruary' 15 1926 In the meantime Congress would au 'thorize a joint committee to study the rate situation and recomme'id new jiermanent postal schedule The com rnftteo report will be retained to Cbugress during tifvt I lArnmhpr The committee schedule would levy the by the Lewes beach front at 1240 Soon afterward the crew fighting to the last were forced to abandon the ship which later was towed to a nearby beach and allowed to settle after the Kingston valves had been opened to flood the hold checking the flames Some of the passengers jumped overboard and were picked up by the Mars i The passengers were fed and cared for at a local hotel while arrange ments were completed for the special train to convey them to Wilmington According to Arthur 'Pye a Clyde line official 1800 tons of freight and 50 motor cars were lost in the hold of the abandoned ship The ship's two cats and a dog mascot also perished but no injuries occurred among the i nassengers Injuries to the crew were Michigan slight I The storm had completely Isolated Lewes from wire communication with inland points tonight and it could not be learned how badly the Mohawk was damaged ear was expressed by Clyde line officials that the vessel which was built in 1908at a cost of $1000000 would be a total loss cargo was valued at $130000 ii 1 BTH EATER In I KYWfTjl 1 I 1 Ie I JUUA I I i I 1 XteMaaMf Go Getter I wSsSSa VX 1 I XV7HE a TIONS 7 am 2 pm 0 pm 7 ain 2 pm 9 pm 3034 30' 25 3013 30vr3040 3004 Dry 14 10 20 9 14 25 is 19 14 18 10 10 1O 4 0 10 Wind NW NW NW Ex of tern 20 and 12 30 and 14 4.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.