The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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TUB HALX LhAIHIL NOVEMBER 8 1972 Ohidote Heavy Despite Rain Machine Breakdowns By The AsioclateOrew 4K Ohio voters splashed to the polls yester day perhaps In record numbers despite a chill (aln and voting machine problems A judge extended voting hours to 9:30 pm hi Butler County In southwestern Ohio after Democratic officials complained of extensive voting machlnebreakdouns The polls opened at and were supposed to close throughout the state al 6:30 A turnout of 45 million voters was expected The Butler County action was filed by Donald Dalker of Oxford an elector HIS COMPLAINT said eight of nine Coyle voting machines in Oxford precincts were out of order early in the day At that time large numbers of voters many of them students at Miami University voting for the first time were waiting to Secretary of State Ted Brown re fused to Issue an order to extend voting hours and the action was then taken to court The Coyle voting system accepts a punch card on which voters have recorded their votes The computerized cards then go into a computer at Miami University for tabulation IN OTHER AREAS of Butler County a variety of voting machine problems were reported Elections olflcials reported 21 of the registered voters had voted by 10:30 arn Marvin Chernoff director of operations for Sen George McGovern's Ohio head quarters in Cleveland reported improper operation of 11 machines in Butler County and 15 machines in Greene County north of Butler Chernoff said a computer punch sys tem in problem counties was shifting the i vote to the right of each ballot changing the intent of the voter THE 23 congressional scats a full slate of Ohio House scats half the Ohio Senate three Supreme Court justices and a host of lesser offices were on the ballot Voters also decided the fate of a consti tutional convention and one constitutional amendment and many local bond Issues and tax levies Early voting was reported very heavy around Akron and Columbus and heavy in Springfield despite a steady rain Some Co lumbus precincts reported three to five times the normal number of voters during the first 90 minutes after the polls opened SOME AKRON voters markcdallots while waiting their turn at tlurxoting booths A traffic jam occurred at ga alls voting place when a parkingiot overflowed 15 minutes before polls opened Democrats Hold Senate ree irst Nunn even though Nixomcarned the state by a huge margin and despite per sonal appearance in the stM on behalf of Nunn Huddleston thus became the first Democrat to be elected to the Senate from Kentucky In 18 years IN GEORGIA REPUBLICAN US Rep letcher Thompson was beaten by State Rep Sam Nunn even though Nixon carried Georgia by 70 of the presidential vote Georgia was one of the states in which the GOP thought it pick up a Senate seat defeat at the hands of Dick Clark an aide to Democratic Hep John Culver of Iowa was unexpected Clark waged an aggressive campaign and was aided In late stages of the campaign by a newspaper investigation of Miller's spon sorship of a tax bill CLOSE RACE was foreseen He was beaten by 29 year old Joseph II Biden Jr by a razor thin margin Biden came from nowhere to apparently oust Boggs Mrs Smith In the Senate since 1948 was thought to face an easy time of it even though her challenger Rep Wiliam Hatha way is a popular votegetter Spong had been a clear leader over Rep William Scott through most of his Virginia race but Scott closed fast with a TV radio blitz Scott apparently got a ride on Nixon's coattails KIGHT WING REPUBLICAN Jesse Helms was the apparent victor in North Carolina over Rep NIckGalifianakis who defeated incumbent Everett Jordan in the primary Helms a broadcaster has been a critic of Nixon but the President nevertheless visited the state on behalf and in a TV drive he succeeded in linking opponent to George McGovern In Oklahoma former GOP Gov Dew ey Bartlett apparently won over US Rep Ed Edmondson for the seat being va cated by Democratic Sen red Harris Bartlett also succeeded in linking his oppo nent to McGovern forcing Edmondson to taking increasingly conservative positions In North Carolina and Oklahoma the Nixon avalanche helped bury the two Deo cratic Senate aspirants The Republicans picked up another seat in New Mexico where the incumbent Clinton Anderson is retiring A victory by Pete Domenici 40 a lawyer over former State Rep Jack Daniels an in surance man was not unexpected However the Democrats balanced that loss with a victory in South Dakota in the fight for a seat being given up by the ailing Karl Mundt There US Rep James Abourezk survived ho mestate disaster to defeat former State Sen Robert Hlrsch THE GOP AILED in Rhode' Island where former Gov John who quit as secretary of the Navy to make the had been the early favorite to oust incumbent Claiborne Pell Pell won handily despite a visit by Nixon to the state Other incumbent winners on the basis of available returns were: John Sparkman Ala John Mc Clellan Ark Gordon Allott Colo Charles Percy Ill James Pear son Kan: Edward Brooke Mass Waiter Mondale Minn James Eastland Miss: Carl Curtis Neb Clifford Case NY Strom Thurmond SC Howard II Baker Tenn John Tower Tex Jennings Randolph Va Clifford Hansen Wyo Thomas McIntyre NH and Mark Hatfield Orc The Louisiana seat was kept in the Democratic column with the victory of Bennett Johnson Jr for the seat held by the late Allen Ellender IN THE LAST CONGRESS the Senate was divided 55 to 45 in favor of the Demo crats So to gain control the GOP needed only a net pickup of five seats But the numbers were against the Republicans Of the 33 seats up this year 19 were held by Republicans 14 by Democrats Of the 19 GOP seats three in Idaho Ken tucky and South Dakota kere being re linquished by incumbents Either through defeat or retirement five Democratic in cumbents in North Carolina and Okla homa Georgia Louisiana and New Mexico were not running 1 Nixon did little to assist most GOP challengers especially in the South Many incumbent southern Democrats Such as James Eastland of Mississippi had what amounted to tacit administration support HOWEVER IT WAS IN the South that the Republicans who had not enjoyed Sen ate control since 1954 pinned their greatest hopes for Senate gains Twelve of the 13 southern states elected senators yesterday with lorida the only exception In these 12 states eight seats were held by Democrats 0 0 state pcts republican otheps others ALA 41 BLOUNT SPARKMAN IE STONE LELORE 154687 35 277422 63 3202 0 10152 2 ALASKA 0 1 3UESS ARK 41 BAS ITT XCCLELAN IE S3S10 144715 61 COLO 31 ALLOTT I HASKELL SALAZAR 165470 49 167249 50 3995 1 DEL 91 BOGGS I BIDEN MAJKA 104296 50 104610 50 1022 0 CEO 38 135716 40 203514 50 IDA 10 MCCLURE DAVIS STODDARD 15691 55 12596 43 730 2 ILL 40 PERCY IE PUCIKSKI 1026354 55 849342 45 IOWA 39 HILLER I CLARK ROCA? 206345 43 269734 57 4102 46 PEARSON IE TETZLA MILLER 299115 73 93505 22 22480 5 KY 99 HUN't! K'JDDLSTN HARTLEY 480521 48 515625 52 8228 0 5229 0 LA 44 T0LEDV1C LYONS MCKEITHfl 76142 18 222572 55 12605 3 97234 24 YAIHE 23 S'IITH I HATHAWAY 15237 47 17019 53 KASS 25 2R00KE IE DRON'EY 230325 60 156521 40 HIGH 41 GRIIN 1 KELLEY DILLINC KALPERT 757497 51" 718949 49 10928 0 6095 0 HINN 4 f'ONDALE IE 25518 42 35437 52 MISSI 40 CARMICHL EASTLAUD IE WALKER MCKINLEY 82545 37 132582 60 4999 2 2287 1 MONT 12 HIBBARD METCAL 1 25445 44 31266 56 XEBR 40 CURTIS I CARPEKTR 115253 51 111499 49 40 powell ie 34765 46 40655 54 t'JER 53 CASE IE KREBS 909289 55 491 451 34 1 NMEX 51 DOMEHICI DANIELS 145309 55 120519 45 KCAR 39 HELMS CALIHKS 275135 53 243559 47 OKLA 55 BARTLETT EDMONDSK ROACH 339247 54 288665 46 5252 0 ORE 7 HATIELD 1 MORSE 18064 54 15838 46 RI 53 CHAER PELL I 79387 42 106490 58 SOCAR 80 THURMOND IE ZEIGLER 330i 39 63 198032 37 SODAK 17 HIRSCll ABOUREZK 15438 44 19552 56 7 TENN BAKER IE BLANTON I 610013 51 392375 39 TEX 30 TOWER 1 SANDERS AMAYA 539072 56 453952 43 15803 1 VI! 77 SCOTT SPOMG I HENDERSN 541347 52 482497 46 29778 2 WVA 50 LEONARD RANDOLPH IE 122480 32 250554 GS VYO 10 HANSEN IE VINICH 6649 66 3505 34 CI INDICATES INCUMBENT) CE INDICATES ELECTED) '0 fl "iT 7 o' Brooke Thurmond 'A 3 5 1 I 4 4 fl i'V Hatfield Cast 1 17? fey Baker Roll it Bk MH Moore Nixon Takes Pa Strong in Cities PHILADELPHIA (fl President Nixon won 27 electoral votes yes terday cutting deeply into Democratic strongholds in the cities and gaining a larg er than usual margin in the Republican ru ral strongholds It was the first time since 1956 that a GOP presidential nominee had captured the third largest state Then Nixon was the vice president under Dwight Eisenhower With 42 of the precincts count ed Nixon had 57 of the vote to Democrat ic challenger George 42 Nixon's majority did not appear to set the pace for other contests in the state where Democrats outnumber Republicans by 300000 among 58 million registered voters Democratic incumbents for auditor general and state treasurer appeared head ed for reelection in the only statewide races while the party leaders indicated massive ballot splitting would keep them in control of both houses of the state legislature In his two previous presidential races Nixon lost Pennsylvania in 1960 by 112000 to John Kennedy and four years ago to Hubert Humphrey by 169 (XX) Both times Nixon was clobbered in the ci ties especially Philadelphia and Pitts burgh This time Nixon appeared to be making deep inroads in the Democratic strongholds as many blacks stayed home and thou sands of blue collar workers Jews Ital ians Poles and Catholics switched Philadelphia Mayor rank Rizzo a Democrat supported the President About 80 of the registered voters went to the polls They also elected 25 US congress men 25 state senators and 203 state repre sentatives Democrat Wins Ky Senate Race LOUISVILLE Ky (fl Kentucky Democrats elected their first US senator in 16 years yesterday despite a sweep by President Nixon of the nine elector al votes With 91 of 3092 precincts reporting unofficially the presidential tally was 598656 or 64 for Nixon and 330342 or 35 for Democratic Sen George McGovern In the Senate contest the same tally gave 471805 or 51 for Democrat Walter Huddleston and 444299 or 48 for former Republican Gov Louie Nunn The seat is being relinquished by GOP incumbent John Sherman Cooper The lead over McGovern was even higher than expected but so was the ticket splitting with Huddleston 46 an Elizabethtown radio executive and state senator pulling away after votes were counted from traditionally Democratic westerp Kentucky Nunn' who' finished his gubernatorial term last year is a close friend of Presi dent Nixon who made a brief appearance for him in Kentucky a few weeks ago SAIGON (fl The Viet Cong radio an npunced today that eight South Vietnamese prisoners of war have been released in th Mekong Delta They had been held prisoner since last April the broadcast said Democratic Control of House Looks Safe! By Robert Havel Plain Dealer Washington Bureau With an unprecedented display of ticket splitting the voters kept Demo in control of the US Houseyesterday With about two thirds of the 435 House races tallied the Republicans showed a net gain of nine scats a pace that would leave them far short of the 41 gain they would need to take over the reins of the House Late last night GOP strategists ac knowledged that they had no hope of capturing control as key districts where they thought they had good chances to oust Democratic incumbents continued in the Democratic column Even before the elec and in the face of the projected NLxon Democrats foresaw a net loss of 15 seats at worst while Republicans hoped for a gain of 25 at best ONLY I THE MARGIN of President victory reached historic propor tions of 65 of the vote did the latter fore see a chance of seating a majority of at least 218 Republicans in the House in the next Congress The present lineup is 255 Democrats 177 Republicans and three vacancies One early Incumbent casualty was Rep Andrew Jacobs Ind who was seek ing his fifth term His defeat however was not unexpected He was beaten by William II Hudnut 111 a Presbyterian minister Redistricting which created 16 newly ap portioned seats was reportedly a major reason for downfall: REPUBLICAN GAINS could largely be attributed to redistricting in accord with the 1970 census New seats in suburbs along with the drawing of boundaries by Republican controlled legislatures gave Republicans an advantage over Democrats who generally represent big cities Even before the voting the House could be certain of a massive membership turnover Sixty members had retired died or been defeated in primaries Three Ohioans with long congressional service records are among the retirees: William McCulloch 4 Piqua Jackson Betts 8 indlay and rank Bow 16 Canton HI ra xit art The number does not include Majority Leader Hale Boggs of Loiisiana and Rep Nick Begich Alaska who disappeared Oct 16 aboard an airplane in Alaskan THE MAKEUP THE HOlISEas further changed because in several dis i incumbents of each party were thrown into a newly drawn one and had to compete against each other Not since President Eisenhower won in 1952 have the Republicans controlled Con gress They lost control in 1954 and have been in the minority since then Pointing to the nebulous nature of coattails congres sional strategists pointed out that even when Eisenhower won re election ih 1956 with 56 of the popular vote the GOP ac tually lost two House seats Some disgruntled Republican grum bled about the lack of help forthcoming to them from the White House Nixon largely followed a nonpartisan approach in what little campaigning lie did seeming more interested some Republican contended in rolling up a historic majority for himself' than in electing a GOP Congress THE UND RAISING efforts of the Nixon re election committee skimmOd'off funds that ordinarily would have "found their way into congressional campaigns GOP money men complained Going into the election Democrats liad: another edge in their bid to retain House control Thirty six had no opposition another nine faced only minor On the other hand only seven Republicans were unopposed and only one faced minor opposition Winners of US House Races $3 A Italian Duke Dies ROME (fl Prince Virginio ilippo Orsini Duke of Gravina and member of one of the most ancient and noble families of papal Rome died of a heart attack Mon day He was 80 Orsini fought in World War 1 and in the Spanish civil war on Gen VERMONT REPUBLICAN Richard Mallory WASHINGTON DEMOCRATS 'OYd Hicks VA DEMOCRATS Robert Mollohan Harley 0 Staggers John Slock WISCONSIN DEMOCRATS Clement Zabiockl Henry 6 REPUBLICANS William A Steiger 'It OUL WEATHER Dressed against the weather Marcelino Mendes passes out election circulars outside Rosedale 1 Elementary School 1393 '115th'3 Stroct Plain Deoier Photo (Karl' Rouschltolb) WASHINGTON (fl Unofficial returns show the following have been elected to the House of Representatives in the 93d Con gress: rfpiim irAN5 'ock a5BoMA Robert Jones Waller lowers Scwart B' Mlnnev DEMOCRATS Ella Grosso Robert Lonies Don uoua Charles S9T Gibbom James Holev oul Rogers iliam Lehman Claude Peooer Bill Young Lou? rey Jr A Barons nl John Davis PlerrduPoM IV ih Ralph HMetcolfe Maroon Murphy John Kucrvn5kT Dan Rojtenkowikl Melvin Price pntiin Horad Comer Philip Crone Leihe Arends Poul indlev J' John Brademos Lee HMiiSErU BnLLCAN5rET' Londorebe Elwood Hudnut I H' Zl0n' DoVltl W' ner LorrV Jr" er Gene Snyder Tim Lee Carter Gilbert Lowrence Hosan Long Pou! Sarbone Goodloe Byron Porren Mitchell Massachusetts Neill Norbert Macdonald Thomas O' MICHIGAN Conyers Jr William ord Edward Hutchinson Guv Vander Jadt REPUBLICANS AlbertQult Jh Karth Donald raser jonn a BioTniK Misslsslool DEMOCRATS David Bowen Leaner Sullivan Richard Bolling Wiillom Hungate Montana DEMOCRATS John Melcher New hom*oshlre REPUBLICANS James Cleveland New tersev RPUBLICANS Charles Sandman Jr Peter HB fhew J9 PUlnni3o B' orsvhe Wldnoll Mot DEMOCRATS Robert A Roe Peter Rodino Jr Joseph Mlnlsh NEW VORK DEMOCRAT Beniamin Rosenthal James Delaney Mor Bloaol rank Brosco Joseph Addabho Bertram Podell John Rooney EIHabelh Holliman Charles Ranpel Bello 5 Abiuo Herman Badillo Jams Hanley John Murphy Edward I Koch Otis Pike Shirley Chisholm REPUBLICAN Norman Lent Howard Robison Carleton Kino Robert McEwen rank Horton Barber Conoble Jr Jock Kemp James Hastings Henry Smith NORTH CAROLINA DEMOCRATS Walter Jones ountain Richardson Prever Roy A Taylor OKLAHOMA DEMOCRATS James Jones Clem McSoadden Corl Albert Tom Steed John Jarman REPUBLICANS John Happy Camo OREGON DEMOCRATS Al Ullman REPUBLICANS Wendell Wvaft PENNSYLVANIA DEMOCRATS William A Barrett Robert Nl WHI'am Green Joshua 6 libera Gus Yolron Daniel lood William Moorhead red Rooney Joseph Gavdos John Dent Joseph Vloorlto REPUBLICANS John Wore Lnwrenre Willlnms Ed ward Blaster Jr Joseph McDade John Soeor tdwln 0 Eshiemon Herman Schnecbcll John Helm Hl Georot A Goodhno Shuster CAROLINA Mendel Davis Brynn Dorn James Monn Tom Gettys REPUBLICANS loyd Spence Edward Young DAKOTA DEMOCRATS rank Denholm TENN DEMOCRATS Joe Evins Richord ulton Ed Jones REPUBLICANS Jamei Quillen John Duncan LaMat Baker Robin Beard wk ww 'X A vM i 1 flkj Md I l's 'a 1 MV rancisco ranco's side as a pilot REPUBLICANS JamelColllns I at.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.