The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

i THE BOSTON DAILY GLOBE MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1947 Financial Eleven DEATH NOTICES Deaths and Funerals Brockton Widow Dies, YOUR EATON In West Somcrvllle, Jan. 25, 1047. C.rara E. Eaton. Funeral service Coming Treasury Operations Viewed DEATH NOTICES LAPHAM In Rockland, suddenly.

January 23. Rose M. Lapharn of 82 Vernon in her 80th year, Funeral services the Hlce Funeral Home, 1.1 Webster Rockland, Monday at 2 p. m. Interment In Mount Vernon Cemetery, Ahington.

Man Overcome by Gas from the home of her brother, wtnred II Itmaer. 14.1 Colliue Wednesday afternoon. Jan. 29 at 2:30 o'clock. Rela tive and friend are resoectiuuy in- S.ll,l Miin.ltnr VmIh fhlllttr.

O. BROCKTON. Jan. 2(5--Mrs. Mary Podzunas.

67, of 29 Arthur died No. 10. Intrrmenl in Walnut Hill MniDEllMOTT In Newtonville. Friday from accidental gas poisomtiK this the 24th. Michael husband of the late Winifred M.

Hammer. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from nis nome. 14 Clarendon on Tuesday morning al 8 o'clock Solemn Hcouicm Mass in the Church of Our Lad at 9. Interment. Cavalry.

Waltham. Member of Cemetery, Brookllne. CWERTS In Qulncy. Jan. 25.

Orace N. Maker), -wife of Axel F. Ewerts. Relative and friend are Invited to attend the service at her late residence, bfl Merrymount road. Qulncy.

Tuesday. Jan. 28. at 8 o'clock. Interment at Provlneetown Cemetery, Provincetown.

at 3 o'clock. GONDHEAU In East Boston. Jan. 28. Mary M.

(Deveau). beloved wile irt John C. flondreau. residence 208 hel -hcb at. HeposniK at the Klrhy Funeral 15 Bennington until a.

is lliuh Kins the Holy Name Society and Charter Member of Middlesex Court No. UO. Thomas Hunt Was Law Partner of Sen. Saltonslall's Father Thomas Hunt. 80.

of Boston and Swampscott, former law partner of the late Richard M. Saltonstall. father of Senator Leverett Saltonstall, died st his home, 44 Mt. Vernon Beacon Hill, yesterday. Born in New Orleans, the son of Carleton and Georgine (Cammack) Hunt, he was graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy and received his A.B.

degree in 1887 after studying at Harvard and abroad. After receiving his LL.B. and A.M. de- m. c.

u. r. MACDONALD Suddenly in Necdham. Jan. 2li, Everett husband of Elizabeth P.

Macdonald. of 107 Wachusett road. Funeral services at the First Baptist Church, Great Plain av. and Warren Needham, on Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 2 p.

m. Friends may call at the Waterman Chapel, 495 Commonwealth, Boston, until Tuesday noon. al Kacred 'Heart Church at 0 morning and her brother-in-law, Alex Stazkowski, 63. of 15 Beacon is in a critical condition at Brockton Hospital. Mrs.

Podzunas' daughter, Mrs. Anna Fuller, 143 Ames discovered the pair overcome by gas when she stopped at her mother's cottage home about 10 this morning while on the way to church. Her mother was dead, lying face down across a bed. Stazkowski was seated in a chair in another room and was unconscious. Dr.

Peirce II. Lenvitt, medical examiner, said Mrs. Podzunas' dCHth was accidental asphyxiation. He said a gas stove jot was partly open. Mrs.

Podzunas was a widow. o'clYick. Relatives and friend are re spectfully Invited to attend, i csomerville. Jan. 25.

Mar Ex-Sen. M. A. Coolidge Many Notables Attend Funeral at Fitchburg FITCHBURG, Jan. 26 A capacity congregation of men and women from many walks of life as well as national, state and local dignitaries attended funeral services this afternoon at First Parish (Unitarian-Universalist) Church for former United States Senator Marcus A.

Coolidge, 81, of 164 Blossom who died Thursday at Miami Beach, Fla. Rev. Gilbert A. Potter, minister, officiated. Among the attendants were former United States Senator David I.

Walsh, Congressman Philip J. Phil-bin of Clinton, former Lt. Gov. Francis E. Kelly of Boston, Mayor Alfred Woollacott, City Council President Peter J.

Levanti. former Mayors M. Fred O'Connell, Frank H. "ss, Joseph H. Delaney and Robert fc.

Greenwood, all of this city; Bernard M. Doyle of Leominster and Patrick H. Duane of Waltham. State Senator George W. Stanton, Register of Deeds Bernard T.

Moynihan, Stephen V. Duffy, chairman of the garet GrifTln of 8.1 Merriam dauKh-ter of Richard and the late Anna, (Ma- MAHAN In Newton. Saturday, Jan. 25, Ioney) tirltnn; sirncr ot ciaire. Grlllin.

and Brother Ralph, C. lTimoral from(2 Benton road. Tue- wuuam son oi ine late jonn J. Mahan and Margaret A. Cavanaugh.

Rclutivcs and friends are respectfully DEATH NOTICES feAfil.EY In fcavt BoMon, Jan. 2S. Henry ieloved on at the late and fcreti Barley 'nee Storey Kuneiul 1m, the Trennni Mrmoi'Ml. 720 i TiifM- Jul) 2H. al IS a.

Beuuiem II mh at the Star of the e-e Church a in. Helatlve mid liipnrts hit kindly invited to attend. PA.NKS in BovUm. Jan. 2.

Emma O. ldnw i AHird tl, Bunks, ime f3 iram Services at the Allen uneral Jiome. 4 Dudl-y Medford. on Tuesday, Jan UH. at 2 u.

m. Relatives and i lend invited EFHTSCH In B0M011. January 2fl. Katherlne HertM-h. in hrr M4th year fil-iieint service at Ilie Waterman Chapel.

W'aMimKian ox bury ml 7uriv Juiiuniv 2H. at 2 in. Bela-tive and fi lends me invited. IM.rkN In Muslim. Jan 2rt.

Mary llr) widow of Randolph Bluen. rcM elence Chelsea t. Heposinar at 1he Kiror Funeral 15 UennlnKtnn lintil Tuesday at 8: IS a. rn. Requiem Kiah Mum al St John the Baptist Church at o'clock Relatives and fi lends are respectfully invited to attend t-IA'MENTHAL In Newton, Jan.

L'S. Herman, husband of Marion Graves Blunienthal, of 9 Hlpley t. Funeral erviee at the Eastman Kuneral Home. hf0 Beacon at Boston. Tuesday, Jan.

8 12.30 p. in. rrKriATTI In CheUtea. January 2. Koler1 A beloved husband of Mary iLuupn itorkatti.

Kuneral from hi Ijle home. Washington on Tuesday moriunc at 8 a. followed by a solemn funeral Mag of Requiem at Our Lady of lirace Church at 9 ociock. Relative and friends arc kindly invited to attend. riiKM.IN In Veteran' Hospital, West ftoxnuiy.

formerly Chai lestown. ianfc II. BieMin. son of the late Thiimm and Surah iHiecni llreslln. Kuneral tmn the ieMrt-nre of bin sister, Mrs.

A Sratilon. 24 Putnam road, Smnervilie. Tuesday at 8:1.1. Solemn H)Kh Mass at J'nlycarp'g Church at Relatives and friends respectfully invited Late member of Hunker Hill I'Oft 2fi, A L. and Boston Lodlle of fclka.

No. 10. In Mattapnn. Jan. 211.

Margaret MacIonaid, beloved wife of Michael Jorne and mother of Mrs. William R. Kleminu of Milton and Mm. Arthur F. Murphy of MattHpan, Funeral fiom the residence.

2.ri8 Manchester Wed-r edy mornlna. Jan. 211. at 8. Heuuiem Mass in SI (irricory'B Church at 0 oilofk Relatives and friends Invited.

day at 8 a. m. Requiem High Mas at Inviled to attend the funeral lrom his St, Joseph Church at m. Jteia-lives and friends invited. rERMANO In Hyde Park.

Jan. 25. James t.1 umi 1 rm A mos heloverl KOI) Of home, 109 Adams on Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock. Requiem High Mass in the Church of Our Lady at 9. Interment.

Calvary, Waltham, Member of the Holy Name Society. .1 anil Marv inee McLaugh lin I Ferman'o. Funeral service at the as Deflationary Judging from the new budget estimates, operations of the Treasury in coming months are likely to have a mild deflationary effect upon the national economy, says Bernard T. Krevert, editor. Standard Poor Trade Service.

Continuing, he nays: This will represent the first time since the 1020's that the money supply will undergo contraction through management of the public debt. For proper perspective, it is nec-egsary to review briefly the major cycles in government finance starting with That year marked the beginning of an Inflationary spice that is just showing signs of coming to a halt. Borrowing operations, undertaken first to combat the depression and then to finance the war, boosted the public debt from $16,000,000,000 to approximately $280,000,000,000 in the early part of 1946. New deposits created through the sale of securities to commercial banks quadrupled the nation's money supply. The second phase started in the early part of 1946, when the Treasury used the huge working balance accumulated in the Victory Loan drive to retire maturing obligations held largely by the banks.

This prouram. which reduced the public debt to $259,000,000,000. was more or less anti-inflationary in its effects, with the accompanying contraction in deposits confined to government deposits. This phase is virtually over. The coming phase promises to bring about, by means of certain shifts in the composition of the debt, a reduction in private deposits.

Hence, it is to be viewed as deflationary. residence of hi parent. 807 Hyde J'arK Tuesday morning, at 10. Relative MALLOY In Forest Hills. Jan.

24, James beloved husband of Dorothy E. Blcknell Malloy. residence 48 Wood-lawn st. Funeral from the Brady Fu and friends invited. FERRY In Milton, Jan, 25, Heman.

ih lai Katherlne M. (Len- if 4 A '4 in neral Home, in lower orest Bins, Tuesday morning. Jan. 28. at 8.

Requiem Mas in St. Andrew' the non) Ferry, Age 76 year. Funeral aervlee at residence. 125 Robbin Tuesday, al 2 p. m.

Relatives and Anostle Church at 8 o'clock. Relative and friend Invited. Lale member Dis Income Tax Gifts to Her Relatives Can't Be Deducted Q. I am working and have an unmarried slsler and two married daughters. To the sister, through ISMfi, I gave $50 and to daughter with one child I gave $(i0 To tho other daughter, with four children, I guve $300.

I look upon these as charitable contributions and they are the only ones I make. Can this amount be deducted? J. Hyde Park. A. Contributions may be deducted on your return only when they are made to an organized, recognized charity.

Gifts such as you mention are to individuals and are personal affairs; they are not allowable as deductions. Horry, but we can ofTrr no relief to you. Q. I have an income of $2100 for Please tell me if I may claim as a dependent for the full year my mother, who died Jan. 10, 1 940.

Are her medical and funeral expenses, approximately $500, deductible? As a public health nurse my own car, which 1 replaced with a new car in 194 am I entitled to any deduction for Karage bills, etc'? Little Compton, R. I. A. You may claim -our mother as a dependent on your return, even though she lived only until Jan. 10.

Funeral expenses are not allowable and arc not to be used in computing your medical deduction. KrgartlinR deduction for use of your car, it ran be said generally that If the car is required in your employment you may deduct the operating- expenses in the same proportion as your business use is to the total use. Thus If i0 percent of the car's use is required for business purposes, then percent of the total expense would be allowable. However, If you are reimbursed for any portion of this amount by your employer, such reimbursem*nt must be reported in your gross income. friends invited to attend.

FROST Formerly of Arlington. Jan, 24. UcIai-i wirlow of Fffrderif O. Frost. abled American Veterans, Jamaica Plain Post 78.

Visiting hours, 2 to 10 p. m. MARRAMA In South Tewkshury. Jan. at the Hartwell Chapel.

792 Fitchburg Democratic City Com- 25, Albert, beloved husband of Con-cetta (Fazio) Marrama. Funeral from Mass. Arlington, Monday, Jan. 27. at 2:30 p.

m. At VIM In Jamaica Plain. Jan. 28. hla late residence, Whitman road, Tuesday, Jan.

28, at a. m. High Mbh of Rroiiipin at St. Mary's Church at 10 a. m.

Relatives and friend in suddenly, Thoma beloved wife of Calhrlne Oalvm (nee Norton), residence 29 Child t. Funeral from the viled. I. E. Murray Funeral Home, 64 Hox-hnrv st Rmfburv.

Wednesday. Jan MAYHEW In Everett. Jan. 2fl. Henry beloved husband of Mary Mayhew (nee Moore), formerly of 52 Rook Val 9U al O-IS Hrilsmn Reutiiem Hluh Jamaica Plain Man Fails in Suicide Try Hurled from the wheels when struck by a Boston Elevated train at Dudley st.

station, Charles A. 67, of 19 Ifllcy road, Jamaica Plain, failed yesterday afternoon in what police said was an attempted suicide. Al City Hospital it was found he had multiple abrasions of the forehead, hands, knees and lcjjs and a possible head injury. Police said O'Connor leaped directly in the path of a southbound (rain. His bodp was hurled lo the side, between the train and the platform, escaping the wheels by Inches, police reported.

Autopsy on Capone Refused by Family MIAMI BEACH. Jam 2G (UP) Al Capone's body lay in state Mas at Thomas' Church at 10 o'clock. Relative and friend- moat ley av. uneral trom ine jonn r. warn Home.

772 nrnadwav. Tuesday. kindly Inviled Late mem her Boston Jan, 28, at 8 a. m. Solemn High Mass at the Immaculate Conception Church Carmen' union.

Local .189. and St. at fi a Relatives and fi lends in Thomas' Holy Name Society. Clolng vlted to attend. Visiting hours 2 to hour.

10 p. m. 10 p. mmee, ana city oiiiciuis. Delegations attending represented Democratic slate and city committees, Fay and Oak Hill Country Clubs, National Safety Fund.

Fitchburg Savings and Fitchbur Cooperative Banks and Cushine Academy of Ashburnham, of which Mr. Coolidge was president. Honorary bearers were John M. McPhce, Mr. Doyle.

Judge Ralph W. Robbins of Ixiominstcr, Arnold C. Dickinson of Lunenburg, former Mayor Foss and Edwin Smith. Active bearers were N. Gordon Hughes and Donald F.

Carpenter, sons-in-law of Mr. Coolidge; Bigc-low Crocker, Charles Bent. Clarence P. Quimby and Gardner S. Gould.

The body was placed in the mausoleum at Forest Hills Cemetery. visitins Iiiiuii .1 and 7 10 p. m. CAMPPKl L- In OoK heMer. Jan.

24. Marsaiet Campbell. sister of Mrs. Hnbert MarAuley of 23 Ml. Ida load, runeral setviies at the Waterman McRIRNEY In Roxbury, Jan.

25, Ellen GARDINER In Jamaica Main, Jan. 20, Hugh beloved husbund of Elizn-beth (nillispie) Gardiner. Funeral from beloved wife of the lale James ruc-Ilirney (nee Funeral from her lale home, 18 Atherton on Tueadav at. 8am Solemn High his late residence. 1H Anson Wednesday.

Jan. 29. at 8 a. m. Requiem OmiM-1, Washtnuton Hoxhury, ot Monday.

Jan 27, at 2 p. m. He)' High Muss at St. Thoma Aquina lunch, at 0. Relative and friend In tises and frientis invited.

PCni 1 In iMnn.ln .1 'tU Mass of Hequiem In SI. Mary of (lie Angel Church at a. m. Relative vited. OOI.DRICK In Brookline.

January 25 Muhael beloved husbami of Jllen and friend kindly Inviled. iJite member of Daniel A. Cronin Court. 271, M. C.

O. F. Mcr-anTHV In Boston. Jan. 21.

by acci 1 Carroll inee Mirai. runcral from his late residence. 1(1 Kduc Hill Kate (Crowley), wife of the late John tioldrlck. Ftineral from her residence. 5 Irving on Tuesday.

January 28. Wednesday, Jan 29. at 8:15 a m. Sol emn Hetiuiem Hmh Mass at Church of the Hlessed fSacrament at 0 o'llcak. at 8:15 a.

with Solemn High Mas of Requiem in SI. Mary of the As dent, Francis, beloved husliiind of Marlon (Hood I McCarthy of 701 E. 2d South Boston. Funeral from 11. Graham Son Funeral Home.

15 f'hnri-h st Canton. Tuesday, at 8:15. Ilelaties and friends most kindly Invited, Ijite member of St. Lawrence sumption Church at u. Helatlve and friend are Invited.

Interment, fet. Joseph tonight but only for the view of his immediate family and the Court. No, 61. M. C.

O. F. Kindly omit flowers CHAMBERS In TJnrrhexter. Januarv 2ft. High Mass of Requiem at SI.

John's Church at 9. Helulive ano menus invited Visiting hour Monday. 2 lo 5 RoKer. husband of the bile Hannah V. GOVERNOR In Roxbury.

Jan. 25 Charles beloved husband of Margaret A. (Peterson) Governor. Funeral from the William J. Mahoney A Co.

Funeral Home. 589 Dudley at. (opp. Howard dead gangland czar's relatives refused to permit an autopsy while they planned simple funeral exercises in Miami. Dr.

Kenneth Phillips, who attended Capone. said today he had requested permission for an autopsy. namnerg or l.ll Dorchester avenue. Reouiem Mass at Ail Saints' Church, Pealxxly Ashmnnt, on Wvlneday. January 2H.

1 in. Relative unci friend are Invited. CHANDLER-At Marhlehead. Jan. 2-Mary I' widow of K'rank A Chandler, ki ear ff Funetal service from teoitfti NicIioIm A Snti KunerMl llomi.

av.i, weoncHcinv. jnn. at m. Hmh Mas of Requiem In St. Patrick' Church at o'clock.

Relative and friend invited. Visiting houra 2 4. 7 10, GRAHAM In Boston, the 25lh. Mary, daimhter of Hie lale nine and Mar and 7 to 9:30. Late member of Brotherhood of Trainmen.

Ixical 97. MeDONOUGH In Dorchester. Jan. 25. Fdna (Nachmann).

beloved wile of Richard F. McDonough. Funeral from her late home. 17 Fuller st Tuesday at 8:15 Solemn High Funeral Mas at St, Gregory's Church ot 9. Relative and friends kindly invited.

McNELIJS In Dorchester. Jan. 25. Bernard on of the lale Bernard and Elizabeth Hunley McNeills. Funeral from hi residence.

177 Harvard on Tuesday morning at 8:15 o'clock, hv a Reouiem Mas in St. 45 Tleasant st Marblehead. on Mmi- especially ot the brain, "for the benefit of science and its possible garet Graham (nee Residence 258 Marlhorouuh st. Funeral from Ihe ear at -j p. Crosby Memorial, 876 Beacon St.

(near CHRISTIAN In Qulncy. Jan 2B. Law benefit to future medical history. Mrs. F.

Burke Roche NEW YORK. Jan. 36 (AP) Mrs. Frances Burke Roche. former wife of the late James Boothby Burke Roche, third baron of Fer-moy, and one-time international socialite, died today.

Mrs. Roche was the daughter of Frank Work, a New York banker who left $14,000,000 in 1911. In 1880 she married Roche, an Irish nationalist who had been a blockade runner during the Russo-Japanese War. In 1891 she was divorced. In 1905 she secretly married Aurcl Batonyi, a Hungarian riding master, only to divorce him a few years later.

Mrs. Roche maintained a home in Newport, R. I. -iir. urivei.

on luesuay morning at 8:15 o'clock, followed by a Requiem THOMAS HUNT from Harvard Law School in 1890. he started his legal career in Boston. From 1898 until his retirement in 1941 he was connected with the law firm of Gaston, Snow Saltonstall, at first in association and later as a partner. He had an active practice, including the famous Willett-Sears case, where he appeared as defense counsel. An Episcopalian, lie was for many years treasurer of the Episcopal City Mission and secretary of the trustees of donations to the Protestant Episcopal Church.

He was a member of the Somerset, Union and Harvard Clubs of Boston and the University Club of New York. During the Summer he resided at Swampscott. Mr. Hunt's paternal grandfather, Dr. Thomas Hunt, was one of the founders of the medical school, Tulane University; one grandimcle, William Hunt, was Secretary of the Navy and later Ambassador to Russia; another, Randall Hunt, was a member of the United States Senate, and his paternal grandmother was the daughter of Henry Carleton, Louisiana Supreme Court justice.

He leaves a son. Carleton of Cambridge; two brothers, Robert of Cambridge, and Dr. Edward L. of New York city, Bnd two grandchildren. His Lite wife was the former Carrie Speiden of New York.

Funeral services will be tomorrow at in St, Paul's Cathedral. rence Musi. unit or Hanna (Shawl Christian of 10 Homer st Helatlve and "The family, however, objected to Mas in St. Church at 9 fi lends are inv ited to attend the service Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives ociock.

Heiative and friends are Invited. Interment New Calvary Cemetery, Visiting hours 2-5 and 7-10 p. in. GRANSKY In Ttostnn. Jan 90.

Domtclla and friends are Invited. Interment bl. Joseph's. Veteran of World War I. MFEHAN In Brighton, suddenly, Jan, 25 Mary E.

(Sokolskl) Median, wife of George H. Meehan of 49 Falklund sister of Mr. Julia Bayster. Nellie Mrs Katherlne V. Barton.

of 37 Cooper beloved wife of the at the Iiewnre nrothern Memorial Chapel S7fl Hancoi Wollaslon, Tuesday, Jan. 28. at 2 p. m. Friend may visit at funeral home afternoon and eveninii, CHOW LEY In Hrookhne.

Jan. 2fi. Timothy, beloved hushand of the late Marv Crowley 1 nee la-onardi. formerly of 12( Hmh Chai lestown. Kuneral from the Cenme J.

Iaicy Funeral Home. ll'flHaivaid Hiookline. Wednesday morninii at 8.10. followed by Solemn HiKh M.iss of Requiem at St. Harry E.

Bailey Harry K. Bailey, 80, of 180 Commonwealth Back Bay, and Rye Beach, N. organizer and president of the Bailey and Weston Company, shade manufacturers, died yesterday. A native of Woodstock, he was educated in public schools here. He joined Cushman Brothers Company, shade roller manufacturers in 1885, and five years later organized his own firm.

Mr. Bailey was a member of Ilie Algonquin Club of Boston; the Abe-waqui Golf Club of Rye, N. and the Oldtown Country Club of New-buryport. Week's Boston Stocks Net late josepn liranskv. funeral from the Zaletska Funeral Home.

5(14 East Broadway. South Boston. Thursday, at 8 a. m. Solemn Hluh Muss of Reouiem Thoma W.

and Francis Sokolskl. Fu Treasury Has Cash Surplus In appraising the possibilities in (his direction it should be borne in mind that the government's bookkeeping budget differs from its cash budget. Thus, even though a budgetary deficit of $2,293,000,000 is forecast for the fiscal year endinij June 30. 1947. the Treasury in recent months has had an excess of cash intake over cash outflow.

The same will hold true in the 1948 fiscal term. Indeed, if Social Security taxes were counted as revenue and repayable loans were capitalized (instead of being considered a cash expenditure), the surplus cf $202,000,000 forecast for next year would be raised substantially. Since the government merely issues its own securities against the receipts of the Social Security and other trust funds, it has, in effect, these additional cash balances with which to work. Heretofore, these transactions have been obscured by the huge volume of deficit financing. But now that the budget is almost in balance, the effects will become more apparent.

A logical use of the Social Security and other funds will be for the retirement of part of the maturing marketable debt held by the general public, but particularly by the banks. In other words, money taken from individuals and corporations for Social Security, will be employed to extinguish bank credit, thus reversing the wartime process. The progress made in this direction is likely to be of comparatively small proportions, but is significant in that it will be the first time in many years that the government has not pumped funds into the nation's income stream. at St, Peter's (Lithuanian) Church at ciock. iiciativej and friend invited.

HAECKEL Fred, horn Jnlv 11 1ont Ir, Mary of the Assumption Church at 8 East Cambridge, died at Walter H. Albert Robinson BELMONT, Jan. 25-H. Albert Robinson. 71, of 23 Selwyn road, for nearly 50 years' a manager for the neral from the Daniel linen funeral Home.

907 Mas, Cambridge. Tuesday at 8 a. m. Requiem High Mass at St. Columhkille's Church at 9 a.

m. Relatives and friends invited. MITCHELL In Brookllne. Jan. 25, Ida M.

Mitchell. Funeral services at her late residence. 31 Osborne road. Brookllne, on Tuesday, Jan, 28. at 2 p.

in. Kcla- live and friends Invited. MORGAN (Chamberlain) In Wollaston, Jan. 20. Myrna E.

(Chamberlain), wile of Edward J. Morgan, 1 Ellington road. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the service at the Deware Bros. Memonul Chapel. 678 Hanco*ck Wollaston, Wednesday.

Jan. 29, at 1 :30 p. m. Friends may visit at funeral home afternoons and evenings. John Hanco*ck Mutual Life Insur ance Company, died today.

He lived in Somerville many years. He was a member of the Boston r- rernaid state School, Waverley. on Jan 25. 1947. Relatives please contact the school.

Tel. Waltham 3(100, HAYES In this city. January 2.1. John 3 husband of Gertrude (Gllmun) Hayes, of 815 Tremont formerly of East Boston. Funeral from Mulry Funeral Home.

King at. at Dorchester Dor-cheater. Tuesday at 8 a. m. Requiem Mass at Holy Cross Cathedral af 9 o'clock.

Relative and friends invited. HENDERSON In South Medford. Jan. 28. Alexander John Henderson.

Service at his home. 407 Main Wednesday. Jan. 28. at 2 p.

m. Relatives and friends invited. HENRY In Hudson. Jan. 24.

Roeanna wife of the late Frederick Henry. Funeral from the home of her ion, Walter T. Henry. 2 Nabatan Norwood, Tuesday. Jan.

28. at 8 a. m. Solemn High Mas of Requiem at St. Catherine' Church at a a.

m. Relatives and frienda invltfd City Club and Soley Lodge, MORSE In Reading, Jan. 26. Mrs. Mar A.

F. A. M. He leaves a daugh ter, Eleanor, of Cambridge. Funeral services will be held nt James M.

Evers James M. Evers, 34, of 17 Tremont Charlestown, a longshoreman and World War II veteran. garet Annie irmnrn iviursv. years, wife of Minot W. Morse of East Candia.

N. H. Service at the Congregational Church in North Reading, Tuesday, Jan. 28. at 2 p.

m. Friend and relative may call at the Edgerley and Bessom Funeral Home, 743 Main Reading, Sunday afternoon 2-4 and evening 7-8. Monday evening 7-9. the E. Long Memorial Chapel, North Cambridge, tomorrow at 2:30.

Burial will be in Oak Grove Ceme tnis procedure. Dr. Phillips said. He said it has been decided services will be held in Miami. The actual dale, time and place had not yet been fixed, Dr.

Phillips said. Port of Boston Arrived Yeslrrduy nouiilss Vlrtory. Pacific const ports. Via New York and Philadelphia, due ked Commonwealth I'ler, South Boaton. merchandise.

Mafnolla, Beaumont. Tcx. docked So-cony Vacuum Company, Kasl Boston, nil. Jmnrs V. Junes.

Norfolk, dock, today, Boston Elevated, Lincoln Wharf, coal. Julian Duhiiuue, Newport News, docked Edison'a Plant, South Boston, eoal. Robin Sherwood, South African ports, docks Pier 4fi. Mystic Docks. Charlestown, merchandise and nusseiiKers.

docks today. Inverbsnk Calcutta, dorked Pier 4. Boston or Albany Docks, East Boston, merchandise. Tuns Nentune and Arro. Beverly, after docking" collier W.

I. Noyes. Sailed Yesterday Clnmorsan Seam. Newport News. Swlf (arrow.

San Nicholas, Aruba. Sewall Seam. Norfolk. Tuks Neptune and Aro, Beverly, to dock collier W. n.

Noyes. INCOMING STEAMERS Due Today Bfrwlndrlen. Newport New, docks City Furl Company, hast Boston, Lvcaon Far East ports, docks berth 5. Army Base, South Boston, merchandise, due tt p. m.

Eo I'll nil mil, CailpHo. docks Colonial Beacon Oil Company. Everett, oil Wrolu-srrl Ho. Pacific Coast ports, via New York and Philadelphia, docks Commonwealth Pier, South Boston, merchandise. Union Rouse Vlrtory, PariHc Coast ports, no docking orders, merchandise.

Jag-aer Seam. Norfolk, docks Everett co*ke Works, coal. Ilillerest Park (Br New York, to load for London, docks pier 3. Boston Albany Docks. Kast Boston, Stone River, Aruba.

N. W. docks Colonial Beacon Oil Company, Everett, oil, due noon. Due Tomorrow Krairholm (Swed Scandinavian ports, via Portland, docks Pier 4tj, Mystic Docks, Charlestown. DeSoto, Baltimore, to load for Far East ports, docks Commonwealth Pier.

South Boston. Albert K. Smiley. New Orleans. Mobile.

Panama City and Tampa, docks Commonwealth Pier, South Boston, merchandise. Chipana. Cuba, docks American Sugar Refining Company, South Boston, sugar. died yesterday at Boston City tery, Medford, 0 einek Meiatives and frlenria are kinrtlv invited Interment SI. Joseph' Cemetery, Visitins hour 2-0 and 7-10.

rF.VlN"E In Ranrlolpli. 2B, Catharine illallinniu. wile of the la'a James Devine Kuneral from her late lesirtence. 17 (irove Wednesday at 8 1,1. followed by a Hmh Mas of Jiequiem in hi Mary' Church at 9 Interment St.

Mary Cemetery, Randolph. IVVRIES In Qulncy. Jan 25 Martha 'Mercer), wife of Oerrit OeVrir of .1.1 Hu.oork st. Relative and friends are invited to attend the services the Iieware Brothers Memorial Chapel. 576 Hanco*ck Wollaston.

Monday. Jan, a 2 it. in. Friends may visit at the funeral home afternoon and DOHERTY In Jamaica Plain. January 24.

William A of Bardwel! son of Jlelen poherty Regan and the late William, nohertv. Funeral from the Fallon Memorial Funeral Home. 1 Oreenouiih ave Tuesday, January 2K Services in Ihe Central Ceimreua, ti'mal Chimh. Elm nt 2:30, Rela-t Jives nd friends invited. Vlsitin hour, 2-5 and 7-10 p.

rn, tf NOVAN norchestei. Jan. 2(1 Tlan-J r'SKlenre St Margaret at. runetnl fiom tlie Curtis Funeral Home, Durtlev and Vine sts Tuesday. Jan 28.

i IS a Requiem Hmh Mass In si Maiitaiet is Church at o'clock. Ilrlatlves and friends invited. noWNING-WARD In Roxhury. Jan 2.1 Annie inee Iallyi. beloved wife of the late James Downing and lovina mother of Arthur F.

Ward 15 Putnam Roxhurv uncial from the Kelley Funeral Home 5(f Centre si Jamaica Plain on Wednesday at (1:45 a. m. Solemn Hmh Mass at the Mission Church at 10 45 or lock Relatives and friend invited Intermrnt at Ml. Item-diet Cemetery. riTFY-ln Chelsea Jan 28.

Arthur H. HEYDER In SomerviHe, 2.1.( Robert' NICHOLSON In Mattapan. Jan. 25. Mur- Rev.

Chellis V. Smith Funeral services for Rev. Chellis Son of Mrs. Margaret avers, he served in the Army for four years and was a member of the 675th Signal Aircraft Company in C. Heyaer.

formerly of Hosllndale. Service at the Bethlehem Lutheran Church, corner of Cllftondale and Kit-tiedge Rnsllndale, Monday, at 2:30 P. m. Relative and friends Invited, rietida may call at the Folaom Funeral Chapel, fly Belgrade Roslindalo, Sunday from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. in, dock beloved husband or ine laie Catherine Beaton Nicholson, and father of Ellen K.

Beal of Wellesley Hills and Nelson Nicholson of Hyde Park. Service at the Glason Chape). 335 Washington Dorchester, Wednesday, Jan. 29, at 2 p. in.

Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours 2-5, 7-9 p. in. the European Theater. Smith, 60, who died Saturday at the West Roxbury Veterans' Hospital, will be held at 2 p.

m. Tues Sales BiKh Low Close cim 15 Am Tel IT2J 171 172 15 pr.UT'a 125 Bird Son. 18Vj 17J 1HM, 4 14B Bos At Alb 1X1 lXI i l'-i 2K(iS Bos Edis 48. 4 47 -1H 4H4 Boa Elevated. BJ 7va fiB'i-i 85 Boa Her Trav 113 't 35 35 "a 600 gt pri pr 37 Va 3'j 10 ft A fi 717 11 ft As.

7 7 'a 125 ft Bs. B'a 7 74 28 Ds 8 8 la 8 'a 8 Bos ft Prov 28 28 28 270 Hos Per Prop 15 14'i 143 25 "Century Sh. 30.61 30.61 30 tilt. 49 25 East Gas pr. 4 1 4 64 64 150 Gas prl pr Bit' a D5 85 il'a 143 East Mass Hy 8 5a (I 'a 40 R.v 1 pr, 97 9(1 Vj 97'a- 5(1 By pin 111) Jl!) Ill) l.l 235 H.V 41 37 "a 4l 3 5(1 East SS 21 21 21 14 1 5 -East SS pr.

54 54 54 i5', I OO 'Employ (Ir. 2H4 2H 2Ha-la 357 First Nat Strs 55'n 54 1, 1I2 Gilchrist 174 17 17 -1 421 llalh link 9a 9' 4 9U- 100 Isle Hoynle, 21. 2' 21. 14 Lamson Cp pr 43'a 1025 Maine Cent. 7 1 7 4 'a 35 Maine Cen pr 31 30'a 31 il 500 Mass Utilities Hi IU lJi- a 1 15 Meraenthaler.

60 50 60 300 Nnrra Race 20 IH'a 20 il1 55 NEC, A El pr. DO 911 4 3 330 NE TftT pr. llil'a HS'a-lU 18370 North l'Va I l'i si 370 Old Col Hit. 3 2J4 3 100 Qulncy Mm 334 3 J4 334 'a 250 Recce Fold l'i 134 Pi St 200 Rull nd Hy pr .50 50 .50 606 Shawmut As. 14'i 14 14 4- 'a 646 Torrington 36la 35'a 36sg "a 85 Un Tw Drill.

45 44 45 'a 2225 Un Sh Mach. 69'4 67 69'4 10 Waldorf 17 '-a 17 17'e 4l 70 Warren D. 64 62 63 Va 'a HUNT In Boston. Jan. 28.

at his resi Besides his mother, he leaves six sisters, Catherine Theresa O'DONNELL In Hyde Park, formerly of day at the. First Baptist Church, Hyde Park, of which he was pastor for 24 years his retirement dence, 44 Mount Vernon Thomas Hunt, husband of the late Carrie hpeiden Hunt. Funeral services at St. Paul's Cathedral, Tremont Boston, on Tuesday. Jan.

28, at 2:30 p. rn. Kindly omit flowers. Headvllle, Jan. 2(1, Nellie II.

(nee Manning), wife of the late Jordan J. Don-nell. Funeral from the Joseph E. Cap-roll Funeral Home, 1117 River Wednesday morning. Requiem Mass at St.

Ann's Church. Readville. at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. a year ago.

HUBERT In Dorchester. Jan. 28. Al- bert E. peiovea nunoann or int line Hubert Inee Harvevl.

Rose Fu- PARKER Eleanor Stanley Parker of 199 U. S. Ship on Rocks NEW YORK. Jan. 26 (UP)-Radio- neral from the home of his daughter.

Mrs, James A. Foley. 40 Hanco*ck M. (near Upham Comer), Wednesday, Jan 29. at 8 a.

m. Solemn High Mast of Marlboro Boston, Jan. 23, funeral services at the Arlington Street Church, Boston, on Monday, Jan. 27. at 12 noon.

Interment private. New Bed TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE BOYLSTON MARKET ASSOCIATION! Notice Is hereby Riven that the Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the Bovl-Mon Market Association will be held on Monday. February 3. 1947. at 1 1 :00 o'clock A.

M. at the office of the Association. 19 Congress Street. Boston. for tha following purposes: 1.

To elect a Board of five Directors of the Association for the ensulnc year; 2. To consider and vote unon the approval and ratification of the selection and appointment by the Directors nt Addison R. Brown. C. P.

as Auditor, to examine and certify the Annual Certificate of Condition of the Association for the year ending December 31. 1946. in accordance with the requirements of the General Laws of Massachusetts: 3. To transact any other business that may properly come before the meetina. By order of the Board of Directors.

Robert H. Storer. Clerk Boston, January 15, 1947 Marine Corporation tonight picked Requiem at at. Kevin Church at Relatives and friends are invited up an OS from the American HYMERS In Newton, suddenly. Jan.

25 freighter Midaiebury Victory, stating that the vessel was on the rocks in the Mediterranean, but that the James husband of Dorothy (Carey) Hymers. 53 Ripley st. Services at the Newton Cemetery Chapel, jvionciuy, Jan. at ciock crew had voted not to abandon ship. HOWLEY In Roslindale.

Jan 25. Josenh A tug was en route to the scene from beloved husband of Mary A. Mor gan Howiey. residence washing Toulon, France. Ex dividend.

rw-loved son of the late Arthur and Hannah (Hallahani. Funeral from the McCilinchey Funeral Home. 583 Broadway, Wednesday. Jan. 'M at 8 m.

Requiem Hmh Mass at St. RosVs Church at 9 a Rela'ive and friends invited to attend. I VERS In Charlestown. Jan. 2(5.

1947, James M. fJnnboi Evers of 171 Tremont son of Markaret E. (Lilliel Evers (nee SLvers). and the late Thomas J. Evers.

Funeral from the home of his brother, Henry Evers. 72 School Wednesday at 8:15 Solemn High Mass of Reouiem St. Mary's Church at 9 a. m. Relatives and friends are invited.

Veteran of World War II. ton st. Funeral from the Brady Funeral Home, 10 Tower Forest Hills, Tuesday morning. Jan. 28.

at 9:30. Solemn Requiem Mass in St. Andrews' the Anostle Church at 10:30 o'clock. Relatives and friends Invited. Late rtrMMN aaUaAMivv Mai member Carmerts' Union.

Local 589. and St. Andrew's Holy Name Society. Dorothy Mrs. Frank L.

Foley, Mrs. Jacob W. Fidler and Mrs. George E. Beals; and three brothers, Henry Thomas and John all of Charlestown.

A solemn high mass of requiem will be celebrated at St. Mary's Church, Charlestown, at 9 a. m.p Wednesday. Burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery, Maiden. Emmeline Ruggles Emmeline Ruggles.

a life-long resident of Beacon Hill, died yesterday at the Tudor after a long illness. She was a member of the United Daughters of the Confederacy; the Paul Revere chapter, D. A. and the Boston Women's City Club. She leaves six sisters, Mary of Beacon Hill; Mrs.

R. L. Stalling of Toronto; Mrs. W. Wade Keester of North Carolina: Mrs.

H. D. Dodd of Martin. Mrs. C.

A. Atwell of Wakefield and Lucia of Knox-ville. and a brother, Frank of Nevada. Funeral services will be held at Emmanuel Church at 2 p. Wednesday.

Burial will be in Milton Cemetery. Roger S. Abbott DAYTON. Jan. 26 Roger Sherman Abbott, 71, a resident of Hamilton, for many years before coming here 25 years ago, died today at his home.

A veteran of the Spanish-American War. he was a member of the visiting hours. to 1U p. m. HUGHES In Jamaica Plain.

JanuaVy 25 ford. Mass. papers please copy. REEVES In Brookllne. Jan.

28. Catherine A. Reeves. Funeral Services at the George J. Lacy Funeral Home, 129 Harvard Tuesday afternoon at 2:30.

Relatives and friends are kindly Invited. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery, Everett. Visiting hours 2-5 and 7-10. REARD6N In Dorchester. Jan.

26, Mary A. (O'Malley), wife of the late Timothy H. Reardon. Funeral frqm the home of her daughter, Mrs. Philip A.

Chapman, 47 Sudan Wednesday morning, Jan. 29. Solemn High Funeral Mass in St. Margaret's Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited.

RELIHAN In South Jan. 25, Mabel G. (Murray), beloved wife of the late Morris D. Relihan and mother of Mrs. Leo Keenan.

Mrs. Joseph Del Grosso, Mrs. Sprodi Koris and sister of Robert G. Murray, at her late residence. 240 Bolton st.

Funeral from the Joseph W. Casper Funeral Home, 187 Dorchester Tuesday. Jan. 28, at 8:15. Solemn High Funeral Mass at St.

Vincent's Church at A o'clock. Relatives and friends respectfully invited Late member of Perkins Post Auxiliary and past president of Elizabeth Turner Tent No. 36. Daughters of the Union Veterans of the G. A.

R. ROBAR In Weymouth. Jan. 25. Elizabeth A.

(Murray), wife of James E. Robar. Funeral from the residnce of her daughter, Mrs, John F. Santry, 377 Front on Tuesday at 8 a. m.

High Mass of Requiem at St. Francis Xavier Church. South Weymouth, at 9 ociock. Relatives and friends invited. Mabel F.

(Chapman) of 15 Dunster road, beloved wife of the late Thomas P. Hughes. Friends may call at the residence on Sunday and Monday. January 28 and 27. and the Roberts Fu IX MEMORIAM Catherine Dolan 1917 Tenth Anniversary Mass at Ttlessrd Sacrament Church, Jamaica Plain, on fursday.

Jan. tH. at 7 'clerk. I.ovin)y remembered bv tier husband, sons and daughters and rrandcblldrea. neral Home.

Main Rowley. on Tuesday. January 28. Services on Wednesday. January 29.

at the Funeral Home at 2:. '10 p. m. Relatives and friends invited. HURLEY In Medirira.

January 25. John beloved husband of Loretta Ni, (Burns) Hurley. Funeral from his home i 'l 1' I i. i A VERY small CHANGE MAKES A VERY BIG DIFFERENCE 13 Mystic Tuesday. January 28, at a.

m. oolemn High Mass of Requiem 1 -I at st. Josephs Church at 9 ociock Relatives and friends invited. KELLY IN Leominster, Jan. 25, Bea trice a.

(f enwick) Kelly, widow of Arthur B. Kelly. Funeral services at the Charles H. Richardson Funeral Home. 138 North Main Leominster, Patricia Louise Carolan "Reaotiful Pat" The fourth anniversary mass far Ihe repose of the soul of Patricia Iouisf Carolan will be rrlebratrd Stlurdav mrn(n, March 15.

at at fit. Peter hurrh. Dnrrhrstrr. Lillian J. Uoarh Drremhrr Illlfl fn Invina mrrnen.

flusbsnd. sons, and daucbtrr. Monlb's mind ninss. Marcsrrt Mary 'hurrh. Wesl-wood.

Virdnesday mornlns. January at 1.MK ROBINSON In Belmont. Jan. 28. H.

Albert, husband of the late Anne Unhlnsnn jirirl father of Eleanor Robin I i wins, i ueaciay, jnn. zn, at p. rn son of 23 Selwyn road. Funeral serv ice at the A. E.

Ixing Memorial Chape A at r-mer Miiss North KILEY In North Qulncy. Jan. 26. Margaret T. Canavan.

wife of tho lale I'Hlrlck J. Kiley. formerly of 20 Lorlng South Boston. Relative and friend Cambridge. Tuesday, Jan.

28, at 3:30 Meet Billl are nvRpccliuily Invited to attend the p. m. Btinni irs Tn Boston. Januarv 26. Em mi iiuni me iiorrie 01 ner uausnier, Mr.

John Walsh. 14 Felton Wednes United Spanish War Veterans. He leaves a wife: a daughter, Mrs, day. Jan. 29.

at 8 a. m. High Mass of meline Ruggles. at her residence. The Tudor.

Beacon street. Funeral services at the Leslie Lindsey Memorial Chapel, Emmanuel Church. Newbury street. Boston, on Wednesday, January nequiem ai at. Augustine unurcn, Hazel Roberts of Beverly.

and two sons, Wayne and Sherman of souin oosion, at co*ck. He's a young man "on the way up" earning a fair salary now. And he spends all of it except a few dollars. But those extra few dollars go regularly into a savings account which is building up week by week into a very sizable sum. Bill can afford to feel relaxed knowing an emergency won't catch him "off Afford, too, to take advantage of any business chance that comes LOGAN In South Boston, Jan.

25. Wal 29. at 2 P. m. 1938 John E.

1947 1940 Mary E. Boyden 1947 Muses heinr said at Ihe Missions. Lovmcly remembered by their family. Lyman. Funeral services will be SCANNELL In Dorchester.

January 25. suddenly. Thoma beloved husband of Emma Watson Scannell. residence ter oeiovea nusoana of Agnes Mullen) Logan. Residence 111 art.

Funeral from the John J. Spencer Funeral Home. 527 East Broadway, Wednesday morning, Jan 29. Requiem Mass in the Gate of Heaver, Church held here Tuesday afternoon. DEATH NOTICES STERRITT At Miami.

Florida. Jan. 24. Edith M. Sterritt of 20 Payson road.

Rplmnni. Funeral service at the A. E. 28 Rawson and formerly of South Boston. Funeral from the J.

F. O'Brien at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends 6c Sons Funeral Home. 146 Dorchester inviteo. visiting nour 2-10 Tuesday morning at 8:15.

funeral Mas in St. Monica's Church at 9 1941 Riordan 1947 In lorlnr remembrance of my husband. John f), Riordan. Masses helm said. Kathryn McMenimen Riordan, o'clock.

Relatives and friends respect- LUDOVICI Of Foxboro. at the Bedford Veterans' Hospital. Jan. 25, Frank Lewis Ludovici, age 50 years, husband of Nora M. (Ryan) and father of Cecelia Long Memorial Chapel.

4 Beech cor. Mass. North Cambridge. Tuesday. Jan.

28. at 2 p. m. Friends may call lully Invited. Late member of Soutn Boston Yacht Club.

at the chapel Monday, 4 to 9 p. m. SCULLY In Dedham. Jan. 2(1.

Lawrence. STROUT In Wollaston, Jan. 2fl. Ralph cnzaDein. funeral services (militarv) from the Roberts Funeral Home.

South Foxboro. Tuesday. Jan 28. at 8:15 husband of Margaret A. (Quinn), for- merly of Ames st.

uneral from the along. Bill, you might say, is rich! And here's Joe. Same salary same responsibilities. But somehow Joe manages to spend every cent he makes and sometimes a bit the Joe's always scraping along from pay-day to pay-day always wiih a little nagging worry at the back of his mind. If anything happened, Joe would be out of luck.

husband of ti. (Sanders) Strout. of 264 South Central av. Funeral services Wednesday, Jan. 29.

High Mas of Requiem at 9 a. from St, Mary's Church. Foxboro. Relative residence of hi son. Joseph L.

Scully. 142 Riverside drive, on Wednesday morning at 8. Solemn Hluh Mass of 1940 A. Lincoln Niditch 1947 I.ovintlT remrmkrred by wife and fhildrea. Rena.

halart and Maine. 1911 Frank C. r.uinaso 1947 I r.vmclr remembered his sls-fer Louise Kelley and nephews Edward and Robert. and friends kindly invited. Friends may can at tne Itinera! home.

at the Wollaston Baptist Churchy corner Prospect and Warren avs. at 2 p. m. Relative and friends invited. Friends mayvlsit with Mr.

Strout at his late Requiem in St. Mary's Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friend Invited. Late member of St. Raphael's Court, home until noontime Wednesday.

BUNKER HILL POST, NO. 26, A. L. m. u.

io. zo. SVENSON In Swampscott. Jan. 25.

Ma We regret to announce the death of our SEAVERNS In Scituate, Jan. 25, Harriet daughter of the late Alfred A. end Jennie E. (Frasier) Seaverns. and sister of Martha G.

Seaverns of Scituate Har 1940 Hannah Davis 1917 Lonntly remembered. Tbe family. iaxe comrade bamuel E. Sellon, 44 West-ville Dorchester. To he hurieri Tues thilda (Larson) Svenson.

wife of August of 71 Aspen road. Swampscott. age 80. Services will be held at the Richardson Funeral Home. 4ft Lafayette That's why we call Joe poor! day.

Jan. 28, at 8 o'clock, from Coppen-rath Funeral Parlor 1534 Tremont bor. Services at the Sparrell Funeral park. Lynn, on Tuesday at 2: at) p. m.

Home. South Mam Cohasset. Tues rtoxDury; ociock mass at St. Peters TAMAYNA In East Boston. Jan.

24. day at 2:30 p. m. Train leaves South cnurcn, uorcnester. Members will meet Gaetano.

beloved son of Anthony and 1913 Gerard Boyle 1947 Lovingly remembered by uncle, nieces and nephews. Masse being Jd at Mirimar. biamon tor conasset at p. m. Visiting hours at the funeral home, 4 Josephine (Damore).

Funeral from his late residence, 186 London Tuesday, at 8 a. m. Solemn Requiem High Mass p. m. to to p.

monoay. SELLON In Dorchester. Jan. 25. Samuel ai fost Monday.

Jan. 27, at 8 p. GEORGE H. KEARNEY. JOHN KEEFE, Adj.

BUNKER HILL POST, NO. 26, A. L. at Mt. Carmel Church at 9:30 a.

m. Relatives and friends invited. Kdward. beloved son of Samuel and Ellen Sellon (nee Finn) of 44 Westville ft 1x1 A Li 1943 Gerard Boyle 1947 adlr missed by mother, alsters and brothers. Masses being said at Mirimar, TOOHEY In Cambridge, suddenly.

Jan. Dorchester. Funeral from the Cop-penrath Funeral Home. 1534 Tremont We regret to announce the death of opposite Mission Church. Tuesday.

Jan. 28. n- 8am Funeral Mass at St. our lare comrame, rranK 11. rsresnn.

'f 2d. Daniel Toohey. husband of Annie (Maloney) Toohey. Funeral from the residence, 6 Merrill Tuesday at 9 a. m.

Solemn High Mass at St. Mary's friend invited. Member of Boston Church at 10 a. m. Relatives and neral irom nis nome liesciay.

Jan. 2H. at Peter's Church at 9 a. m. Relatives and friends kindly invited.

Late mem a. m. services at a. at St. Poly- ber Bunker Hill Post, A.

and veteran a iiifiriiTi Will meet at Post Monday. Jan. 27, at 8 p. m. In Tender Lovina Memory John B.

McNally Mary J. McNally Ket. Kdward T. McXallf Yes, the difference between security and 'wsecurity is a very small thing just a few dollars saved regularly each pay-day. But a very big thing when you consider it in terms of peace of mind.

Think it over, won't you, and then come in and start your regular Franklin Savings program today! or world war u. KtAKNtY, Com.J JOHN J. TUTTLE In Qulncy. Jan. 2fl.

Alice Lillian CUVrUAV Tn QavIu.m, Tan SA Joseph Franci. husband oi Florence (Cummings) Sheehan. Funeral from the home of hi brother, Lawrence Tlittle Of aa llynl si. rleposing ai ue-ware Bros. Funeral Home, S7tt Hanco*ck Wollaston.

Notice of funeral later. WARREN In Waturtown. Jan. 25. Mar- Appropriate Arrangements for Funerals Siheenan, 82 congreve Koslindale, on Wednesday.

Jan. 29. Requiem High Mass at St. Theresa's Church. Centre West Roxbury, at 9 a.

m. Relatives Disabled American Veterans' J. P. Chapter 78 Members are hereby notified of the death of our comrade, James P. Malloy.

Members are requested to report at the Brady Funeral Home. 10 Tower st Forest Hills. Monday evening, Jan. 27, at 8:30 p. JAMES L.

TREMBLEY, Com; CLIFFORD L. FAY, Adjt. and friends are invited. Please omit flowers. thena Hacon, Deiovea wue ot oeorge William Warren, of 17 Bailey road.

Funeral services at the Waterman Chapel. 493 Commonwealth Ken-more Boston, on Tuesday. Jan. 28, at 12 noon. Relatives nd friends are invited.

Portsmouth, papers please copy. Flovers SMALLEY In Chelsea. 25. George Of.OO Telephone BIGelow The member of Cecil Vrnte Pn. WATERMAN In Wilmington.

Jan. 23. 7 WALNUT F. WTONVTLLE of 276 Westford Lowell, formerly of Chelsea. Services at the Dykeman Funeral Home, 23 Cary Chelsea, Wednesday, Jan.

29, at 1 p. m. Visiting hours 7-9 p. m. Tuesday.

Please omit flowers. A. regret to announce the death of our chaplain. Rev. Chellis V.

Smith. Comrades will meet at the Munirinal Gieoter Botlon' Most Reliable Flori.sf sississsaaasas Lois I. (nee Young) Watermon. Services at the Nichols Funeral Home, 187 Middlesex Wilmington, Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 2 p.

m. Relatives and friends invited. Friends may call at the funeral home Monday from 7:30 to 10:30 m. SMITH In Medford, Jan. 26.

John Building Monday night at 8 p. and froceed to Franklin Graham Funeral tome for Legion services ALBERT P. 5ACEY. JOSEPH M. CHISHOLM.

dj. IT I OUrDC TCLCCMAPHCO LU WW CIl A Sty WHERE 1 i 7 4 WILCOX In Maynard. Jan. 25. Elizabeth (DKhl U7ilp.v Wili.nV Deiovea nusDana oi susan t(jurryi Smith, of 83 Albion sti Funeral from the John J.

Linehan Funeral Home, 357 Main Wednesday, Jan. 29. at 8:15. Requiem High Mass in St. Clement's Church at 9 o'clock.

Relatives and friends kindly invited. Visiting hours, 2 to 5 and 7 to 10. SAVINGS DANK 6 PARK SQUARE Half a block from Boylston St. at Charles in her 85th year. Services at the Fowler Funeral Home.

42 Concord Tuesday, at 2 p. m. Visiting hours at the funeral home Monday, 35 and 7-9 p. m. SMITH In the West Roxbury Veterans' Hospital.

Jan. us. Kev. cneiiis v. smitn WILLSON In Stouehton.

Jan. 26. Wilhel- NOTICE EFFECTIVE FEB. 1. 1947.

THERE WILL be a 2.oo Increase in the price OF ALL FUNERAL CARS, STARTING WITH A 10.00 MINIMUM. The Automobile Renting Association GREATER BOSTON late pastor of the First Baptist Church of Hyde Park. Friends may visit at the Franklin C. Graham Funeral Home. 161 Hyde Park Sunday evening and Monday afternoon and evening from 2-5 and 7-10.

Funeral services at the First Baptist Church. Hyde Park. Tuesday. Jan. 28.

at 2 p. m. mina Wnitenousei. wile of the late John F. Willson.

Services at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Emma E. Franke, 15 Broadway, Stoughton, Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 2 p. m.

Relative and friend invited. 124 Tremont St. LIB. 4317 "4li wsa.

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Job: Government Technician

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.