How do I stop getting mad that I can't beat elden ring the apparently easiest souls games without cheating? (2024)

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Posted on by Anonymous

How do I stop getting mad that I can't beat elden ring the apparently easiest souls games without cheating? (2)

How do I stop getting mad that I can't beat elden ring the apparently easiest souls games without cheating? I got filtered in my past two playthroughs which lead to me using a god mode and the first dropping it despite using a level up cheese. This is making me mad and I can't stop thinking about how I don't deserve to play games anymore since all these normal streamers are even beating the game. How do I stop letting this annoy me so much. Its all I think about now

  1. 3 days ago



    Elden ring and all dark souls games fricking sucks

    • 3 days ago



      Maybe if you're a filtered, contrarian hom*osexual with no taste in games lol.

    • 3 days ago



      Rather boring and outdated

    • 3 days ago



      >easiest souls
      I summoned or used pre-nerf Mimic Tear for every boss. Then I used the Mogh and Elden Beast exploits

  2. 3 days ago



    What is filtering you specifically? For all we know you might be a magical moron and never accepted Melena's accord.

    >apparently easiest souls games
    The first ~80% is easy but there's a difficulty spike near the end.

    • 3 days ago



      First time it was the red giant guy and 2nd time it was just the amount of time ot takes to beat so I got worn out and cheated then

      Games are about having fun, if you're not having fun then just stop playing the game, no one cares if you beat the frickin game or not.

      Stop being a fricking moron

      Nas this is different. If I can't beat this then I unironically don't deserve to play games

      • 3 days ago



        Make sure you don't have any of the Scar/Soreseals equipped as they increase the damage you take by 7-10% for each equipped IIRC and level up your vitality above 40 since unlike other games, 40 isn't the softcap AND 40-60 you'll see exponential growth. Don't worry about being over leveled if that is your concern.

        If you truly are filtered then get the Mimic Tear with decent spells and/or WA equipped as the Mimic has unlimited FP.

      • 3 days ago



        >If I can't beat this then I unironically don't deserve to play games
        that's literally the appeal of the game. you keep at it and keep dying but then subconsciously you start learning the boss moveset patterns and then one run you get lucky and beat him and get a huge dopamine rush

      • 3 days ago



        Yeah the Red Giant is a pain in the ass. But you should consider employing cheese rather than cheats on your next run. To exploit game mechanics is more honourable while being almost as easy, also bring Alexander he's a very good tank.

      • 3 days ago



        Aim for weak leg till he cries like a baby in a cutscene, watch out for the second phase and keep at it, you'll figure it out.

      • 3 days ago



        Just jeep on truckin bro. You'll beat it. Or you can gain some more levels. Doesn't seem like it'd make a difference but it probably would. Or get more heals (the seeds).

  3. 3 days ago



    Games are about having fun, if you're not having fun then just stop playing the game, no one cares if you beat the frickin game or not.

    Stop being a fricking moron

  4. 3 days ago



    Don't listen to people who say the game is easy, that's way too generalizing. It's one of the easier games IF you look up a guide on how to create a powerful character. If you play blindly and use whatever floats your boat, it can be one of the harder ones, if not the hardest.

    Also those streamers tend to stream part-time or full-time so they have a lot of time to get good. Wagies only get a few hours a day of free time, so it's much harder to be proficient.

  5. 3 days ago



    I think most streamers (there are exceptions of course) are at least a standard deviation higher than the average population in terms of IQ.
    You are probably just an average guy, just look up whatever build is broken, get the mimic tear and go at it if you really care that much.

  6. 3 days ago



    I feel so bad for the suicidal discord sisters (and dragonirian)

  7. 3 days ago



    How do I stop getting mad that I can't beat elden ring the apparently easiest souls games without cheating? (6)

    You're rolling too little.
    or too much
    you have to roll just the right amount

    • 3 days ago



      No, you actually just have to block when you don't feel 100% confident about rolling. Most blocks will not harm you, you'll just have to stand still for a second to recharge your stamina. Only autists try to flail around and dodge everything like this is Bloodborne and then have the lack of self-awareness to blame the game for it.

  8. 3 days ago



    Most streamers look-up cheese/easy builds (basically any colossal weapon or dual wielding high bleed weapons, usually rivers of blood) and if you watch them, they bruteforce through bosses with sheer damage/posture break. So I wouldn't use them as a reference point. The vast majority of people who fought and beat Malenia have no idea how to dodge or parry most of her attacks, least of all Waterfowl Dance.

    Are you using spirit ashes and summons? Use those, and make sure to level up health and use shields/good armor. You're probably just overthinking things.

    • Anonymous

      How do I stop getting mad that I can't beat elden ring the apparently easiest souls games without cheating? (7)

      still find it hilarious xqc recently replayed the whole game in like 12 hours beating every single boss simply by using giant crusher and spamming lion claw.

      and you STILL have fricktards pretending like STR isn't the most braindead easy way to play the game, fromtards are so backwards, he literally ignored the entire game and just pressed one button to knock a quarter of every bosses's health, again and again, and also posture breaking on every 2nd hit.

      I'd find it hilarious to see these knuckle draggers actually try a magic build to see how 'OP' and 'easy mode' it is compared to their bullsh*t.

      • 3 days ago



        Brother I aint gonna disagree with you, but my first playthrough on launch, when there was no info for the game almost at all, I decided to play Blue Mage and when I found Comet Azur, I actually forgot how to play the game.
        Now I get it, bonk. But hear me out, brrrrrrr. Genuinely, the moment I came across a boss I couldnt 1 shot with comet, I had to spend death after death RELEARNING how combat works because mage is so fricking braindead you literally bypass combat with the right setup, and my build was entirely luck base considering the items I had without a wiki. With the access there is now, its even easier. I will concede however, that HP, then Str in that order is the easiest fricking way to play the early game without a question, hands down. Also prenerf Carian Knights sword

        • 3 days ago



          Comet Azure is a meme and is no different than the bonk.

          The diffence is, the bonk can be used on every fight and every boss.
          There are plenty of bosses who'll ever give the chance to cast Comet once.

          • 3 days ago



            I actually did a comet only ng+6 run so thats not actually true. Just need the right buffs

  9. 3 days ago



    You should not stop it from bothering you
    It should bother you
    You are trash

  10. 3 days ago



    I know this is a bait butt, it’s just experience and it’s no different from in ER because bosses do much more sh*t now. My 2nd play through was much easier because I got used to a flow of combat and went for posture breaks with Zweihander. Also just pumping vigor and stamina was rather nice, you get enough HP to take some hits and enough stamina to go for charged heavy attacks, some more attacks and enough left to roll.

  11. 3 days ago



    You are a mentally moronic monkey

  12. 3 days ago



    Summons and spirit ashes exist for n00bs like you

    • 3 days ago



      That's cheating

      • 3 days ago



        oh well if you suck you suck

      • 3 days ago



        oh so you're literally a moron doing the whole 'unless i beat the whole game naked with just my fists it's cheating'

        nevermind, have a nice day, etc, waste of a thread. here I thought you actually were someone who was legitimately struggling.

        • 3 days ago



          I am

          • 3 days ago



            No, you're just fricking stupid, not using half the features that are in the game and then complaining you can't beat it.

            So yes, in that regard, you are fricking dumber than even streamers.

            • 3 days ago



              Yes? So how do I beat it?

              • 3 days ago


                Use summons and ashes.
                That's it.

              • 3 days ago


                But that doesn't count

              • 3 days ago


                -get 40 vig then 60 str then 60 vig put the rest in endurance and reaching 80 str
                -grab jump attack talisman and jump attack boost armor
                -grab the 2 heaviest weapon you can find, dual wield and spam jump L1

          • 3 days ago



            How do I stop getting mad that I can't beat elden ring the apparently easiest souls games without cheating? (8)

            >I am

  13. 3 days ago



    Simple, train the mind to understand, bot believe, that failure without punishment is just learning. Your adaptation skills are contrasted by societal dopamine hits, and has been dulled (on purpose of course, not related). To teach yourself to find a lesson in every death will change the way you see dying in the Souls games. Memory is a skill, recognition is a skill, reaction times are a skill. You aren't going to be good at a skill instantly, unless you're some sort of mechanical prodigy, ergo; finding something you learned yields visible results, and reduces the feeling of disappointment from failure, you're brain will rewire to start finding things to learn on its own eventually. It just takes time. Also take a break sometime, the brain works like a muscle, you gotta give it rest in between reps and sets. You will notice improvement.

  14. 3 days ago



    You should seriously quit gaming bro
    Fromsoft games are entry level difficulty and if you can't beat them then I'm sorry

  15. 3 days ago



    Moonveil katana is more OP than STR/HP
    Swinging a big ass sword is hard because the animations are long.

    • 3 days ago



      Anon, that inquires one beats the boss that protects Moonveil, a Magma Wyrm in fricking Caelid in a SMALL as frick room. Second off, after the nerfs, Moonveil is only good on 40/40 dex/int builds minimum because its simply out damaged by 30/50 HP/Str builds which are far and away more plentiful in the weapons option department, especially early when levels are far less important and you can clear Limgrave with no issue at 25-30 Str and you arent limited by bluebar

      • 3 days ago



        I beat that boss solo on my 5th or so try. Been playing blind for a week (haven't beaten it yet). It was very tough and took a long time, I figured everyone got that sword. Also did it at lvl 30 if that matters.

        • 3 days ago



          haven't beaten Elden Ring yet, to clarify.

          Anyways I think you're right. But big swords have long animations and not that easy to use unlike that katana

        • 3 days ago



          Honestly, Im impressed. That particular boss gave me a run for my money on my mage build since I was running like 15 hp. Moonveil is quite the weapon, but I prefer Carian Straight sword for the anime weapon art, I actually had moonveil in my offhand because the weapon art demolishes poise.

          • 3 days ago



            Yeah that boss made the other ones like godrick extremely easy. Can't use summons against that magma wyrm either since it spits lava everywhere and kills them right away. Hell of a fight. I used a greatsword with nothing else for it, took it down one swing at a time (did barely any damage at the time). I'm getting 40 strength str for that 40 str/18dex greatsword but I looked up that moonveil katana i got from that fight and many people have it as the best weapon. Guess it's not anymore

            • 3 days ago



              40str/14 dex greatsword**

            • 3 days ago



              I mean its still good but when the game launched the sword could on a 60/80 dex/int build would dump around 1400-2000 dmg per ash of war, its a shadow of its former self. The poise breaking feature is its best feature, as I said before, spacing is so much easier when you hit a well timed counter hit on the ash of war and land an early stagger, particularly against godskins. Check out the crystal weapons, theres a sword and a greatsword that scale with str and int. It aint the Darkmoon Blade, but you can slap different ashes of war on it iirc. Also, no spoilers unless you find it yourself, but Adula's Moonblade spell is actually game breakingly strong on like 80% of the game

              • 3 days ago


                I'll keep an eye out for that stuff. I am at Lucaria but not at the main part, still doing the outsides of the map. The area north of Limgrave. I've only been looking up weapons since the variety and customization is cool. I only just started using ashes, I like the one that fans out fire infront of me. I was disappointed by how easy Godrick was lol. I tried co op for the first time last night and had a blast. Going to try some invades tonight. Seems addicting.

              • 3 days ago


                Godrick really is the first stepping stone in a much greater journey, he's only difficult for those who havent grasped the basic mechanics yet. Truly one of my favorites, though. Id say if you're going in as blind as you are, try to keep it that way. The game is a WILD fricking ride. Having played on launch, there was a certain level of thrill that hits you when you just have so fricking much unknown sh*t to discover. And the dopamine, of the dopamine of finding a hidden cave. Also I would say if you havent leaned into Ashes, you should try as many as you can. Ashes of War give you Hyperarmor sometimes, and can stop you from being staggered at the cost of taking slightly higher damage, and a lot of Ashes deal significant Poise damage and can stagger with greater ease on spammable ones, or thrust type Ashes if you hit an enemy during its attack animation, it deals bonus poise damage (the stagger health essentially) and bonus counter damage. There are some Ashes that can straight carry runs, and others that give melee weapons ranged options like the Throwing Spear

              • 3 days ago


                When I discovered that Siofra River I lost my sh*t. And the whole thing where you have to light the fires to fight that deer was great. Having an absolute blast so far, except that fricking CRUCIBLE KNIGHT of all enemies has given me the most trouble. Seemed very strange to me that I was hitting him for 80 damage when I was hitting Godrick for like 200. When I finally beat him I felt that dopamine rush, he was harder than the magma wyrm. Is that normal for someone to say, or is that because of my build? There was this fight that was him and another boss at the same time and it took like 5 hours to beat. Had to beat the first dude as fast as possible before crucible knight showed up. I seen a but of this like volcano lair and then stopped myself from seeing too much. Ah, so the Ashes actually become an integral part of the gameplay later? At first I thought I had to 2-hand my sword before I could use ash of war, so I'd switch, ash, then switch back before I realized I could just hit L2 lol

              • 3 days ago


                Oh my brother, Crucible Knights are akin to Black Knights from Dark Souls, they're always gonna have a frickload of HP and will become increasingly common, beating them is one of the best feelings because there isnt a whole lotta cheese to fight them with. The punish the sh*t out of the slightest mistakes. The ones early on are like level 60, and count as minibosses. But the one you're talking about I believe is in Redmane Castle, the Lionel that you fight then the Crucible Knight spawns in at 1/4 hp (or sooner sometimes). That guy is easily like level 80 based on how much damage you're gonna need to deal with him. Would not recommend that fight early, but if you did it, hell frickin yea. Also the fricking Siofra river, the WHOLE fricking area dude, bask with me. The environment, the boss, the boss music, absolute FRICKING KINO

              • 3 days ago


                Glad it isn't just me. Just felt like a goofy boss to get stuck on, glad to know other felt my pain. Are there any other Siofra River like areas? Yeah it was basically perfect other than those electric orbs lol. Even the verticality was great. Glad I didn't miss that area. Took a long while to complete it. This game's like an epic journey. It's basically Dark Souls on steroids.

              • 3 days ago


                There are more than 2, Ill say that. There is one you wont like. Nobody does. You'll know exactly which one Im talking about the moment you realize what you're looking at. Everyone does. It doesnt need a name. They call the Castles and similar areas "Legacy Dungeons", like Stormveil, which btw if you didnt finish exploring it there is a lot of sh*t straight hidden by verticality, Id recommend checking back sometime. Essentially, designed in the manner a Souls Level would be designed, and are usually entire explorable experiences on their own, disregarding the size of the open world as is. People have complained about it being so big, but god damn it I love taking my horse on a half hour run through lake fog fighting ghostdudes shooting spirit cum at me while I run from a god damn dragon, ya know?

              • 3 days ago


                Yeah I did that in Lucaria, just ran around collecting the maps first, seeing the sights. Got killed by this deathbird then couldn't find it again. I'm doing a castle right now, Caria Manor. It's pretty big, this sword is really fricking sh*t up. I see what you guys mean by STR being OP since this Grafted Blade Greatsword +6 feels extremely OP.

              • 3 days ago


                yea hey fun fact about that weapon, the Grafted Greatsword. Using its Ash of War gives you a 60 second buff that grants +5 to ALL main stats, and can actually be used to meet stat requirements if not temporarily. It stacks with the Scarseals, and the Godrick Greatrune. Which also, activate your Greatrune you got from Godrick. If you didnt know and are familiar with Humanity or Embers, in Elden Ring, Greatrunes are the new system. But instead of giving you HP or healing you, each Greatrune grants a different bonus, and Godrick's grants +5 in all stats until you die, remains through save/quits and everything. You just need Rune Arcs, the new Humanity/Ember

              • 3 days ago


                Ahhh. Yeah I haven't figured out what that Godrick soul thing was for. I'm going to have to look into that right away. Thanks for all the advice, I'm really going to kick ass now. You rock.

              • 3 days ago


                Good luck brother, enjoy your adventure

              • 3 days ago


                Will do, I'm sure we will see eachother in game (I'm based_Ieaf with an i)

              • 3 days ago


                Also yea, Ashes become very useful in the late game. The biggest skill reward I found in the game is timing Ashes to hit right when an enemy starts its attack animation to confirm the bonus damage. Another thing to remember, if your weapon has a red X on it because you lack the strength, 2 handing weapons makes the game calculate your strength level +50%, such as if you have 20 strength and 2 hand, you will be dealing damage as if you had 30 and the game will register this stat when accounting for stat requirements. I will note that the damage is still going to be lower until you reach the minimum stat requirement to one hand it, but its minimal overall and 2 handing weapons while not meeting Str unless 2 handing is fine imo.

              • 3 days ago


                I didn't know that about 2handing the weapons. Thanks for telling me, I can use that sword I've been building Str for now.

            • 3 days ago



              Also if you wanna be a bit cheeky, there is a Casting Seal that scales with Strength mostly and a bit with faith, and if you do the quest for it there are strength scaling incantations that throw boulders or chuck a handfull of rocks like a shotgun and really feels good on high Str builds. Clawmark Seal is what its called.

    • 3 days ago



      >muh animations are long
      yeah and in return you do triple the damage of every weapon and get a free backstab every 3 swings

      moonveil katana sucks

      • 3 days ago



        haven't beaten Elden Ring yet, to clarify.

        Anyways I think you're right. But big swords have long animations and not that easy to use unlike that katana

        I don't think the damage difference is that great. You can get off 3 katana strikes in the time of a greatsword strike. Also your window for error is greater with a moonveil blade because the animations are faster (allowing you to dodge easier).

  16. 3 days ago



    >I don't deserve to play games anymore since all these normal streamers are even beating the game
    they play the game 24/7 most normies never beat the game without summons and most normies in fact do not beat the game. However, op you need to clear your mind you have played too many west cuck games with hand holding, this why your brain is unable to adapt to new challenging games like Elden Ring. So, my pro tip? Keep playing and stop playing western multiplayer garbage games. Thanks me later.

  17. 3 days ago



    Try nioh 2 or any team ninja games then
    They're basically Poor's man fromsoft

  18. 3 days ago



    How do I stop getting mad that I can't beat elden ring the apparently easiest souls games without cheating? (9)

    Probably your playstyle is poor and doesn't make use of spacing, correctly executed counters and combos, or maybe spam attacks that get you committed to chains of attacks and get hit
    If you die more than 3, maybe 5 times to any enemy you need to rebiew what you are doing wrong.

    • 3 days ago



      >If you die more than 3, maybe 5 times to any enemy you need
      Thats at least 3, maybe 5, times too many.

    • 3 days ago



      This anon has wisdom like a wizard

      >If you die more than 3, maybe 5 times to any enemy you need
      Thats at least 3, maybe 5, times too many.

      If you dont like dying the game probably just isnt gonna be your thing. The game builds an entire world diminishing the value and weight of perceived death, you dont even get punished for dying unless you die twice consecutively and you only lose easily farmable currency.

      • 3 days ago



        You are just dying too often. It isn't about liking it or not you are dying too often.
        Practice some against the zombie nobles to get the dodge timing down it'll help you alot.

  19. 3 days ago



    just git gud. some things are bullsh*t in this game but you can do it friend. it takes persistence. now tell me, is the 6gb update the dlc in its entirety, or do I gotta download that separately?

  20. 3 days ago



    Just use summons and magic or look up OP builds.

  21. 3 days ago



    My first playthrough i played a dex build without abusing bleed that was rough. STR sh*ts on the game in comparison. I told everyone back then but no one believed me

    • 3 days ago



      tfw jumping attacks with dual UGSs and the jumping talisman. I accidentally the entire game with radahn's swords for a bit.

  22. 3 days ago



    So I should just put all my stats in strength and vigor?

    • 3 days ago



      if you wanna be gay, yeah

      • 3 days ago



        How do I stop getting mad that I can't beat elden ring the apparently easiest souls games without cheating? (10)

        • 3 days ago



          yeah, gay.

    • 3 days ago



      Absolutely. go 30/25 for the early game, then 30/40 for mid game, then 40/40 (should be or beyond Altus Plateau now) 50/60 and try and get to end game with 60/80.
      This is just my experience but I make multiple characters to babysit my friends so i do a lot of early game stuff often enough, just my opinion

  23. 3 days ago



    Find a new hobby. Video games aren’t for everyone.

  24. 3 days ago



    How do I stop getting mad that I can't beat elden ring the apparently easiest souls games without cheating? (11)

    How fast can I rush an INT run? I'm strolling through Stormveil with a Wing of Astel wondering if I should just use my first character at 170.

    • 3 days ago



      Maybe 2 hours?

    • 3 days ago



      just start the run by running into Caelid, grab Rock Sling and Meteorite Staff. That spell alone will carry you through to the endgame

    • 3 days ago



      Int is hard early on. Just build for midgame dex before you invest in Int because by the time int becomes relevant and you have spells, they wont do much damage and will eat your FP because is you went straight int early, you split between Mind and Int in order to make use of it, therefore i think its easier to play for Dex and moderate HP until you can freely stack Int. Also spell damage scales super hard with Staff level, so if you dont have the resources for +8/+20 early on, you wont be dumping damage persay, and can end up putting you in sticky situations likely due to ranged attacks having higher aggro draw than melee

  25. 3 days ago



    a bad early build can ruin the whole fricking game

  26. 3 days ago



    Fun fact, if you're having troubles keeping your Spirit Ashes alive during a bossfight because it keeps getting singled out and dumpstered, you can spam throwing knives to steal boss aggro very quickly. This works well with the Mimic Tear because it will also occasionally use throwing items you have equipped when it was summoned, and you can bounce aggro back and forth as a makeshift timestall strategy

  27. 3 days ago



    It's likely the easiest from soft game in the souls universe.

  28. 3 days ago



    The Glintstone Blade spell will automatically fire at invisible Scarabs, even ones that move around

  29. 3 days ago



    You really have to be the lowest kind of lifeform to cheat in a single player videogame. You just fricking suck

  30. 3 days ago



    How do I stop getting mad that I can't beat elden ring the apparently easiest souls games without cheating? (12)

    Ding ding ding

  31. 3 days ago



    I just got extremely bored and never finished it
    Waste of a pre order and far too many hours

How do I stop getting mad that I can't beat elden ring the apparently easiest souls games without cheating? (2024)


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