10 Best Hack-And-Slash PS5 Games, You Can Play Today (2024)

PS5 games of the hack-and-slash variety maybe be plenty, but only a few within the genre offer a thrilling high. Today’s list is all about the games that crank the fun factor up to 11 and deliver fantastic action. Whether it’s over-the-top traversal and slice-and-dice melee or shifting between magic and brawling, we’ll rank the very best hack-and-slash titles.

The PlayStation 5 is Sony’s juggernaut console that’s firing on all cylinders these days. It’s topping sales charts around the world. So, if you’re a lucky PS5 owner looking for hack-and-slash games, you’re in for a treat today. You’ll see the 10 very best games with pulse-pounding, high-octane combat, and innovative mechanics that keep the experience fresh.

Which Hack-and-Slash Games are the Best On PS5?

Alright, before diving into the selection of games, we’ll lay out a couple of rules to make things easier to understand. First, today’s list is a mix of some of the relatively older titles because they’re the industry standard. Basically, they’re the pioneers and kings of hack-and-slash games on PS5 and no-duh picks.

However, that’s not all we got. The other part of the list will have recent picks. Also, we’re limiting the picks to one game per franchise. That way, other games will stand a chance to earn their time in the spotlight. So! with all of that outta the way, we can kick off the party right away. Here we go!

10. Ghostrunner – A Movement Heavy Action Game With Brutality For Days

10 Best Hack-And-Slash PS5 Games, You Can Play Today (1)

Let’s kick off the list with a banger of a PS5 hack-and-slash game that got everyone talking. Ghostrunner relies on a forward motion mechanic where an aggressive playstyle is not only encouraged but vital. The movement and traversal in Ghostrunner make for fun and exciting gameplay. You go around wall-running, leaping over obstacles, sliding, and grappling in tandem.

The purpose of this much variety and intensity in positioning and movement is to dodge enemy attacks. You can also dash forward to deliver the killing blows. Ghostrunner has an edgy sci-fi plot where humanity now resides in a single futuristic society within a tower. Naturally, a power struggle to gain control over the populace resulted in the law and order situation turning chaotic.

The titular Ghostrunner is central to the conflict due to his superhuman abilities. On top of the adrenaline-pumping traversal, players will have access to more upgrades for combat; the vibe is somewhat similar to Doom Eternal battle mode. A favorite one is Ghostrunner’s time-stop ability, which players can use to get breathing room and slice up enemies in a grisly fashion. If you love hack-and-slash games, you need to play Ghostrunner on your PS5.

9. The Wonderful 101 – The Cartoonish Visuals Add to the Enjoyment of this Bonker’s Game

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The Wonderful 101 is the next PS5 hack-and-slash game on our list. It’s a welcome addition because the devs behind it are Platinum games. They’re kind of a big deal, delivering masterful action games like Bayonetta and Astral Chain, to name a few. The Wonderful 101 may have an endearing and colorful aesthetic like the cutest PC games, but it’s got spunk too. It’s also NOT for kids!

Instead of a singular protagonist or a duo, or even a trio for that matter, players take control of a horde of superheroes. Bet you weren’t expecting that, were you? The gameplay involves characters that can morph together to become context-specific objects to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles. It’s a neat little feature that makes The Wonderful 101 stand out from other PS5 games in the hack-and-slash market.

As you go about rescuing citizens, you can recruit them to the horde, thus adding to your power. Also, there are bosses to defeat that will grant you O parts, which serve as currency for upgrades. The game’s humorous tone is an absolute delight to experience and will catch many players off guard. The Wonderful 101 ticks all the boxes to entertain players throughout their playthrough.

10 Best Hack-And-Slash PS5 Games, You Can Play Today (3)

For the next pick on our list of excellent hack-and-slash games, we have an ambitious indie gem, Metallic Child. This game is a brilliant example of innovation and a masterclass in mixing and matching genres. You have rogue-lite exploration, RPG customization, and satisfying high-intensity combat. The bulk of the gameplay will revolve around collecting cores from fallen enemies.

The bosses and other tough enemies will provide players will unique cores. They will either enhance pre-existing abilities or add new ones to the protagonist’s repertoire. Speaking of the main character, she’s an adorable bundle of sunshine, but she can just as easily kick her enemies’ tails. Her fiery demeanor leaves us with the impression that Metallic Child is similar to our other picks for PS5 games for girls.

The combat and character customization, plus the element of randomness, are what makes Metallic Child so enjoyable. The bosses have unique skills that are all yours to have if you can defeat them. To do that, you must master dodging and using your enemies as shields. It’s a handy trick to avoid damage and deal it right back at them. Metallic Child is a PS5 hack-and-slash game worth your time.

7. Nioh 2 – Dark Souls Vibes Persist in this Challenging Hack-and-Slash PS5 Game

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Nioh 2 is a brilliantly challenging PS5 hack-and-slash game for fans of Souls-like titles. The game’s always got a ton of action happening on screen, whether it’s boss animations, their minions, or your own summons that you bring. The combat is not the traditional hack-and-slash fest; you need precision and timing to master blocking and dodging. Staggering your enemies is the key to winning.

Nioh 2 also depicts a fantasy historical setting with gorgeous environments. There are demons and hostile enemies aplenty in Nioh 2. The game has a gripping storyline, but we’d rather you experience it yourself so we won’t spoil it for you. Just know you don’t need to play the first game to understand or appreciate this one. If you’re into Japanese action games, Nioh 2 will more than satisfy.

The weapon variety is more than enough to suit different play styles. If you prefer a more direct approach, you can use swords and other blades. However, there are long blades and two-handed weapons, like spears, to whack and cheese your enemies. In addition, there are magical abilities that complement your fighting. Simply put, Nioh 2 is the most souls-like hack-and-slash PS5 game out there, just like Elden Ring.

6. Nobody Saves The World – The Best Combo of Hack-and-Slash and RPG

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About halfway done with our list of top-tier hack-and-slash PS5 games, and we feel like this title deserves more recognition. Nobody Saves The World is part hack-and-slash and part RPG, making it a dream game for us. The game’s got a throwback feel of retro roleplaying games, kind of like the PS1-era JRPGS. Players control, we kid you not, the hero is named, Nobody.

Nobody has no defining traits. Players can customize them through gameplay progression via the magical wand, which Nobody has. Speaking of upgrades, Nobody Saves The World has a phenomenal gameplay progression system. Players can transform Nobody into literally any kind of archetype. You can make Nobody into a cyborg, a fearsome dragon who breathes elemental attacks, or even an undead sorcerer.

What’s even greater than the freedom to shape Nobody into any character you want? The answer is the ability to combine the transformation traits. Yep, Nobody Saves The World allows you to mix and match the transformations. For instance, what’s better than a dragon? Why a cyborg dragon! Whichever form you select, the combat is an absolute blast to engage in. Nobody Saves The World is a brilliant hack-and-slash game on PS5.

5. Hades – The Best Roguelite Game Ever With Tremendous Hack-and-Slash Elements

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Ushering us into the final half of our list of excellent PS5 hack-and-slash games, we have Hades. This was the game that took over the gaming scene. After checking the game out, we can confirm, the hype was real, and the acclaim is well-deserved. Hades takes all the best elements of dungeon crawling and combines them with a free-style combat, to deliver one of the most engaging games ever.

The gameplay and storytelling are intertwined beautifully. To get the true ending, you need to play Hades several times. The game’s not a breeze either; it’s challenging and can punish you for being wreckless in your approach. Enemies are strong and won’t hesitate to pulverize the protagonist, Zagreus. Who, by the way, is one of the most compelling video game characters in the past decade.

Hades has random dungeon generation creating a new experience for players every time. Sometimes, the dialogues you choose during conversations can even alter the way bosses behave in fights. It gives the feeling of accomplishment and serious bragging rights. Each attack feels impactful. You’ll enjoy delivering the butt-whooping on enemies. Hades is a fantastic PS5 title, similar to other action RPG hack-and-slash games like Diablo.

4. Devil May Cry 5 – The Pillar of the Hack-and-Slash Genre Shines Brighter Than Ever

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The Devil May Cry franchise is one of the central pillars of the hack-and-slash genre, and Devil May Cry 5 is the apex of the series. You get the fun-loving, over-the-top, and absolutely awesome main character, Dante, Son Of Sparda. That’s not all; in Devil May Cry 5, players also step in the shoes of returning hero Nero, a mysterious magus V, and of course, Dante’s brother Virgil also makes a comeback.

Each character plays differently enough that you’ll want to try all of them. Dante, in particular, is a one-man wrecking crew, possessing powers from all the previous games but with new additions and twists. Devil May Cry 5 requires players to form a flow in combat, and be aware of the enemy positions at all times. The more stylish and varied your attacks, the better your combos will look and the higher you will score.

The game’s fairly linear, but the action is non-stop fun. You’ll be mesmerized by each of the fighter’s move sets. To create a more immersive experience for players, the game’s music shifts depending on how well you’re playing. The soundtrack is a real headbang, particularly Nero’s theme. There’s not much here to say, really, Devil May Cry 5’s pedigree speaks for itself as a true hack-and-slash game on PS5.

3. Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection – The Pioneer Of Hack-and-Slash Combat Still Holds Up

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Usually, you see the word Ninja in the title of a game; you expect it to be in line with PS4 stealth games, right? Well, usually, that’s the case, but not with Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection. This violent hack-and-slash PS5 game is loud and in your face, and trust us when we say, you’re in for a trip. The game’s protagonist is Ryu Hayabusa, a master ninja who happens to fight demons, cyborgs, and whole military units like it’s Tuesday.

In the Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection, players get three games, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razer’s Edge. All 3 are enhanced ports of the base games, containing extra content for enthusiasts. The combat is visceral and bloody; there are bloody decapitations and executions. Ryu Hayabusa is silent and merciless to his enemies, and his combos are nearly endless.

When you see the enemies and how powerful the bosses are, and how frightening their designs are, you’ll realize it’s necessary for Ryu to be the way he is. Ninja Gaiden: Mater Collection evenly paces the combat with exploration and a bit of puzzle-solving at times. It’s fun, and, most of all, a true test of skill and patience. Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection will scratch your hack-and-slash game cravings on your PS5.

2. Darksiders 3 – Our Runner-up PS5 Hack-and-Slash Game Features the Femme Fatale Fury

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While we patiently wait for the next mainline entry in the Darksiders series, we’re picking Darksiders 3 as our runner-up hack-and-slash PS5 game. The reason for that is simple; the game is freaking awesome! You get to play as the fiery and fierce Fury, the sole female rider of the apocalypse. She’s ambitious and quick to anger but slowly comes around to realizing her mistakes, in a fantastic character-driven story.

If you like top-tier plots, then Darksiders 3 is right up there with the best story-driven games. Aside from that, the hack-and-slash style of gameplay is top-notch as well. Fury’s primary weapon is her whip, much like a certain vampire-slayer clan from Castlevania. However, it’s not a total one-to-one copy, because Fury’s got different powers, called elemental hollows.

The hollow abilities help Fury navigate obstacles, and they pack quite a punch in combat as well. Oh yes, did we mention, that the bosses in the games are the Seven Deadly Sins? And you can approach them in any order you like. As long as you can get to them, that is. Darksiders 3 borrows from the souls-like formula to emulate one of the most satisfying hack-and-slash games on the PS5.

1. God Of War: Ragnarok – The Best PS5 Hack-and-Slash Game

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We’re capping off our list of amazing hack-and-slash games on PS5 with the one franchise that’s synonymous with the genre. God Of War has been a mainstay on PlayStation consoles since the PS2 days. The latest outing of the series comes in the form of God Of War: Ragnarok. This game is about as hardcore as you can get, but the surprising part is that Kratos is much more mature and humble these days.

That’s not to say, he’s weak, far from it. Kratos is a bonafide badass, and he proves it more so in this game. With the Greek pantheon done away with, Kratos’s journey puts him in conflict with the Norse mythology legends. The result is an action-packed adventure that’ll get you gushing and cheering like fanboys. The game has got tremendous combat, with high-impact blows and those signature executions.

Kratos makes use of different weapons but can also tap into his Spartan Rage to deliver a massive beatdown on larger foes. Kratos also has the guardian shield for defending against attacks, which adds a layer of depth to the always aggressive style of combat. God Of War: Ragnarok is one of the best single-player games of all time, with the most fun and enjoyable hack-and-slash style of gameplay on the PS5.

Final Thoughts About the Best PS5 Hack-and-Slash Games

Well, our epic list concludes with a bang, we’d say. So, we hope everyone agrees with our picks for the best games in the hack-and-slash category. If not, that’s okay; different folks, different strokes. Regardless, we’re super curious to know what you all think about today’s selection. Also, while you’re at it, don’t forget to mention your own favorites in the comments below.

If the craving for more modern PlayStation gaming goodness persists, worry not, our fellow gamers. We have the perfect solution for you in the form of our top PS5 games for couples. Sure, it’s not as action-heavy as today’s list, but it’s unique and geared more toward playing with a loved one. Anyway, that’s all we have for you today, so until next time, stay safe and happy gaming!

10 Best Hack-And-Slash PS5 Games, You Can Play Today (2024)


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