Telegram Scams: When the Chat is Not Secure and the Con is Always On (2024)

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Telegram is a popular messaging app that boasts end-to-end encryption and secure chats. But, as with any online platform, it’s not immune to scams.

Telegram has become a breeding ground for various types of fraudulent activities, ranging from cryptocurrency scams to fake investment opportunities.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at some of the most common Telegram scams and how you can avoid falling prey to them.

So, buckle up and get ready to learn how to protect yourself from the sly tactics of scammers on Telegram.

Telegram Scams: When the Chat is Not Secure and the Con is Always On (1)

What are Telegram Scams? How Do They Work?

Telegram scams are crafty ways of exploiting the Telegram messaging platform to dupe users into exposing personal information or financial assets. These schemes come in diverse forms, all geared towards malicious ends.

A prevalent type of Telegram scam is impersonation, wherein scammers counterfeit profiles as legitimate ones. By imitating trusted companies and people, such as customer support, these fraudsters aim to win your confidence.

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Another common tactic involves investment scams. Tempted by potential profits, victims invest their money.

Phishing is yet another method deployed in Telegram scams. You might receive apparently harmless messages containing links that direct you to bogus websites which steal your login credentials or deploy malware onto your devices.

Is Telegram a safe chatting haven or a ticking time bomb?

  • Boasting over 700 million monthly active users, Telegram has become one of the world’s most sought-after messaging applications. But, its widespread usage and reputation for anonymity have also made it an attractive target for cybercriminals and scammers.
  • A recent screenshot sent on Telegram displaying a bank receipt that verifies a deposit of $24,000 via check has been shared. “I’m happy I was able to walk this for u .. let’s do it again yay,” reads the caption. A cybersecurity expert reveals that the post is promoting illicit services that result in billions of dollars in losses for U.S. banks every year.
  • Maria Noriega, a senior cyber-intelligence analyst at Q6 Cyber, a cybersecurity firm that consults for CNBC, states “Check fraud, and perhaps fraud in general, flourishes on Telegram mainly due to its unrestrictive nature.”
  • Even though Telegram has told CNBC that they have “banned millions of chats and accounts for violating our Terms of Service.” Even then Q6 Cyber was able to find at least 30 channels on Telegram dedicated to sharing the latest tips and tricks to commit bank fraud.
  • So taking security measures is a must while using Telegram but before that, it’s important to know how to spot a scam to avoid falling for one.

Don’t get fooled! 11 latest Telegram scams to look out for

  1. Fake Telegram channels and groups

Telegram channels and groups are online forums where like-minded people can engage in conversations about various topics. However, scammers often create fake channels and groups, also known as “copycat” versions mimicking the appearance of legitimate ones, to deceive unsuspecting victims and steal their data or crypto money.

Here’s an example of such a scam

A scammer formed a Telegram group with the name “Coinbase,” and added a massive number of users. The scammer then impersonated a representative from Coinbase and enticed people with the promise of daily giveaways, all while attempting to obtain unauthorized access to their accounts.

  1. Fake “Crypto Experts”

Telegram has emerged as a go-to messaging platform for cryptocurrency and blockchain enthusiasts. Unfortunately, scammers have also recognized this trend and are exploiting it by impersonating crypto experts on Telegram to deceive people into giving up their coins, money, or login credentials.

These scams frequently rely on the promise of a “guaranteed” return on your crypto investment. Scammers may reply to Twitter posts or directly contact you on Telegram, claiming to be able to offer a 50% return on your investment.

If you fall for the trap, the scammers will likely request that you create an account or provide other sensitive information.

  1. Phishing scams using Telegram bots

Hackers can enter the phone number of a Telegram user, and an automated Telegram bot will then call the user and try to persuade them to reveal personal information, login credentials for bank accounts, passwords, and even two-factor authentication (2FA) codes.

If a user picks up the phone, scammers on forums claim that these bots are effective 80% of the time. Even worse, for as little as $300 a month, anyone may use these bots and commit scams.

Here’s what this scam looks like:

Telegram Scams: When the Chat is Not Secure and the Con is Always On (2)
  1. Tech support phishing

You’re sharing an issue you’re havingin a Telegram group. Suddenly, a tech support representative from that business joins the conversation and offers to assist you with troubleshooting. The problem is that this person is either a con artist or a scammer’s robot.

This bot or scammer will look for information that could give access to your financial accounts, cryptocurrency wallets, or worse while “helping” you with your technical problems. They will collect your information in general and send you links to phishing websites.

Here’s what this scam looks like:

Telegram Scams: When the Chat is Not Secure and the Con is Always On (3)
  1. Crypto giveaways

Targeting unsuspecting Telegram users with fake Binance or other crypto profiles is how this scam works. Potential victims are under a time constraint to make a quick decision. Even though it makes no sense to send any amount of cryptocurrency to receive free cryptos because that’s not how most blockchain works.

But since most individuals have such a limited understanding of the crypto realm, they fall for such obvious schemes.

Here’s what this scam looks like:

Telegram Scams: When the Chat is Not Secure and the Con is Always On (4)
  1. Impersonating a friend

Impersonating a friend also known as a “friend in need” scam is a well-known fraud that affects various communication channels, from email to Telegram.

Scammers do background checks on you, your family, and your friends. Then they pretend to be someone close to you and ask for money urgently.

Here’s what this scam may sound like:

“Hey, I need money ASAP! My mother’s in the hospital.”

  1. Fake Telegram admins

Official Telegram usernames are unique, so scammers can’t simply clone an existing one. But these crafty con artists have another trick up their sleeves, creating account names that are eerily similar to the real deal.

These lookalike accounts often swoop in to “assist” you when you post a public query. But beware! Behind that friendly facade lies a scam to either infiltrate your account or lure you off-platform to a phishing site where they can pull off their scamming shenanigans.

Here’s what this scam looks like:

Telegram Scams: When the Chat is Not Secure and the Con is Always On (5)
  1. Classified ad scams

Fake classified ads or Classiscams are similar to Telegram bot scams but this scam has robbed unsuspecting victims of about $6.5 million through fake listings on classified sites. They’ll bait you with deals on cameras, laptops, and iOS devices, but the catch is that you have to reach out over Telegram to seal the deal.

Little do you know, you’ll be chatting with a sneaky bot whose only interest is in stealing your personal information. Talk about a classic scam with a modern twist!

Here’s what this scam looks like:

Telegram Scams: When the Chat is Not Secure and the Con is Always On (6)
  1. Fake crypto signal groups

Imagine a digital version of a snake oil salesman, operating in the shady world of cryptocurrency on Telegram. They go by the name “Pump and Dump” scammers, and they have a slick playbook.

First, they hype up an asset, creating a frenzy of buying activity to artificially inflate its value (pumping). Then, when the price is at its peak, they swiftly sell off their stash at the inflated price, leaving unsuspecting buyers holding the bag (dumping).

It’s a crafty con, perfectly suited for Telegram’s fast-paced environment, where these scam artists prey on the greed and FOMO of their victims.

Here’s what this scam looks like:

Telegram Scams: When the Chat is Not Secure and the Con is Always On (7)
  1. Bogus job opportunities

Just like how WhatsApp is the go-to for global chats, Telegram has also become a favorite contact method in many corners of the world. But if you receive a job offer on Telegram, be wary! Legitimate recruiters and employers don’t usually conduct their hiring process through a chat app. Don’t fall for the fake job listings!

Here’s what this scam looks like:

Telegram Scams: When the Chat is Not Secure and the Con is Always On (8)
  1. Love trap

Romance scams on Telegram are all about building fake relationships to gain your trust. But watch out, these flings are often short-lived or involve mature content.

And once they have gained your trust they won’t shy away from asking for gifts or money to supposedly come to visit you. Or they may also request sensitive photos or videos, which they can use later for blackmail.

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How To Prevent Telegram Scams

You have control over your privacy, and there are some methods which you can employ to prevent Telegram scams:

  • Check Identities: Always verify who’s reaching out, especially if they claim to be official or financial experts.
  • Profile Check: Look closely at profiles, mainly from supposed customer support or famous figures. Spotting any odd details could reveal a fake account.
  • Ignore Random Messages: Be wary of unexpected messages, especially those offering investments or asking for personal info. Legit contacts usually don’t start convos like that.
  • Don’t Click Strange Links: Avoid clicking on unfamiliar links, especially from unknown contacts. They might lead to fake sites stealing your login details or spreading malware.
  • Question Investment Offers: Need to be more mindful of high-return investments? Verify proposals before jumping in. Quick financial decisions can lead to trouble.
  • Use Two-Factor Authentication: Turn on two-factor authentication for your Telegram. It’s an extra security layer, even if someone gets your login details.
  • Keep Things Updated: Regularly update your Telegram app and device. Updates often include security fixes that help guard against scams.
  • Stay Informed: Know the latest scam tactics. Being aware of common scams helps you spot potential threats and stay ahead.
  • Report Suspicious Activity: If you spot anything fishy, report it to Telegram. Your reports help keep the community safe by letting admins take action.
  • Adjust Privacy Settings: Review and tweak your privacy settings on Telegram. Limiting access to your profile adds another layer of security.

Why did crypto choose Telegram?

For several compelling reasons, Telegram has become the communication platform of choice within the cryptocurrency community.

The robust security infrastructure features end-to-end encryption for secret chats. The platform’s extensive user base and its versatility in offering channels and groups position Telegram as an ideal space for cryptocurrency projects, communities, and influencers.

Beware the fake Telegram “$FUFU token chat”, a complete scam to steal your tokens. THERE IS NO MIGRATION FOR $FUFU token. These people will steal your tokens. They kicked me from the chat for simply asking about the migration, such an idiotic scam.

— duker.eth™️ (@IndigianaJones) November 15, 2023

Channels serve practical broadcasting tools for information to a broad audience, while groups facilitate focused discussions and collaboration. Automated processes and real-time notifications, particularly regarding market prices and news updates, enhance the user experience.

Telegram’s accessibility across diverse geographical regions helps the cryptocurrency community communicate better.

Scammed and confused? Here’s your next move!

Discovering you’ve been scammed on Telegram can be distressing. But don’t panic, here’s what you can do next to take control:

Stop all communication

  • Immediately cut off contact with the scammer on Telegram.
  • Do not respond to their messages or engage in any further transactions.

Gather evidence

  • Take screenshots or save any conversations, emails, or transaction details related to the scam as evidence for potential legal actions or reporting to authorities.

Report the scam

  • Report the scam to Telegram’s support team and provide them with all relevant details, including the scammer’s username, chat history, and any evidence you have gathered.
  • You can do this by clicking on the Report Spam button.
  • If the reported message is confirmed as spam, the offending user’s account will be “limited.”
  • This means they can only message people who already have them in their contacts, effectively cutting off their ability to spam strangers.
  • Use the FTC’s special website to report what happened. The FTC uses such reports to bring cases against those responsible.
  • If the scam you encountered involved a registered company. Use the Better Business Bureau’s complaint form.

Inform your bank about the scam

  • If you have shared any financial information or made transactions with the scammer, contact your bank, credit card company, or other financial institutions to report the incident and take the necessary steps to protect your accounts.

Take control of your stolen identity

  • If you’ve fallen victim to a scam on Telegram and suspect that your identity may be at risk, it’s important to take action promptly.
  • To begin the process of recovering your identity, visit the Federal Trade Commission’s identity theft portal. This valuable resource guides on how to handle the aftermath of identity theft.

Be cautious of follow-up scams

  • Scammers may try to target you again with follow-up scams, pretending to offer help or compensation for the previous scam.
  • Be vigilant and avoid engaging with any suspicious contacts or offers.

Educate others

  • Share your experience with others to raise awareness about scams on Telegram and help prevent others from falling victim to similar scams.

Take preventive measures

  • Learn from the experience and take preventive measures to protect yourself from future scams, such as being cautious and using security tools like VPNs or anti-malware software.

Stay one step ahead with PureVPN’s robust security features!

When it comes to safeguarding your Telegram chats, PureVPN is the ultimate choice. With unmatched security, anonymity, and privacy protection, PureVPN offers a plethora of benefits that will elevate your Telegram experience to the next level.

Enhanced security

  • PureVPN’s 256-bit encryption will fortify your internet connection, making it nearly impossible for cybercriminals to intercept and steal your personal and financial information while using Telegram.

Privacy protection

  • Say goodbye to prying eyes with PureVPN’s IP masking feature that conceals your IP address while chatting on Telegram, making it challenging for third parties to track your online activity.
  • Plus, with PureVPN’s IP leak-proof feature, your IP address remains protected no matter what.

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Bottom line

In conclusion, while Telegram is a popular messaging app with many useful features, it is not immune to scams and fraudulent activities.

It is essential to take appropriate measures to protect your personal and financial information. Also, avoid sharing sensitive information with unknown or untrusted contacts. Stay vigilant and use reliable VPN services for added security.

For any assistance regarding VPN, don’t hesitate to reach out via the LiveChat option.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to deal with crypto on Telegram?

It is not recommended to deal with cryptocurrencies on Telegram, as it can be risky and potentially unsafe. Telegram is a messaging app and not a dedicated platform for cryptocurrency trading.

Is Telegram safe for chatting?

Telegram is generally considered to be a secure messaging app with end-to-end encryption for one-on-one conversations. But, it is important to note that not all chats on Telegram are automatically encrypted. Only “Secret Chats” have end-to-end encryption, while regular chats (group chats, channels, etc.) do not.

What are the official Telegram support emails and handles?

The only official support channel for Telegram is their Help Center, which can be accessed at Telegram also has an official Twitter account (@telegram) where they occasionally post updates and announcements. To report to the Telegram abuse team use

Can you use Telegram internationally?

Yes, Telegram can be used internationally. Telegram is a global messaging app that can be used in virtually any country around the world.

Why would a scammer use Telegram?

Telegram is an ideal platform for scammers. The reason is the large user base Telegram holds. Also, They can appear anonymously, hence hiding their identity.

As a transfer medium, scammers can send phishing links to a large audience and collect their information for unauthorized access.

How do you know a Telegram scammer?

There are some sure signs to identify that you are talking to a scammer. Firstly, they are the ones who initiate the conversation with some luring offers, such as high investment returns.

Secondly they would force you to act instantly and avail the deceptive offers. They might send you suspicious links and images to click on and ask for your details through various means.

Why would someone want to talk on Telegram?

Telegram is just another communication platform. People might have different motives to choose Telegram.

Some find it secure and anonymous to connect, while others choose it for group discussions and offers. Some think it is easy to use, and others prefer Telegram to build the community or link to a larger audience.

Why are companies using Telegram?

Companies use Telegram for better reach and communication with employees and customers. With an extensive user base, companies can connect to a larger audience, including potential customers or clients.

Companies also choose Telegram for organizational groups and meetings, file storage and broadcasting news.

Telegram Scams: When the Chat is Not Secure and the Con is Always On (9)

Marrium Akhtar

Telegram Scams: When the Chat is Not Secure and the Con is Always On (10)

January 1, 2024

Telegram Scams: When the Chat is Not Secure and the Con is Always On (11)

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Marrium is a dedicated digital Marketer and an SEO enthusiast who is skilled in cracking SEO codes. Other than work, she loves to stream, eat, and repeat.

Telegram Scams: When the Chat is Not Secure and the Con is Always On (2024)


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.