Is Telegram safe to use? What you need to know. | IPVanish (2024)

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Updated April 18, 2024

The modern smartphone has advanced far beyond making calls. It now offers new ways to connect with friends, family, and business partners through a multitude of direct messaging platforms. One of the most popular messaging services is Telegram for its speed and cross-platform integration. But is Telegram safe to use? The app has a dense history with the Russian government that reveals the potential downsides of using encrypted IM services in general. Despite its protective features, you would be surprised by the risks your data could face while using it.

What is Telegram?

Telegram is a secure messaging service that allows users to communicate with their contacts without having to provide a phone number. It was released nine years ago, close to when Facebook (now Meta) acquired WhatsApp, which is still the leading messaging platform on the market (with billions of downloads). Telegram has apps available for every major operating system, making synchronization easier for those who have devices of different brands.

One of its most notable features is a streamlined interface that mimics other instant messaging services. This means the learning curve for new users is generally small, with the bonus of theme and aesthetic customization. It is powerful and secure, offering encrypted chats and allowing groups of up to 200,000 people at once.

Telegram prides itself on security, claiming to have more integrity than Meta, but is Telegram safe?

A brief history of Telegram

Telegram was developed by Pavel Durov; dubbed the “Mark Zuckerburg of Russia” for the app’s widespread success. While working on his first project in 2006, VKontakte (a social networking site), he started to experience pressure from the Kremlin to release certain user data. Durov refused. In fact, in 2014, he sold his shares in VKontakte and fled the country, citing his fear of government surveillance and denouncing new shareholder relationships.

Telegram was released in 2013. Years later, although Durov now lives in Dubai and the service is headquartered in London, the Russian government continued to apply pressure to obtain certain user details for political reasons. Since Durov refused to comply, Russia banned the software in 2018. However, the ban was eventually lifted in 2020 when Telegram agreed to aid Russia in investigations related to terrorism.

This ban was also ineffective; Telegram was still the main source of news for Russian oppositionists despite firewalls put up by Roskomnadzor (Russia’s Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media). It also didn’t stop the spread of propaganda. As a result, Telegram banned Russian state media on the platform just this year.

Where does Telegram stand today?

Telegram is reported to have over 700 million monthly active users, with its largest user base coming from India. And despite the issues and recent bans faced by the app, its second and third largest user bases come from Russia and the United States, respectively. Telegram is popular around the world for many different reasons. As stated earlier, it offers a lot of flexibility and is known as the fastest messaging service of any on the market. But the Telegram app takes on even greater significance when security pitfalls with real-life consequences are placed in the context of political tensions between countries.

Durov himself has expressed concerns over unverified information and “ethnic hatred” spreading rampantly throughout the Telegram atmosphere despite it being an algorithm-free zone. This is even riskier when you consider that technology experts are skeptical of the app’s security measures. The test of true safety lies in the answer to this question: Is Telegram safe enough to be used by politicians and targeted groups of people, or only the average person? In the next section, we examine each concern with Telegram and how it applies to you.

Is Telegram safe to use?

For the average person who is not an activist, politician, CEO, or figure whose communications would be actively targeted, Telegram is probably safe to use with a few settings adjustments.

Telegram uses buzzwords like “encryption” in their marketing to entice users, but in reality, these safety features are not set by default. Telegram users must enable encryption settings within the app to be protected, and even then, this encryption is not end-to-end (E2EE). The app only offers E2EE (the leading standard of encryption tech) in secret chats, but the user must create these chats manually. This means that there are security issues that hinge on human error, like forgetting to turn these features on. Competitors like Signal and WhatsApp automatically apply E2EE on all chats.

Related to this is the more nuanced issue of Telegram’s encryption implementation.Technology experts have indeed denounced Telegram’s encryption method saying that it is untested and unsecured. Most interactions on the app outside of secret chats do not use E2EE. This means Telegram itself has stored information and chat logs available to insiders. And while Telegram has demonstrated a strong will to protect data in the past, they’re not without some missteps.

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Earlier this year, Telegram turned over user data to German authorities after they had already used a program called Bundestrojaner to hack the app and spy on citizens. This allowed them to arrest a group of criminals using an unencrypted group chat to plan a hate crime. Telegram then reminded its users that it has data centers worldwide, and although they are controlled by different legal entities, the encryption key is dispersed and heavily guarded. Regardless of the reason, higher-ups okayed the transfer of secure user data to a foreign authoritative body more than once, which could be a dealbreaker for some users.

Other pitfalls of Telegram and alternatives

Politicians and marginalized groups would have to be extra cautious when using Telegram. No encrypted chats have ever been officially compromised on Telegram, but as mentioned, any slip-ups could be documented and stored. Also, recently, Telegram introduced a premium plan that unlocked perks for $5 per month. This may not be worth it for people who aren’t willing to pay for features that were once free, especially from a company that prides itself on being open-source.

Alternatives to Telegram aren’t that much better. Meta is known for privacy scandals and for collecting user data. Arguably, a major reason Meta acquired WhatsApp in the first place was to eliminate its main competition to Facebook Messenger, the second-most used IM service. Meta relies on user engagement to make money. Keep in mind that although WhatsApp has E2EE on chats, it still collects data on purchase history, advertising, and device ID.

Signal is another popular encrypted messaging service that offers E2EE on all chats and doesn’t collect any user data linked to your identity. However, key disclosure laws allow the US government to subpoena encryption keys from any company for investigative purposes without a warrant. It’s also illegal for a company to disclose that the US government has approached it for surveillance purposes.

Fortunately, this excludes the content of private chats, telephone, and video calls, which are still protected by E2EE. Since Telegram is headquartered in London, it adheres to the UK’s version of these nearly identical laws. At least Signal limits itself to sharing user information with domestic authoritative bodies for legitimate investigative purposes, as it is required by law.

Due to its nature, Telegram can also be a target for some governments. For example, Spain’s highest court recently ordered the suspension of Telegram’s services in the country due to rampant copyright infringement on the app. Although an encrypted messaging app can be useful for staying private, it is often fraught with abuse where bad actors come in and use it for nefarious activities like unlawfully distributing copyrighted material.

Ultimately, Spain’s Telegram ban was reversed. However, that doesn’t mean it won’t be targeted in other countries moving forward. Unfortunately, the actions of others may affect your ability to use the app in your country in the future, making it slightly more unreliable.

So, what now?

Overall, messaging services that are encrypted and anonymous are often seen as a threat by domestic and foreign governments. These governments wield their power to maintain some level of control and are the only reason why these services are allowed to exist. Using any of these encrypted messaging services poses the risk of having some of your data exposed, either to third parties or to the government. However using E2EE on your chats should give you the confidence that the content of your communications will be protected and private.

So, is Telegram safe? The truth isn’t black and white. It’s arguably safer for the average user than most messaging services, especially when E2EE is enabled. It’s also safer than using (mostly) unencrypted services with messaging functions like Skype, Snapchat, Instagram, and Discord. The fact that Telegram is popular also makes it more attractive as the scope of your network is expanded. However, for a messaging service that claims to be all about safety, it’s imperative to question why safety-specific features aren’t the default and what the larger implications of those choices are.

Always check your settings to ensure that any available protection methods are in place before you use a service. For extra privacy online, use a VPN to encrypt your entire internet connection and help avoid any potential lapses in security.

Encrypted messaging services are all the rage, but is Telegram safe? You would be surprised by the risks your data could face while using it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do hackers use Telegram?

Unfortunately, yes. This isn’t a unique issue to Telegram, as hackers target vulnerabilities within all popular messaging apps. Regarding Telegram specifically, you should use the app cautiously and tinker with its settings to create the most secure conditions possible for communication within the app.

What do people use Telegram for?

Telegram is an instant messaging app; people use it to communicate with others. Telegram is popular because it doesn’t require a phone number for use. Some people seek out Telegram for its custom security settings, including Secret Chats. However, it’s important to note this feature is not enabled by default.

Why do people use Telegram instead of texting?

Telegram is a popular alternative to traditional texting due to its availability across multiple operating systems. This allows iPhone and Android users to text each other easily, for example, which isn’t possible using each type of device’s native text messaging app.

Is Telegram safe to use? What you need to know. | IPVanish (2024)


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