Young Stars: The New Dawning - A Space Western RP (2024)

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KR_Vandal Since: Jun, 2014

#1: May 16th 2018 at 4:24:26 AM

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Cavalry Command Station, Havenward City, Planet Journey

Roughly 6:00 PM, Earther Time

The planet Journey. Home to 8 million souls with the number climbing steadily with each solar cycle. It was a good world of near Earth-like proportions, one of the New Frontier's jewels. Though it was considered a backwater by many of those planets closer to Sol, it was thriving. There was plenty of work of all stripes, Journey had thriving hydroponics and agriculture projects while still being unexplored enough to satisfy those with a yen for adventure.

And, most importantly, above Journey was the Hoshi Gate. A feat of engineering from the halcyon days of space travel, it was both station and jump point for any ship or fleet to safely travel from the inner systems to the distant stars and back again.

Those distant stars which were also growing silent with each passing solar cycle. Tensions all over the Frontier were starting to rise, particularly in systems with the Gates. And now, more than ever, were the Star Sheriffs needed.

Journey's sun rose on a new day. And in the Cavalry Command station where the newest Sheriffs were bunked, the recording of trumpets blew out the revielle.

"All Star Sheriffs, up and at 'em!" Echoing through the station's public address system installed in the common bunking area was the stentorian tone of the Detachment's Gamilian XO, Dotem Rikke. "Rise and shine, tenderfoots! It's a glorious new day and the start of your shiny new lives!"

edited 16th May '18 4:45:58 AM by KR_Vandal

Enirboreh AKA Nixer from the domain of infinite floof. Since: Jul, 2015 Relationship Status: Non-Canon

AKA Nixer

#2: May 16th 2018 at 4:44:18 AM

Journey, Calvary Command Centre Bunks — Dopp-A

Nestled on a small raised platform in the corner of the room was a tinier version of the larger bunks, a minute, somewhat insectoid creature with an oversized head blinking awake, a set of glossy membrane sliding to the side of its large almond-shaped eyes as it rolled off of the berth and onto its face, landing on the platform with a soft thunk.

After a few seconds of inactivity, the large, sandy pair of fuzzy ears pushed against the surface of the platform and lifted the groggly little creature up onto its twin-taloned feet, acting almost as extra limbs in replacement of its disproportionately stubby claws. Its massive greyish eyes blinked rapidly to remove any sleep, before the intricate ethereal patterning and colour of its glassy surface suddenly shifted as Dopp-A finally registered the announcement.

The core on his head glowing brightly with a newfound energy, his eyes now a cheery yellowish-orange, he leapt off of the platform, grabbing his translator that had been propped up against it and strapping it around his abdomen. The small red light blinked repeatedly with a low-pitched buzz, before finally letting out a ping and flashing a steady green instead.

“Testing, testing. This still working? Didn't set it to Gragnorok by accident or something, did I?” it buzzed mechanically, its deep robotic pitch a contrast to the small stature of the creature, who was now looking at the others in an inquisitive fashion as its eyes continued to shift in patterning according to its translated speech. The Iangolian had only finished his translator late that previous night, so he hadn't had a chance to properly interact with his fellow applicants yet.

edited 16th May '18 4:45:45 AM by Enirboreh


TheRealWren Omega Overlord. Or superjwren329. Either or. from I...honestly have no idea. Since: Jan, 2011

Omega Overlord. Or superjwren329. Either or.

#3: May 16th 2018 at 7:15:25 AM

Wake Up Call.

For a few moments, the loud voice over the P.A system was met with Jestar rolling over in his sleep, apparently content to ignore it and the trumpets so he could nap a little longer...before suddenly rolling over and almost leaping out of bed with a surprising amount of energy, sending both the blanket and his hat flying before managing to catch them as he gracefully landed on the floor.

Understandably, he looked rather eager to get going as he put on that hat of his, those fluffy rabbit ears poking through the gaps as he wasted no time in getting ready for the day ahead, getting those shoes of his on first as he glanced over at small robo-sounding bug-like thing.

"I reckon I'm hearing you just fine, 'lil guy. You lookin' forward to what ever the day's got waiting in store for us?"

Hope you weren't expecting anything witty here. Maybe some day.

Taco Since: Jan, 2001

#4: May 16th 2018 at 1:13:13 PM

Arian Valus was the best of the best as a scion of House Valus, so it was only natural that she'd have even her wakeup routine 100% optimized. Almost like a tactical reload, Arian scooped her top with one hand and her bottoms with another and threw them on over her sleepwear. Then, without needing to change in private, Arian finagled her pajamas out from under her clothes and slipped real underwear on from under her current clothes. All of this happened in about ten seconds. You had to be this fast or faster to be ready for anything!

Arian would never tell anyone that she'd absolutely picked out today's outfit for quick-donning anyway. Normally she'd have to go as high as a full minute in an unoptimized outfit but today she was dressed light and slim to allow for quick changes. She'd picked out a scavenged pastel pink shirt, with the mint green inscription BOY on the front, along with a matching green pleated skirt. The O in BOY had a hole cut in it for a classic keyhole look—very common among the tacky "strangecore" fashion common to salvagewear directly dreamed from Walker IV's will.

"It begins!" She declared, finishing off her equipment with a bow strapped to her back and a case of bolts on both of her thighs. "No turning back. Not easily at least. I think at this point nobody will have second thoughts unless from at minimum a prophetic dream, if not worse. Anyone have any strange dreams? I have taken shots in the dark that accurate before."

guyshane Combat mode, engage Since: Jan, 2012 Relationship Status: You can be my wingman any time

Combat mode, engage

#5: May 16th 2018 at 2:18:56 PM

Robert slowly stretched as the wake-up alarm and put on his arm. Then he walked over to his bag, throwing on his shirt and coat and arming himself. The former card dealer's eyes shifted around the room sizing up the other recruits in quick succession.

For the most part it was no one he knew but Tam Winter stood out like a sore thumb, New Vegas' Casinos rarely cared about the crimes of it's patrons, even cheating was allowed so long as the cheater wasn't caught and they weren't winning too consistently. The fact that said criminal had somehow been accused of illegal gambling there had been a matter of some speculation among the dealers.

Robert turned to address Arian. "Indeed I did not, kind Miss. In fact, I believe this is a most auspicious day, what with the company and the promise of honest work for the foreseeable future."

-dramatic music ensues-

Enirboreh AKA Nixer from the domain of infinite floof. Since: Jul, 2015 Relationship Status: Non-Canon

AKA Nixer

#6: May 16th 2018 at 2:54:56 PM

Journey, Cavalry Command Centre Bunks — Dopp-A

“Just as much as everyone else, seems like,” the little bionoid buzzed in reply to Jestar, before tilting his head towards Arian inquisitively.

“Nope, boatload of nothing from me. I suppose that's a... good... sign...? Going by that logic, anyhow,” he shrugged, resisting the urge to leap for the bow and bag of accompanying bolts in order to study it meticulously.

He got the feeling that wouldn't fly over well.

Instead, he toddled over to Robert, staring in awe at the large loadout he had, his eyes losing the orange tinge and turning a bright gold in fascination and admiration.

“Woah, that's a hell of an arsenal you have. I'm bagging this one to hide behind,” he called out to the others, before rapidly scampering up Robert's leg and around his body, eventually making his way up to his left-hand shoulder and inadvertently draping his large ear over his head as he shifted his balance.

“Yeah, this could work. What say you, big guy?” he asked innocently, his eyes shifting pink and widening adorably, though he was clearly ready to leap off if need be.


Daydre That's just how it is on this bitch of an earth from the trash Since: Jun, 2014 Relationship Status: Gone fishin'

That's just how it is on this bitch of an earth

#7: May 16th 2018 at 3:26:25 PM

Cavalry Command

One Lorea Avna lay sprawled out on her bed, deep asleep. Or maybe not, since the minute the alarm sounded she jumped out of bed with knife in hand.

"WHERE IS IT, I'LL PUT MY KNIFE IN-" She blinked out of her half awake state and noticed the others standing around. A little sheepish, she returned her knife to its sheath. ".. Oh, whoops. Sorry about that, ahaha..." Lorea awkwardly made her way back to her bunk.

Seeing as she was awake now, she figured she might as well start getting ready. She'd worn her clothes to bed last night, (gods knew why) so at least she didn't need to worry about getting dressed. She tied her hair into a messy ponytail, slipped on her jacket, and was done.

"I had a dream I was back home-" She replied to Arian. "-but those aren't all that weird for me."

off the sh*ts

kagescorpionakki Breath of the Sun from Long Ago Since: Apr, 2009 Relationship Status: Anime is my true love

Breath of the Sun

#8: May 16th 2018 at 3:53:36 PM

Cavcom Bunking Area

There was a sound somewhere between a man grumbling and a dog growling, emanating from under the covers of one of the bunks. Little Wolf reached up to press at his neck, only to realize that a) he'd taken off his collar and b) the alarm wasn't coming from his collar, anyway. Slowly rising and yawning, Little Wolf remembered his new comrades for the first time and registered what they were talking about.

"I was having a nice dream about chasing bunnies until someone started shouting. I could even smell 'em - oh, wait." He followed his nose, blinking, to look at Jestar a moment. The bunny-boy was surprisingly cute, and did indeed smell at least partially of rabbits. Little Wolf subconsciously licked his lips as he rolled out of bed. "Smells nice." He murmured, barely audible.

Unlike some the others, he'd simply stripped off his clothes before bed, leaving him au naturel. This didn't seem to bother him in the least as he stretched out his whole body a moment, unwittingly making a show of himself, tail wagging as he finished waking up. Little Wolf fished out his clothes from where he'd haphazardly kicked them under his sheets, and slipped on a pair of tight-looking shorts along with his fingerless gloves and foot bands, before finally clicking his collar into place. Looking back at his assorted colleagues, he nodded appreciatively.

"Good to see I'm not the smallest, at least." He smiled a wolfish grin. "Let's get out there and kick some ass, eh team?"

What is so amusing about this? Why do you take lives? How can you forget?

sgtpendulum Since: Dec, 2012 Relationship Status: Baby don't hurt me!

#9: May 16th 2018 at 4:48:14 PM

Cavcom Bunking Area

For a robot model, anything short of being elegant is insufficient and this should not be an exception for Joan. When the alarm goes off, she got up with her blanket daintily held up to her chest, as she should since she slept in nude. There were no signs of grogginess or sloppiness in her movement at all, tho that's easy considering that she's a robot. As if she's in a perfume commercial, as she should since that's what she's programmed to do.

"Oh, I don't know if a robot's dream is the same as the organics but" she began to answer to the human variant before Lorea spooked her with her outburst, along with Wolfgang be loud and motivational. Joan turned to them to give them a quick stinkeye before turning back to Arian. She tried to resume her answer but she realized that she had lost the string of words that she was constructed for Arian.

There's only so much elegance to exude when there are human errors to account for.

"...But anyways," instead she opted to change the subject. "Honey, that's an interesting choice of clothing for the morning, with all that bright neon coloring blinding anyone who would see it. Would come in handy if our enemies ambush this base and the first thing they see is your clothes. Are you aiming for that classic Chad color scheme from way back when? That's cool but..."

Joan stopped herself to reached into her mini-closet and took out her clothes from there. With quick efficiency and grace, she threw her blanket aside and dress herself in one second.

Her choice of clothing was a black short shorts and an oversized white T with her company name Eskatet in capital letters across her chest, so large that it covers her shorts, effectively making it look like she's pantsless.

"I prefer to keep it simple.", check out what I'm listening, it'll be heat, brah :^)

TroyandHawk The Blinder from Back Home. Since: Jul, 2012 Relationship Status: 700 wives and 300 concubines

The Blinder

#10: May 16th 2018 at 6:36:15 PM

Journey, Cavalry Command Centre Bunks

The figure just above Lorea rolled out of her bed, landing on the floor with a painful thud. "Goddammit, why can't we sleep?" The woman asked, his body was covered with tattoos and her hair was half shaved and scarlet and half long and blue. She sighed, looking up at Lorea.

"What's the problem?" She asked as she stood up, she grabbed Sybil's leather jacket and face mask along with the tank top and shoulder gaurds and gloves of Sybil, showing which personality was in control before grabbing the medical kit and backpack before grabbing the half-dozen knives and harpoon gun.

Good to be back

SolusLupus Since: Apr, 2013

#11: May 16th 2018 at 8:28:44 PM

Here in My Bunk

Tam laid in bed, enjoying the sound of the alarms wailing in his ears. Wonderful. Stepping out of bed, he got up and stretched, looking over at each of the others around him. Pretty fun lot. Bunny was cute. Pretty sure he recognized Mr Goatee from... Somewhere.

He pulled his pants on, then proceeded to get dressed in every other fashion, finally pulling on his coat. He threw open his locker, and admired his prides and joy. He took each gun, loaded them, stowed them, and moved to the next. 2 on the hips, 2 in the coat, shotguns and rifle stowed behind in compact form.

He turned towards the crowd, an honest to god kind smile on his face. "Morning everyone. Wonderful day isn't it?" He flipped his lucky coin in the air, pulled a bullet from his belt, and slammed his fist into it at an angle that sent it hurtling towards the speaker, most likely breaking it, before catching the coin and stowing it in his inner breast pocket.

"Now that I've hit the snooze button, why don't we get this party started? We've got a universe to save, eh?"

Eachiunn Rise Above Fate from Yes Since: Jun, 2013 Relationship Status: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA

Rise Above Fate

#12: May 16th 2018 at 8:41:07 PM

Cavalry Command Common Room

Stretched out in a rather inelegant position on the couch of the Cavalry Command's common room, Sebastian Cross snored happily away with his black stetson laid over his eyes to keep the light out of his eyes as he dozed. The moroi infectee was rather enjoying his rest, he was having a nice dream for once, he was surrounded by people who didn't hate him as he dined on a rather sumptuous sirloin and a fantastic stein of beer. But of course, all good things must come to an end as the wakeup alarm blared through a rather unfortunately placed speaker (read: exactly above Sebastian's head). Jolted awake by the sudden noise, Sebastian caught his hat in midair before jumping to his feet, brushing his suit off and blurting out "What? No, I'm awake, I'm awake"

KR_Vandal Since: Jun, 2014

#13: May 17th 2018 at 12:46:03 AM

Cavalry Command Station, Havenward City, Planet Journey

Roughly 6:00 PM, Earther Time

"On your feet, Prospect Cross!" This bellowed announcement was followed by the thudding of boots. It was XO Rikke, wearing a well-loved Cav Com bomber jacket over the formal uniform. The Gamillian resembled a blue-skinned huma, right down to the luxurious blond facial hair. His accent was hard, obviously well-schooled. His dark eyes glared down at the Moroi infectee.

"Just 'cause you count as dead doesn't mean you get to sleep in," he boomed. "Now fall in with the rest of 'em!"

The XO's two compatriots hustled Sebastian to his feet and more or less frogmarched him into the bunk room, where the rest of the prospects were starting to arise. Say what you would about them, the Detachment's Marshal Astra found nothing wrong in how quicly they responded to reveille. Though their deportment could use some work.

It was then they spied Tam Winter already fully armed. And the smoking speaker. So no one could have blamed him for what happened next. Even before anyone could get at ease, one of the newcomers, an android on treads, popped open its chest to and fired a taser gun. Winter found himself targeted and plugged, furious jolts of energy slamming into his nervous system. Poe could have appreciated that he wasn't the only one with the same neural augmentics.

"Full marks for heart, Winter," drawled XO Rikke as he stepped into the bunk room. "But pull that nonsense anywhere other than the field or the armory and we will bust you back down to brig bunny so fast, your head would spin."

He turned to scan the rest of them. "Right, good that you're all up and about. Now I'mma make this brief. You're all physically fit and capable of making yourselves understood. But before we send you out there, we gotta swear y'all in."

Rikke went over to the closest bunk and pushed a button that opened up a built-drawer. Within it was a folded Cav Com uniform or a band meant to be slipped on to an extremity denoting their new allegiance. "Get suited up, get it slipped on and fall out into the Square. We gonna do this right, folks. Because soon as breakfast begins, y'all ain't prospects no more. Y'all walk outta this Station as Star Sheriffs."

edited 17th May '18 12:50:04 AM by KR_Vandal

TheRealWren Omega Overlord. Or superjwren329. Either or. from I...honestly have no idea. Since: Jan, 2011

Omega Overlord. Or superjwren329. Either or.

#14: May 17th 2018 at 1:18:53 AM

Chuckling a little in agreement, the rabbit wasted little time in grabbing his duster. It'd seen better days, considering the amount of tatters and holes from ray guns that'd burned the fabric near the sleeves and upper body.

"Nah, nothin' strange. Ain't really much of a dreamer when you have a keen sense of hearin', even when ya sleep." Jestar casually replied to Arian. "'Sides, don't have any interesting or weird dreams to share with you lot. Stories, I 'spose, but not dreams."

Strapping on those boots and glancing at the 'Wolf' studying him for a few moments, the bunny simply grinned. "Chasin', huh? Well, I 'spose today's a day we'll see how fast we are. Both on our feet and on the trigger~"

And with the 'briefing' being over and done with for now, Jestar grabbed one of the bands and put it on one of his ears, giving it a quick flick to make sure it wouldn't be too uncomfortable as he turned back to the group, smiling at Tam.

"Exactly. Can't be fashionably late or whatnot with a party like this~"

Hope you weren't expecting anything witty here. Maybe some day.

Enirboreh AKA Nixer from the domain of infinite floof. Since: Jul, 2015 Relationship Status: Non-Canon

AKA Nixer

#15: May 17th 2018 at 2:07:37 AM

Calvary Command Station, Planet Journey — Dopp-A

Staring at the android as it made to tase Tam, a decidedly unamused expression on his face (indicated by a shift of his eyes to a sickly yellowish-green), Dopp-A leapt off of Robert's shoulder and back onto the floor, padding up to the drawer and picking up a CavCom band between his claws, studying both it and his body in confusion what to do with it.

Eventually following Jestar's lead, the little alien shrugged and pulled it over the base of his large ear, tightening the knot, only for it to slip off as it twitched.

Blinking at the pile of cloth on the ground that once was on his ear, he picked it up again, this time wrapping it around his head just above his ears and his large eyes, shielding the glow of the core on his forehead in the process.

“...Yeah, don't think any type of clothing was put in mind for us to use...” he muttered to himself, pulling it down slightly further so it was definitely secure and moving back from the drawer, momentarily stepping back towards Robert before evidently deciding against it and spinning on his heel towards Arian.

It was quite impressive how he had the sense of balance to do so when his head was about fifty times the width of said appendage.

Quickly scampering up to her shoulder (and then promptly onto her head) he peered at her from an upside-down angle, eyes lit up with that orangish excited hue.

“You a scavenger? 'Cause you look like a scavenger. Can I ride with you?” he babbled excitedly, before catching himself as he suddenly realised his precariously perched position. “Uh, please don't throw me off, my arms are stubby. Can't catch myself,” he added, lifting said undersized talons with a tone of begging in the translator's voice, as the colour once more shifted to an innocent pink as he returned to his previous question.

“Pleaaasssseee~? I'll be good, I promise!”

edited 17th May '18 2:09:00 AM by Enirboreh


kagescorpionakki Breath of the Sun from Long Ago Since: Apr, 2009 Relationship Status: Anime is my true love

Breath of the Sun

#16: May 17th 2018 at 9:57:20 AM

Cavcom Bunking Area

Seeing one of his fellow recruits get tazed almost made Little Wolf reconsider his decision, but on the other hand the guy looked like a paranoid loonie and had damaged part of the loudspeaker system, so he supposed the punishment wasn't too extreme. All things considered.

So he ignored it for now, pulling out his band and slipping it on over his bicep. He flexed, double-checking that he wouldn't accidentally tear it if he threw a punch or something, and found it to his satisfaction. Then, ears perking up at Jestar's response, he winked back at the bunny-boy. "Oh, we'll definitely find out who's faster."

So said, he began the walk to the Square, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet with excitement.

What is so amusing about this? Why do you take lives? How can you forget?

Taco Since: Jan, 2001

#17: May 17th 2018 at 10:40:47 AM

"These are pastels, not neons, dingus." Arian said with a snort as she retrieved her toolbox as well. "It's salvagewear, real wearable modern art here. See—f*ck! Ow!" Arian cringed at the close-quarters gunshot ringing in her ears, and was still reeling a bit when command came in. She swore and recovered into a full salute soon enough but the f*ckup still smarted. She let it pass once they got prompted to dress, but unlike the rest of the humanoids Arian was also just rocking a band on the bicep. "The bug's on the money about salvage." She patted Dopp-A on the head. House Valus always provided. "You can stay." Arian stuck a tongue out at Eskatet... then, thinking about it, also at Tam. "See if either of you can get a ride now, you heels." She said with a snort, then jogged after the doggo towards the Square.

Daydre That's just how it is on this bitch of an earth from the trash Since: Jun, 2014 Relationship Status: Gone fishin'

That's just how it is on this bitch of an earth

#18: May 17th 2018 at 4:25:38 PM

Lorea located her rifle and pulled it out for a quick inspection. Finding no problems she slung it over her shoulder with the attached strap. Next were her ballistics glasses and poncho. The glasses she propped on top of her head, while the poncho went in a small bag on her person. Lastly, she retrieved her band from the drawer and slipped it on her arm.

That done, she turned to Sybil. "Oh, heh, nothing's wrong. Just had a bit of an overreaction to the alarm."

She winced as Tam is tasered. "Oof, and I thought I had a bad reaction to being woken up.."

edited 28th May '18 8:34:41 PM by Daydre

off the sh*ts

TroyandHawk The Blinder from Back Home. Since: Jul, 2012 Relationship Status: 700 wives and 300 concubines

The Blinder

#19: May 17th 2018 at 7:49:41 PM


Sybil let out a loud bark of laughter. "We love that thing!" She told her friend, adding another bandolier of knives before adding her three favorites to her knife along with the quiver of harpoons.

"You think that's bad," She told Lorea, "try bandits." She said with a shrug before looking down at her hand and there, in curly writing was the words double check First Aid Kit. She groaned and reluctantly did so.

Good to be back

TheRealWren Omega Overlord. Or superjwren329. Either or. from I...honestly have no idea. Since: Jan, 2011

Omega Overlord. Or superjwren329. Either or.

#20: May 18th 2018 at 5:30:49 AM

To The Square.

Jestar tried to avoid looking like he had a too much of a spring in his step, after all, no-one was going to take him seriously if he was an overly energetic bundle of energy and fluffiness. He still had no trouble matching 'The Wolf's pace, though, still having that smile on his face as the rabbit seemed to miss the wink although he did seem to give a slightly mischievous smirk.


Hope you weren't expecting anything witty here. Maybe some day.

Eachiunn Rise Above Fate from Yes Since: Jun, 2013 Relationship Status: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA

Rise Above Fate

#21: May 18th 2018 at 10:19:30 PM

In the bunk room with the rest

As the XO's goons dragged Sebastian into the other room, he'd respond "Look chief, this is the first time and place I've actually been able to sleep comfortably without being worried about dying of radiation poisoning, cut me some slack" Upon arriving in the bunk room, Sebastian would brush off his suit after being so rudely manhandled into the bunk rooms with the rest of his colleagues, Sebastian plopped his hat back onto his head and put his sunglasses on before grabbing an armband from the drawer and slipping it on.

Giving a half hearted wave to the rest of the new recruits, Sebastian wandered back off and out to the square, though stopping by his car first to grab his sabre and revolver as well as his welding mask and scarf in case the weather got nice.

SolusLupus Since: Apr, 2013

#22: May 23rd 2018 at 2:58:00 PM

Don't Taze Me Bro!

Tam stood up, a little twitchy from getting tazed. "Right. duly noted. Must admit that was quite the shock." He smiled a bit as he slipped the armband onto his coat. "Well, I guess we're ready to get started."

KR_Vandal Since: Jun, 2014

#23: May 28th 2018 at 3:50:32 AM

Cavalry Command Station, Havenward City, Planet Journey

Rikke watched everyone taking the band rather than the uniform with a deep frown. He really didn't expect this bunch to put on choose the uniform, but the Detachment's CO did say that if they could communicate and do what's best for the Frontier, then their individuality could be overlooked.

He fought down a sigh. "On your feet, Winter," Rikke said as he turned smartly. "Gotta swear y'all in properly. Then maybe see about feeding you."

The XO led the prospects down the halls of the station, past places like the offices, the armory, even the mess hall. Anyone paying attention would note that the Station looked to be an ancient prefabricated building that was surprisingly well-cared for. Until finally, they were led outside and directed to form four columns of three.

The Gamilian and subordinates took their place on a slightly raised platform before them. Flanking the trio were classic woven banners of both the New Frontier, the five stars surmounted by a wreath, and single star of Cavalry Command. He cleared his throat, opened up a virtual screen from a wrist-mounted unit, and gave it a quick scan. Rikke quickly dismissed it and turned to face the prospects.

"Prospects," he greeted them in a booming voice. "Raise your right hand or your dominant appendage." This was it, the formal swearing-in.

"I, state your name, do swear to protect and serve the New Frontier and all those who dwell within the many planets. With every fiber, with every iota of strength, with every ounce of my spirit will I strive to bring justice and light to the far corners of space and beyond."

When Rikke and his subordinates put his arm down, the android opened up their chest and began to play a scratchy rendition of the Cav Com anthem while drones appeared from recesses on the floor to hand each new Sheriff their freshly-fabricated badges. Just touching them, they felt the metal heat up as each was DNA-locked to their owner. Those with an eye for it noticed that the badge itself seemed to have a kind of notch built into the bottom like it was some sort of key.

And just as the notes of the anthem died away, it was now breakfast time, with a loud bell signalling the chowtime call. Rikke nodded. "Fall out, Sheriffs! Gonna be a long day before we hit the Gate!"

Enirboreh AKA Nixer from the domain of infinite floof. Since: Jul, 2015 Relationship Status: Non-Canon

AKA Nixer

#24: May 28th 2018 at 4:54:03 AM

Cavalry Command Station, Planet Journey — Dopp-A

“Yeah, that's right. I'd flip you off in a joking fashion, but I'd need at least four talons for that to work. So just imagine!” the Iangolian chirped back to the others lightheartedly as reinforcement to Arian's taunt, chuckling and gripping on to her clothing with his tiny claws.

Once they made it to the place where they would swear in, Dopp-A quickly leapt down off of Arian's shoulder and into position, standing as straight and smart as he could with a head the relative size of the supergiant Tetuon B-7 balanced precariously on a toothpick.

“I, Dopp-A, do swear to protect and serve the New Frontier and all those who dwell within the many planets. With every fiber, with every iota of strength, with every ounce of my spirit will I strive to bring justice and light to the far corners of space and beyond,” he recited, claw held up as far as it could go to his face, his eyes shifted to a more solemn and serene deep blue.

They began to gain trickles of orange again, however, once he was handed his badge, and he co*cked his head in curiosity as it heated up in his claws, before he suddenly realised something just as they were making their way to get food, the tiny bionoid now back in his position on Arian's shoulder.

Everything seemed... quieter now. More focused. No faint inner thoughts of his fellows clouding the back of his mind. The last remnants of Iango's control had left him after his pledge.

His eyes shifted a golden yellow with joy, pricked in the corners by a vibrant pink.

“I... I'm free...” he muttered quietly, the translator crackling slightly from the lowered volume as he gazed down at the badge still tightly held in his talons. “I'm finally free...”


Taco Since: Jan, 2001

#25: May 28th 2018 at 10:54:52 AM

Mentally, Arian figured Winter would be the one to be literal with the pledge. She'd love to place the bet but there was no time, damn.

"I, Arian Valus, do swear to protect and serve the New Frontier and all those who dwell within the many planets. With every fiber, with every iota of strength, with every ounce of my spirit will I strive to bring justice and light to the far corners of space and beyond." Her heart swelled with pride at this. House Valus's glory would soon be known throughout the galaxy! Still sort of caught up in the idealistic and adventurous angle of it all, Arian continued to walk all formal-like as the new Sheriffs headed for breakfast. "House Valus will bring the Sheriffs and themselves glory equally. We're the best. Plain and simple."


Total posts: 37

Young Stars: The New Dawning - A Space Western RP (2024)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Views: 5997

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.