Why Metal Gear Solid 2 is a Perfect Nightmare - YTread (2024)

Colonel, it's me, snake, look at those sleeves falling off the snake, so due to the nature of Metal Gear Solid, I'm going to have to get political in this video. If relatively moderate core political views bother you, click on the video. Also, this video includes flashy lighting and glitchy effects, so if you have epilepsy, don't watch this anyway, disclaimer over, enjoy the video, which is why Metal Gear Solid 1 ended up being a huge hit. and, as such, a sequel that raised the bar even higher was in order, Kojima realized. this and it turned out well, no, after much consideration.

I think Metal Gear Solid 2 is my favorite game of all time. I haven't stopped thinking about this game since I first played it. Metal Gear Solid 2 is a masterpiece of fiction, it gets to be a little strange. Echelon that just can't be touched is a game that has changed my life and my worldview and continues to do so the more I start to understand it as I get older, but at the same time mgs2 is a game that is deeply horrifying. reflects how we process the world in such a deeply disturbing way that pray for your expectations of a sequel and pray for the way fandom culture forces us to process works and does so to bring down Metal Gear Solid 2 as I understand it. an anti-fanfiction, trust me, you'll know what I mean by the end of this video, so are you ready for an existential crisis?

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why metal gear solid 2 is a perfect nightmare...

Because I am, it's like being in a


that you can't wake up from, so let's start at the beginning or as best I can, at least, Metal Gear Solid 1 was a huge success, it introduced the world to gaming as a way of art and a lot of memorable characters, the biggest being, of course, Solid Snake when people were wondering what was new in Gaming. where would Gojima take this main character and not to mention the post credits scene which is a huge loose thread and as a result there was a lot of excitement around any kind of new sequel or anything, in fact the excitement was so high that the people bought this giant. robot game just because it included a demo of mgs2 and not to mention it was a game that was on the damn PS 2 which at the time was the new Cutting Edge nextg technology, but surely you've witnessed the raw beauty that Tekken Tag has .

Tournament, yes, a game that looks like Tekken 3 running in enhanced mode, what a disappointment I will say. Do you really think your sh*tty lineup can compete with the jets in Radio grania 2? Echo the dolphin so strongly and that technology is seen as soon as we start. a whole new game on the Hudson River 2 years ago we had classified information that a new type of


transportation equipment was scheduled. Everything stunk, but our noses have been in the cold too long. The game begins in New York under the command of George Washington. Bridge and already compared to mgs1, this game has its RTX to the maximum friend, the cars, the rain, the cuts to a strange silhouette of a man in a raincoat.

I mean, we all know who he is, but the game just tickles our balls, you know what? I mean, especially with that shot of that cigarette in his mouth. Damn, but then the guy starts running, takes off his jacket and puts on his invisible


and then bungee jumps off the bridge infiltrating the ship while this epic chorus plays and then lands on the ship, slowly gets to his feet and yeah that's Solid Snake, oh and we can't forget the oselot revolver of any of the snakes, then he finally gets up and we get a good look at him and this is when we get our title.

Metal Gear Solid 2 We're so back, the whole intro scene is so over the top, man, with hardly any dialogue, the game has already intrigued you for one thing, it's really badass, but it also makes you ask questions like why is the snake in New York, what is the ocelot doing. Here and wait, there is a new


equipment. Well, I know what I'm doing, but first we have to take a little call, this is a snake, you read me? Aon, loud and clear, the snake kept you waiting, huh oh, now we are definitely back. Aon 2 Speaking of winks and nods, Naomi and Meing are also Nam Drops.

I'm happy as long as no one gives me any more unwanted gifts, you mean that with Naomi and I can't say I miss the chatty nanny Ming, this isn't so bad. to me the fan service is done right where it's only part of the universe, plus Snake and Aon are actually written differently now too. The original Aon game was dumb and cowardly, but I still saw Snake as this legendary role model hero in this game, however, I couldn't. It won't be any more different, now he's much more relaxed, which means that since Metal Gear Solid, he's actually developed and if snakes on a more mutual level after working with him for so long, the same goes for snake not talking to him with disdain.

It's no longer the nylist from the first game and it shows here, but they're not out of place at all either, as this seems natural to them, but there's also another big change and that big change is who Snake works for. Don't forget that you are now part of philanthropy, an anti-al


organization and officially recognized by the UN, but it is still Fringe Aon, so yes, Oton and Snake are now part of philanthropy, which again means that their work is to stop any future. Metal Gear projects that one of them is on this tanker in New York, the goal of the mission is to make a visual confirmation of the new metal gear being transported by that tanker and bring back photographic evidence that we didn't get a brief summary of our weapons and controls and that's until a group of Russians invade our ship, so now we're in the middle of a hostile takeover that looks like we're not the only ones after Metal Gear because naturally this wasn't a mission the difficult enough.

However, the priority is still finding metal gear and taking pictures, so we're finally in the actual game and I want to explain how great this tutorial is: you get a cutscene that tells you what to do and what not to do. and immediately the moment you're in this game you see a guy walking on the railing, so your first instinct is to use your Dart trick. This is when you learn a couple of things: first, you can aim well in first person, second, if you shoot an enemy with the Tran, it takes them a minute to fall asleep unless you shoot them in the head, and third, If you miss and hit the nearby wall, you realize that the enemies will face the noise they just heard without telling you that the game has Naturally, I told you like three whole mechanics.

This is how almost the entire tanker is designed. It is very well hidden. Tut. Another example is the lockers, so when you enter the tanker you open this door by pressing the Y button several times, so first. We are taught that Y is the open button, so you enter the ship and you go into the first room, you see that it is a changing room, so you press the open button on some of these lockers and you notice that some lockers are closed and others. includes elements in them, so without saying a single word, the game has taught you a completely new mechanic and this is a fantastic way to start the game.

It's a hidden tutorial that also lets you fool around a little so you can then learn the mechanics and secrets for yourself, including some of the strangest ones, nice naked ladies, oh don't worry ladies, the snake does that for the men too well, what did bribe mean with this now as the last video? I won't go too deep into the actual game. but tldr, if you didn't already know, this is a huge step up from the original, it's just an amazing feeling game overall, but suddenly we have company. Raven, wait. Vulcan Raven is here, but she died at the last moment, how could she?

Oh, it's just an action. figure and my personal favorite Vulcan Raven. Now I have no idea why there is a terrorist action figure in this tanker and to tell you the truth I don't need to know because it's just ridiculous fan service, so anyway here we are the controls of the ship and De suddenly we notice that there is someone outside, so Snake sneaks up on her and currently this woman is having a conversation on the radio, so Snake listens, this woman is Olga Gurlukovich and it turns out she is the daughter of the Russian terrorist leader and it turns out that does not tremble her armpits yes, that's real, it also turns out that she is a pronin father.

I want to stay and fight, there is no choice to make here Olga, I need to remind you that you are pregnant with my grandson, so yes, if I can get a little ahead of my first time. The boss involves us shooting a pregnant woman who doesn't shave under her arm. What did Coima mean by this? Where does Hio Kushima get his ideas from? Then SN holds her and tells her to throw all of her weapons away, until she defends herself. and we get to our first boss of the game, it's a pretty simple boss overall as we're still technically in the tutorial, however doing things like shooting lights, moving a tarp to shoot at more easily makes this boss a lot more intense and dynamic too if you see here the music changes wow but of course we got this woman out of the base we even got her Socom as a souvenir which by the way is another cool thing you can now take out enemies and bosses non-lethally thanks to the fact that you are initial. gun is actually a Tran Dart which actually gives you a much higher ranking at the end of the game, so while you're in mgs2 you can still kill people, you're rewarded for not doing so, which makes sense since Metal Gear Solid was the game I directly insulted you for killing people, you enjoy killing, so in a general narrative form this makes sense, although there is no real difference in the story, but overall I'm fine with this, the core gameplay remains the same, but mgs1 is not overridden at all, so Aon. then he calls us and tells us exactly how he found out about this metal gear on this ship, which was apparently through an anonymous tip and it turns out that Aon has a younger stepsister, a girl he hasn't seen in about 10 years and whose name is Emma Emir, now what does this have to do with anything you may ask?

That's not irrelevant. Excuse me, well, the anonymous tip sender included his initials on the actual tip. I'm sure you already know where this is going. The sender of the notice. The advice was e e e e Emma Emme, so either Aon's stepsister is involved or we are walking into a big old trap, it doesn't sound suspicious to you. Oh, side note, by the way. Sorry to all the Merill fans out there, so they like Metal Gear Solid 1. get the options codex and if you call Aon here, it's implied that Snake and Merill breaking up seems like a little angel, right?

Whatever got into You, Sleeping Beauty, may have been awakened by Prince Charming's kiss, but you better not try it here. Also, I'm with you, I've had enough of the tomboy. I know, friend, it hurts me too. I can't believe the hidden crying during the Titanic. Do men even have feelings? So we go deeper into the ship and have a completely non-stealth shootout. is a vital part, then he manages to get through this door, but a Russian soldier locks us behind it. You are then approached by one of his bosses, Revolver Ocelot, of course, but of course, if he knows Revolver Ocelot, the colonel will join you soon. comrade, um, what sigma reduces to snake, we get easily one of my favorite pieces in the entire game, so there's a big military speech going on right now by this guy, Scott Dolph, the commandant of the US Marine Corps ., which is being transmitted internally. to a group of marines and you have to sneak right under their noses like hundreds of soldiers, oh and there's also a 7 minute time limit, there's no pressure, it's even ridiculous like a projector that switches between screens and represents Japanese women in one, but there are also multiple ways to get around all of these people and there are even different cutscenes for when you approach the Metal Gear depending on which input exactly you decided to use anyway, so we finally approach the Metal Gear.

Metal Gear, oh I met the team and yes, that's completely new. Metal Gear Ray model, we don't have time to scale it up, uh, literally just take the pictures and go to this nearby PC that Oton has conveniently hacked for us to the point where he even made a little sprite for himself and I must say you know what is it. a very good artist, he also comments on the weird half naked photos you take of the posters in the game, oh this is nothing, it's nothing, I'll just make a backup of this one, look and it's poor, but of all ways we ship those metals.

Send him photos and luckily just in time, the snake, the speech is about to end, forget the photos and get out of there now, however, there is bad news, ocelots here and he is here to ambush the party along with the leader russian and if anyone tries anything he's rigged a ton of explosives meanwhile the russian guy leaves I want Mother Russia to come back again except for one problem uh that's not Aela's plan like I said I came to get it back yeah I came back to the Patriots the l lle l so we have thisand asked Ryden what exactly his experience is.

Ryden then explains that even though he wasn't in field training, he actually played Metal Gear Solid virtual reality missions. By the way, I'm not exaggerating, not only are images of the VR missions shown, but Ryden also describes specific levels of VR missions. I have received extensive training of the type that is indistinguishable. from the real thing, like stealth missions 60 weapons 80 advanced VR, eh, but realistic in every way, yeah, when Ryden says he's done 300 missions in VR, that's not a random number, that's the exact number of missions he there is in VR Missions, so yes, this at least implies that Metal Gear Solid VR Missions is not just like a game, but is a complete in-Universe course for training soldiers; in other words, it's a living part of the real Metal Gear Cannon, despite this, although the piston just laughs.

In general, he's not a big fan of the idea that war is a video game. What better way to raise the ultimate soldier? So you are saying that virtual reality training is a kind of mind control if by the way this is not a far cry from the truth as video games have been used to train and recruit soldiers, even Call of Duty, especially Call of Duty, is in pretty bad shape, but he also explains to us that a dead cell was created by former President George Sear, he says that he too. He also claims that Snake is dead even though you know he talks like him, but he is a legend .

Legends are usually bad news, there's not much difference between Heroes and Mad Men, we don't need to do anything else. That's it, you're Solid Snake. That's not the case anymore, and he also gives Ryden a pack of cigarettes so you know this isn't subtle at all. We also have her Socom on her frequency and continue to the BC connecting bridge, where we encounter the second member of the dead cell, as well as a group of Navy SEALs trying to shoot her while right in front of her is the unconscious current president. , the problem no matter what they do, their bullets don't hit her, this gives Vamp enough time to get out and take the president in the meantime.

The Navy steals, even tries to shoot him with a grenade launcher and completely fails. Furthermore, it is more strange that this woman seems to die. Come put me out of my misery. Today is another bad day. Is there anyone here who can give me happiness? Of course, it's on his mind when he starts shooting a giant railgun at people, but one thing's for sure: he's very lucky on the battlefield, hence his name, which is a fortune by the way, even if that luck comes with extreme disappointment, it also has a really effective theme song. She's a saxophone soloist who's smooth as her luck, but she's also incredibly lonely, she's so haunting and so


for the character, so after witnessing another squad being single-handedly taken out, Ryden realizes it and is told that He is the only person left and you know it when you realize all this. he starts to get a little scared, they couldn't hit her no matter how hard they tried and that vampire is also like being in a


that you can't wake up from, which is actually interesting because when Ryden tries to question his mission he often gets confused.

Refocus away from it the entire mission is in your hands now, understand? But Jack recovers and you Rose. I can't believe you're on this mission. I keep thinking I'll wake Ryden up. This is. It's real and that's why you won't wake up, so yes, like the first game, there may be some red flags here. You think Campbell would learn his lesson from the first game, but certainly not if you're sick of Jack. and Rose don't worry anymore because Campbell does too, which tells me that some of the fan fiction writing may be intentional. I have decided to stay with you, whether this is real or a bad dream.

I'll keep watching. until it's over, thank you Rose and I won't let you be just a dream, are you done too? Shut up, everyone ruined the chat and anyway, apparently there's C4 in the big shell too and we need to find a bomb. elimination guy to help us, so we go to the bathroom and look at some tit*. By the way, you can kiss signs and get an achievement for it in this game. What did bribe mean by this? You can also go over and call the colonel. and if you haven't heard yet you can find out now that gojima has the mood of a 12 year old Ryden you're looking at oh I see Rosemary could you excuse him for a moment uh you know so he can Ah, I get it, we're going into this room here where ryden starts holding a random nypc guy, freeze, don't shoot flin and then go in to stop ryden from shooting him.

Did I tell you you could move a lot? He's not one of the bad guys. Are you going trick-or-treating? F God, are they going trick-or-treating? By the way, this guy is Peter Stillman, he is the bomb disposal expert we are looking for and a guy who was even brought out of retirement for this and when. They say expert, uh, let's say they mean it, this guy is a legend, so you're the bomb disposal guy, kid, this is the bomb disposal guy, open any bomb disposal textbook and You will see his name with sadness, although he is not very proud of it.

He has a very good reason why he retired, that reason, even because he is lame, a famous church was wiped off the map thanks to me, with too many lives in it, all I lost was this leg, that said, although He also has a very good reason. a good reason to help us, since he also helped create another member of the dead cell, a fat man, a guy who is like a big bomb thrower in school, since he was obsessed and talented with bombs since he was 10 years, which is sad because Peter Stillman saw himself in him teaching him a lot of skills and raising him like a son, except skills were the only thing he taught him.

I didn't teach him the most important thing. I had to tell him that there are some things you have to convey. The trick is knowing which one, as wordy as many of these things are, is a success for me, as I have met quite a few people and I was one of them to a lesser extent who were taught exactly this and not much else. Those pure stoic warrior skills would help you mentally, however, some of these people grew up to be a bit older because all they really had in terms of worldview was pure nihilism that hit a dead end when it came to finding his own goals in life and this is something Stillman has to face.

I think it's really interesting pure skill doesn't make who you are and we're about to see where this all leads. All I taught him were skills and now we have to stop him from using it to destroy us. All this leads to Stillman teaching us how to freeze bombs, which we will have to find with a special sensor that can detect the color because a fat man puts cologne on his bombs, oh oh oh. oh man oh my god yeah yeah long story short we're splitting up with piskin on a big hunt for a bunch of C4 bombs right before that, though Stillman suspects pliskin, simple that man ain't no seal, simple , Marine cor, basically, hm, I wonder.

Who could it really be? It's not even subtle because if you run towards the CD that connects Bridge, you catch a man in a box running away from you. Anyway, it's interesting, yes, now we have to freeze a bunch of bombs that are hidden around the first one. Big Shell area by the way, I love how the big shell is designed. As you see on mgs1, many Shadow Moses felt too upright but too stretched. You had areas that were too open above multiple different elevators and as a result. This made backtracking really annoying in mgs2, although the big shell is a bunch of octagons in an octagon, so instead of wide snowy areas you get small bridges that do the same job but have a special and unique gimmick and luckily they are much shorter. makes backtracking much less painful as the navigation is much more circular and also the inside, oh of course it hasn't been interrupted in a long time, be careful not to let any more minds climb in there, really another Metal Gear Solid, one thing, except it's pretty funny, Ryden. actually knows, just call me deep throat, deep throat, you mean Shadow Moses, Mr.

X, Mr. X, why would it matter if I call you deep throat? Nevermind that, okay, that's really weird, besides, didn't Gray Fox die in the Anyway, in the last game I'm digressing from the level design, so anyway, yeah, the bridge is better than snow and also these internal struts in mgs2 are much more compact which makes things more claustrophobic and intense but also much easier to navigate and each area is unique and interesting there is also an area with a treadmill conveyor there is a large area with a lot of railings there is a warehouse full of boxes it is much more agile but never at the expense of any real challenge I think overall the big shell is Jack, right?

Do you remember the day we met. Damn, I'm a little busy right now. Rose, you're right. I'm sorry. Oh, no problem. Rose, we're just spreading some C4. Our hands could be. I remember it was right after I transferred to New York Ryden. Kill yourself, a group of middle-aged Japanese ladies came up and asked me what building it was that King Kong was climbing in the movie. I don't care, you said no, it's the Empire State. I said the Chrysler Building was in Godzilla. Is this? a


metal gear or the notebook we argued with all the way to Battery Park and for nothing since the museum was closed look man, I enjoy good romance and fiction, but this can be too much and then I found you again by coincidence in the Base Corridor, it's an amazing coincidence that we were actually working in the same place.

You know, Metal Gear Solid actually had romance, but Metal Gear Solid 1 was also a stealth action game and the romance of the story fit the characters, the themes, and the romance. they were all


ly intertwined narratively and then you have this novel by Nicholas Sparks that night we went to the top of the Empire State Building it was so beautiful I wonder if you witnessed 9/11 together we watched King Kong in your apartment a bunch of times That night I didn't sleep until Damn, okay, maybe that was a little cute. Sorry, Jack, I'm taking your time again.

Stillman to let you know, but there is also bad news. Pliskin found a bunch more bombs and these ones haven't been shipped to him, so the sensor we've been using is useless for these new ones, so yeah, we're totally down with whatever Stillman is offering. take them apart himself, which obviously won't work very well since his leg I can walk very well, I can even run oh of course, it turns out that Stillman was lying the whole time not only to us but to the entire world, so after failing in the diffusion of a bomb On a day that not only caused the explosion of a church but also killed innocent children nearby, he faked the complete removal of his leg to look more noble and to be able to soften the blow of seeing the families of the victims , but in the long term.

His own guilt lingered and, although he taught the fat man so much, he was probably not in the best place to be a role model, as he had a personal grudge against himself that he never really got over. The path is in the official bomb disposal books in this game, but being a notable legend doesn't absolve you of your problems, which in itself is an extension of the first game showing that it really is ideology that makes someone sometimes be a legend. The guilt is worse knowing you're living a lie and that's why Stillman feels like he needs to stop the fat guy.

He sees his entire situation as a kind of purgatory, a way to atone for his sins. I can walk on my own two feet and I need to. them to stop the fat man his crimes are mine too one of omission and arrogance no one should teach the skills I taught him without a clear conscience this is the only way I can spread my own sins however our bombs are still a threat so we will end Those while Stillman redeems himself, so we freeze the last C4 and contact Stillman, who also made us a new sensor that can detect C4s without smell, so naturally we grab it because, yeah, that's the game, but then Stillman suspects there is one. big giant C4 that will blow everything up, it also has a countdown timer but luckily it won't activate unless the plot demands it wait, damn it did so you only had 400 seconds to diffuse the bomb 400 seconds so I had to run all the way back to the A strut, up the stairs and down the elevator, but then we got one more call from Stillman and apparently, uh, he got up and the fat man officially beat him and in less than 30 seconds on your watch, how wonderful!

Tragic, hey, the timer is still counting down, so we do what Simon would like us to do and drop the final bombshell. Colonel, I neutralized the bomb. Good job Ryden, that was a greatloss for everyone. Yes it was. So we. I just had a guy totally blow up and is it just me or is Campbell a little excited? Let's refocus here we have to save Jo so we go up to the Ryden oh my god what what what? Then it turns out that the terrorists are killing a hostage. Now Ryan's goal is still to save the president, except Ryon likes that there are other people in danger, my ass takes priority.

R then considers asking Pliskin for help, but Pliskin does not answer his phone. Also, Campbell is being very strange because that man was not there. included in the simulation, he is not a factor in this Mission, what do you mean by that Colonel? Anyway, bad news on the way out we meet fortune and she's not happy to see us show up and finish me off like you ended my dad, sh*t. Fortune is looking for the man who killed her father, the good news is that it's not us unfortunately, although she's going to kill us anyway, my name is Fortune Lucky and War and nothing more and without a death to call my own hurry, kill me.

Please, now it's time for the boss fight against Fortune, which is pretty much just a big endurance test since we obviously can't kill her. However, this is a good extension of how mgs1 told the story of her through her boss fights and the strange thing that will happen. We'll go character and narrative based, as this boss is somewhat similar to the gray fox fight in mgs1, kill me, it hurts more now, but it also has some narrative flourishes of its own, like look how small the health bar is. Fortune. she gives you the wrong message that you can kill her and it will be relatively easy, but like the soldiers at the beginning of the game, you can't kill her at all, you just have to dodge her shots and wait for her to get past her.

Suddenly I get a call from the colonel and it turns out that the fat man is asking about us and wants to meet us at a helipad, so now we only have 400 more seconds, which magically stops during the next scene where they now suddenly appear vampires and they bring out the whole bomb. The thing isn't even really his idea, he's literally just a fat man, so he's just planting giant bombs without anyone's permission. Jesus, this is the type of person, so V is right about to take care of us alone, until Ryden uses Fortune's Fortune against her. firing a bullet that ends up hitting Vamp in the head, we now have a whole segment where Fortune mourns Vamp's death, no, no, that death was for me and if you think about it, this is really heartbreaking. for her being mortal, losing people and not dying is just a cycle for her so being a nihilist actually makes a lot of unfortunate sense as she will have to go through endless trauma that will never come to peace, how long will you force me ?

To live how much longer, dad, you have punished me enough. I thought you could give me peace, but you couldn't kill me either. This allows Ryden to make an awkward escape, but fortunately for her and not so much for us living vampires. I need Queen solo because here's a reminder, the character is a vampire and we're playing Metal Gear Solid 2. I mean, while I legitimately find Fortune's character so fascinating, she's a giant, hapless walking ape, PA, and how much the more he lives. the more trauma you'll have to endure, which is a powerful thing, judging that this is actually a game where, oh yeah, there's a bomb countdown, we get to the helipad where we find the last C4 bomb where we're finally at period.We meet a fat man who, apart from the leader of the group, is the only guy we haven't seen yet.

This is a guy who is seemingly totally unhinged and yet morally absent. He is such a skilled man but completely psychotic, and by the name and profile of him. he just seems so vile but of course, again, we know next to nothing about him and yet here we are about to meet him face to face just to warn you that this might be one of the most depraved people in this what the hell are they thing the bombs. telling time with every moment of his existence and nothing else announces his own end with so much fanfare, oh my god what's okay, so he was okay with the Mario Sunshine guy, okay, he was also okay with the whole thing about armed possession, you know, then we came. to the bisexual vampire, he's fine.

A little questionable, then my girlfriend called me 24/7, which is fine, it's really annoying, but nothing really prepared me for the fat guy on roller skates who drinks wine, loves bombs and who speaks with a silly and amazed voice. If you prefer to stay in one piece, you will have to defuse my bombs, laugh and get fat. What is this? It gets even more fun because his boss fight, which involves fighting him, will also disarm his bombs. It's practically a playable Tom and Jerry cartoon. with weapons, okay, so I'm going to try to analyze this character, uh, just do me a favor, please, so in the scene before the fight, if Fatman explains why he wants to bomb the whole place and, in In short, it is because he wants to be the most famous. bomber of all time and he doesn't care if he's written as a monster in the history books, so he's literally like a school shooter.

No one will give a damn about you. Oh yes, they will. I will go down in history with this. is in contrast to Peter Stillman who is remembered in the story but is guilty of being remembered for a literal lie and his actual death is unceremoniously and pretty much overlooked meanwhile as dumb as the fat man is I think Kojima took advantage of a strange kind of realistic point. Fatman is such a strange and over-the-top Goofy character that it's very difficult to take him seriously, although for his actions alone he should be remembered as one of the great monsters of history, which is exactly what he wants.

I die here and my Legend begins, too bad you won't be around to see the movies, oddly enough, it reminds me that what he pretends to be crazy looks like a YouTube video, a video that analyzes and breaks down the interrogation of Parkland shooter Nicholas Cruz, and a video that turned a man who shot up a high school and killed 17 people into a complete joke and not because the video was funny but because Nicholas Cruz is an idiot, his horrible atrocities didn't stop him from being completely laughed at him as he should be forever. Remembering him as a joke is one of the worst ways you can go down, and similarly, when we defeat the fat man, how do we remember him as the big, dangerous, gruesome bomber or the silly vaudeville act on a roller skate?

Of course, in the Game Universe we stop it. before he can be remembered, but outside of that, in a very meta way we, the players, remember him for reasons he probably didn't want to be remembered because you're nothing more than a common criminal and that's the only way people will remember you, oh. D I'm out, oh too, there's something else to set, like the Gear Solid 1 medium. I'm sure you're seeing where mgs2 could be going. mgs1 was about genes versus ideology, right with the game's response to that, of course, ideology. It is not the genes that make you, but who you are, that makes you.

This is shown because the gene-obsessed bad guy is British and the British are evil. However, in mgs2 now the game is purely about ideology or rather what you believe in and that's it. Is it worth remembering, for example, even though Stillman was living a lie, is it worth remembering? Meanwhile, the fat man wants to be remembered, but he obviously failed at that and all the Vega people in Fortune's life are remembered by her, which unfortunately the trauma surrounding them has led to her. going nihilistic, so even though there's a lot of weirdness in this game, there's clearly something intentional about it, like there's actually something developing that you may have already noticed, uh, you don't play a snake at all because of the rest of the game, that's right, we're stuck with the driving, which is interesting because it wasn't commercialized at all.

This change of course was extremely controversial and isn't really helped by all the random callbacks to mgs1 that are still going on, by the way, after killing the fat guy and diffusing his last bomb which is right below him he suddenly found himself with a gray fox, but he is also dead. The gray fox was not Russian. I am like you, I have no name, the good one. However, the news is that he is here to help us as he tells us where Ames is a secret service agent who is holding a hostage who knows where the president is.

He also gives us a small disguise so we can sneak into the Shell One Core where all the hostages are, but we need the right weapon, although also, by the way, a large projectile is not actually a cleaning plant or an oil platform, but rather a cover-up of four will require a wild guess, but why for what? Metal Gear, imagine my shock, gray fox and suddenly he disappears and the colonel of course has no idea about Metal Gear, but of course we don't have time to question anything, so we grab the weapon we need and save it for the Shell One core, fortunately.

I have a minute, Jack, my goodness, now I found information on where Solid Snake is buried. Oh, never mind, then we actually need it, although there is bad news. Solid Snake apparently has autopsy reports that we know are due to Pliskin. Let's not kid ourselves, but To Ryan, Snake is dead and of course this means that the terrorist's leader is not Solid Snake. Much to Ryan's disappointment, you sound disappointed. I guess he was hoping to meet the legend in person, but our priority remains AIM. and you know what it is, let's save our game also this is the part where I drag you all to hell with me Jack, how's the mission going well?

Well, yes, your least favorite topic, something that talks about me, not about you, you like it, I would really prefer. If you keep quiet, there must be some things you don't want to say, like what you know, those things you don't want to say, please do couples therapy. I beg you, have you already decided to speak? No, yes, no. I wish, I'm actually done, so we get to the hostage room and tldr we find that guy and we did fight his pacemaker, which is important by the way, who apparently isn't secret service, but no. was created by lyu Leo just like you what yes U what's good Gaga read it how good whatever the case we get a codc called saving on the scene budget and yes again there is a metal gear here, nothing unusual here, except there's a cousin. everything was planned oh, look, it's the big villain who is here, oh look, it's the oselot revolver and Olga, the girl from the beginning of the game, and it turns out that the villains want to take over Manhattan, what they plan to do is liberate Manhattan , take it offline and turn it into some kind of republic, so Sons of Liberty I guess and oh ocelots here and bad news, he's suspecting us and he also knows that Ames isn't the Secret Service either and he's about to kill him but so, but you fooled me, now I understand that AEL suddenly falls dead on the ground, which means that someone was monitoring his pacemaker and yes, this is yet another call to mgs1, which is really strange, there are things in this game that they're genuine evolutions of the first game's themes, but then on the other hand you have a bunch of lazy Force Awakens callbacks, but it's inconsistent in a really weird way.

I can't describe it anyway. OCA then focuses back on us and more of the bad news we're dealing with is concentrated right in front of him and he's about to kill us, but then the gray fox doesn't come in. This is when ocelot is as confused and lost as us, but you die. What the hell is going on? So we got him out of there and we got there in time to save our game why are you dating me? Jack, would you love me if I were a worm? Sometimes, it really bothers me. Sometimes I think all you want is a nice, so we get to this bridge, but it's loaded with C4 and some The control panels are too far away for us to shoot, so we have a recoil to get a sniper rifle. like in the first game, although again, backtracking is much better in this game, so we don't trip, then we defuse the explosives and Pliskin calls us.

By the way he's coming back towards us in his helicopter, it turns out pkin has a partner he's been working with and of course we all know who Ryden is, let me introduce you to my partner oton Aon, hello Ryden, nice to meet you, yeah , plin, totally. It's not a snake guys sadly though greetings will have to wait I'll talk to you later Ryden then immediately calls Campbell and realizes there's something here he keeps going back to Shadow Moses and now this Aon which is when we get the information we write. I already know how Snake and Aon joined an anti-metal gear organization and how because of that and the tanker incident they are considered terrorists.

Snake and his partner are not terrorists. Jack, why are you defending them? Because I invaded them with the red pill. Rose, although I will say here that it's the beginning of Ryan's great character art, even if what he's thinking is just some sort of Metal Gear Solid One. I look back onwhat I've done here so far and things like training. and a sense of duty alone won't get you through a stealth mission like this, Jack, are you okay? You need something higher. I can't think of the right word, but it has to be pure will backed by courage or ideals or something.

So anyway he arrives in his new helicopter, except he's not the only one here with us, as we see a mysterious man in a giant black cape. This here is the leader of Dead Cell, the man who claims to be Solid Snake, which of course he is. where we get the funny line from the meme and the boss who surpasses Big Boss himself Solid Snake no, that's not Solid Snake, he said it and at this point the last member we know almost nothing about, although there are some things we do know , on the one hand. It was previously revealed that Dead Cell was started by former President George Sears.

Also, the current president is kidnapped by Dead Cell and also Ocelot was working with the president and also at the end of mgs1 in the post-credits scene it is revealed that the president was there. actually the third brother snake


us and that means that the leader of dead cell is not only the former president but his brother. I'm a completely different game from liquid, the villain of Metal Gear Solid 2 and the third snake brother is the former president of the United States also does this, you know, I think this speaks for itself, honestly, but I love how Solidus is built .

You already have an idea of ​​what's going on, but Solus makes a big impression on you and, in my opinion. It's really underrated. I'm surprised people don't talk about him. People often praise Senator Armstrong from Metal Gear Rising for being the fun congressman villain meme. Once you take that character away, it's just kind of a big Solidus snake ripoff that shows how A fun but interesting character is Solidus, but of course he's also in our path right now, snaking around and shooting him, but it's no use. nothing, as Solidus then jumps into a fighter jet piloted by Vamp, so let me process this.

I'm watching the former president who is the third snake brother who has a devard muscle inflation suit standing on an active fighter jet piloted by a bisexual vampire. See, there's Peak fiction and then there's Metal Gear Solid too. It kind of makes the boss fight a bit disappointing like the The boss itself is pretty much mgs1's D fight except now there are solid snakes here to throw ammo at us and it's still a really fun boss, though I won't lie so which anyway, with the help of the snake, we eliminate him and even make him lose his eye. also, except for the bad news, Solus is saved by a f*cking giant Metal Gear that is Metal Gear, that's it and like that, the bad guys escape, snake, then he controls us and yes, in case there was any doubt, here it is confirmed which is snake and ryen starts to get nerdy but of course we all know what the snake is like when it comes to that snake you are a legend legend a legend is nothing more than fiction someone tells it someone else remembers everyone passes it on I enjoy how it's spelled snake here in In this scene you really get the feeling that the snake has grown up since the first game, but deep down he's still a snake rejecting the ideas of being a war hero or a legend, but his rejection of being a legend It's less because he's a nihilist and more simply because he is him. calm and humble this time this is a great characterization overall also remember Solid Snake's body from the autopsy report yeah no that was Liquid Snake's body so there you have the mystery about R then ask about philanthropy, the whole anti-Metal Gear thing that comes into play.

Sodon talking about his worldview philosophies, which leads to this exchange that I really enjoy. Here we must remember to spread the word to fight for change and that is what keeps me alive. You believe you can change the future. I'm not that arrogant. Damn, that's real, dude, also remember Emma Emer from the beginning of the game. No, it turns out that she's with us soon because Emma Emer is on this great show and then she hangs up and calls Jack, are you okay? Oh well, you almost gave me a heart. Sorry the attack wasn't intentional, there's room for one more, so Ryden tells the news to Campbell, who doesn't really care much, who keeps telling Ryden to rescue the president.

Ryden then mentions the snake, but Campbell is still untrustworthy of him and Campbell's response is not. It doesn't make any sense to claim that it still might not be a snake and that Ryden didn't train for it in the simulation either, naturally Ryden becomes kind. If you are sick of this because they were never part of the simulation, they are an unknown factor, you can take your simulation and we're here, we bleed, we die, this makes Ryden get a little more personal with Campbell, in that sense. For those who already know what this game has in store, you probably know how crazy it gets from here.

However, if I can pinpoint an exact moment in which mgs2 begins this downward spiral, it will most likely be here. Colonel, you and Snake used to be in the same I don't understand, I read about you and entered like a snake into the darkness of Shadow Moses. I don't give a damn what that piece of trash said. You understand me? Damn, Campbell really hates snakes. Now I wonder why with what could have happened. Since then, why has Campbell been so distant throughout the game? It almost feels like he's out of character, like some kind of fanfiction, and thankfully mgs2 doesn't go to that level because if it did he'd do things like lazy call back. the originals that are just spray painted around the game, well come on, it doesn't get that bad until they start reusing lines from the first game, but come on, that can't be the case, I mean, Ryan is the complete opposite of Gary. stews well a guy who thinks he's qualified through VR missions but isn't qualified at all, just a complete idiot and clumsy, so it's not a Gary stew at all, in fact it's too much of a the opposite even though he used the snake name at the beginning like That's the point and wait a minute, what was that he said earlier?

I read about you and entered the darkness of Shadow Moses, so this is actually a Universe book that you can read written by Nasha Romanenko, that Russian character I mentioned once. In the original video, an optional codec called being the ex-wife of Richard Ames, the guy from before, is also revealed, you know, I thought I heard about Ames somewhere before Dia meant we're talking about Nasha's ex-husband, nastasha nastasha romanenko. Isn't she the one who wrote in the darkness of Shadow Moses? Yeah, she helped me during the Shadow Moses incident, so you know, small world, but this is kind of an in-universe excuse for something else to happen and Ryden to become something like that. fan of the events of the first game, but I mean, being a self-inserted fan character is too far-fetched until you realize that one of the first things you do in the game is go to your first node and enter your real name. but one of the most obvious tropes in Fanfictions is the horse romance, a sort of cheesy, almost off-gender love interest, one that often takes away from the interesting parts of a universe, like how gay Star Trek fanfiction takes away from it. good that it is.

The 2013 game I'm sorry now, to be fair, something like this would also be in Note Jack, remember the day we met there? There's no way Coima accidentally wrote anti-fanfiction. It has to be true. There are so many strange creative decisions. That, of course, should be a terrible choice narratively, but I still feel like the game might be looking backwards and still has to go through the rest of the game, so let's focus on this Rubble to Shell destroyed where we can get angry because it's a metal gear solid game oh by the way uh this is where you can find out that Vamp is bisexual that's why they call him Vamp no Vamp it's not for vampire it's because he's bisexual bisexual also something else you discover here Fortune's father is a man named Scott Dole, also known as the Marine guy since the beginning of the game, in other words, the guy Fortune has been looking for the guy he blames for his father's death is Solid Snake, there's also something more fun about Fortune and Scott Dolph, uh Vamp, apparently both.

It is rumored that Vamp was the lover of Scott's old man Dolph Fortune, but Fortune and Vamp you noticed that is not bad for a newbie, as you say, Vamp and Fortune are very close, not lovers, but very close friends, no, there is more in your relationship than that. but Vamp was his father's lover, it would have been better if he went with his mother, well, I don't really think they care what you think, Scott Dolph, so a lack of tone in a brief introduction by Orga later, which literally it simply involves us hiding behind it.

Now we are one step away from saving the president, but first we have to turn off an electrical floor, which involves us taking a remote control missile and blowing up a giant electrical box like in the first game, which by the way, just before The Colonel he literally says this, remember Shadow Moses VR training, so yeah Ryden, being a fan character, it's not even really subtle anymore, you're not good enough for my daughter and I don't love you. A more rounded ending to the simulations of history and simulation is a book written. by the French philosopher Jean Boa so anyway you blow it up and take it to the president, who seems very indifferent to the kidnapping and also grabs us by the balls.

I am prepared to face the consequences of my betrayal, what are you? What the hell? You're a man, I don't know what Gojima meant when we switched to CODC to save on cutscene budgets and it turns out the president was working with the terrorists except because of some kind of disagreement. He now he's not working with them and that's it. apparently why she is his hostage, but he wait a minute, why was the president working with the terrorists? According to him, he wanted power and before you wonder why the president of the US would want even more power, there is actually an answer: he wanted absolute power, but you are the president, you have power, no, I'm just a figurehead, so you may have noticed that the characters have been referring to something called the Patriots, also known as LLY lul L, well, the president finally tells Ryden who they are and who they are. essentially the Illuminati, which of course may sound funny when I say it like that, but mgs2 might have one of the most horrifying depictions of a shadow government I've ever seen.

I'm not surprised you've never heard of them, very few were. Aware of its existence even among those with keyword clearance, say what you will about Kojima's often wordy dialogue, but it really is effective here with how huge Rabbit Hole is. This whole thing is like watching a YouTube video about conspiracy theories. Corruption of the Andor government. the feeling that life-changing information is being thrown at you and it really doesn't help that Ryden starts to panic upon discovering all this truth, especially when you find out what the Patriots really control Politics, the military, the economy, they control everything .

Even choosing who becomes president, simply put, the Patriots rule this country. It's not hard to believe, is it? But it's the truth, but that would mean the presidential race was quite a spectacle, right? It was a well written drama. organized by the Patriots for the benefit of the public, there is an almost otherworldly way that the president explains them, but I am also forced to imagine something that I really can't fully understand and the Patriots, even I don't know who the real members are . All I've been told is that every key decision is made by a group of 12 men known as the committee of wise men.

This to me is the kind of oppressive sovereignty that I find terrifying. The Patriots have a mystery that can only be rivaled by God. the father and yet they control you by making you think you are free and in fact politically speaking the scene becomes even more disturbing as it gets very close to reality, it's all a show, democracy is just filler for textbooks, think about it, right? In fact, I believe that public opinion influences government. No, this country is shaped and controlled as the Patriots see fit. It shows people what they want to believe. What you call government is actually a well-staged production intended to satisfy the public.

Now, of course, this is it. a work of fiction and I don't believe the Illuminati is real, perhaps that being said, has the US government lied before and have there been US services that are completely corrupt and more importantly public opinion It doesn't really influence the government at all and if not? For the United States, have we seen all this in other democratic countries? The answer to all of them is at least a very resounding yes. I won't mention anything specific, but anyway you can probably connect some dots here and there, so the president wanted to be a The Patriot himself, but working with Solidus was a badidea since Solidus wants to challenge them.

I want to be a member of the Patriots. I wanted to wield the power of a king instead of being a p*rno expendable, but I underestimated it. Solidus, actually. wants to challenge the Patriots, he also explains in more detail how the Patriots are needed in this country, and in fact offers a really compelling argument: a picture of a massive political vacuum, a space that each Power Monger will try to fill for their own purposes greedy an unregulated power struggle Panic Civil War chaos as if not the Patriots is an organization that must continue to exist, he then turns into a snake as a character and reveals that he is the one who directed the entire Shadow Moses incident from the first game, which is what caused the Patriots to leave, yeah no thanks you're out of our favor covering his presidential exit as a resignation yeah right and Jeffrey Epstein had this post verified as false by the real American patriot president , Johnson, and then also explains that he intended to use Metal Gear as a sort of sweetening of the deal, his way into joining the Patriots, but not Metal Gear Ray, no, a new Metal Gear that has been hidden underneath under our noses all the time because we've been in it this whole game, yeah, that's right.

This whole big shell is just a disguise for a new Metal Gear, except it's not just a Metal Gear nor is it a robot, but a new thing called Arsenal Gear. It's a giant Fortress warship that can hold like 25 Metal Gear Rays. essentially a new Metal Gear nuclear garage, but it's also more than that as it can also change digital information. Basically, you can control the Internet. Arsenal's plans include a system to digitally manage the flow of information, making it possible to shape the truth for its own purposes. and this is because the Patriots are afraid that a large amount of information will be published on the Internet at a rapid pace.

Now this game came out in 2001, so a lot of this is very abstract, but it's also terribly prescient and accurate to what's happening today. As information comes out 24/7 before anyone even has time to process it, they fear that an overabundance of digital information will drown the world in the next avalanche of information and they, along with it , and the system that allows Arsenal to do this is called GW and our new role is to stop it, so we have to find Emma Emer and give her a virus and apparently that's it, until the president orders us to kill him.

Now kill me, what the hell while he tries to use our own gun to kill him? to the idea that this is our role again all this time, everything is our role to do it, but anyway, conveniently, ocelot then shoots the president himself and they just get out of there, but on the topic of Ryden actually has no control over anything, the president before dying has some very interesting last words without free will, there is no difference between submission and rebellion despite this, although he still tells us to stop Arsenal, after dying it is ours new directive given by our colonel and, of course, he conveniently knows it. nothing at all hey, colonel, why is he saving furry p*rn on his computer?

I do not have the security clearance necessary to verify the facts. This post was verified as fake by real. I also have a side note. There is a reason behind the low name LLY lulle, so hideo Kojima is Japanese, well in Japanese there is no consonant for L, the L sound as in lwin La Blinky La Binky is a sound that is very difficult for speakers to pronounce Japanese natives of KN. I love games. I love this world. Really. I love you all from my heart. Did you like it that much? For a Japanese player, Loli Lleo would be almost incomprehensible.

Imagine a shadow government with a code name you can't even pronounce. Plus, this lack of L in the Japanese vernacular is also why Kojima has I Never Took an L Anyway, so after all that massive bombshell we have to find Emma Emer. Now the snake also explains the events at the beginning of the game. We're going to save our game and talk to Rose again. Y'all, Jack, what is it? I've always been alone, uh, I'm so alone, okay, but this call specifically is important to Ryan's character, in fact, again from this point on the game starts to break down Ryen and right here is when it really hits you. realizes how emotionally distant Ryen is.

You slept next to me, what are you talking about? Me after being in my room together you stay up all night or head to the door I can't relax when I'm with someone Jack, you wouldn't even let me in your room I need privacy It just doesn't bother me, not only that, but that Wyen also lacks any kind of real personality and that's not a character flaw, it's a character trait because this extends to the way this character is outside of the game's story and Rose. tells us exactly why that is like that do you remember that time I broke into your room we had known each other for almost a year and you exploded it was the first time you raised your hand against me I was so worried about you so first obviously yes, Ryden he's a bit of a bad boyfriend but then the conversation continues look, I'm sorry, it wasn't your violent nature that scared me, it was your room, your heart stops, there was nothing in your room, just a bed. and a small desk looked like a prison cell and that's why this scene and Rose are so important again, assuming that Ryden is some kind of self-inserted fan character who, at least subconsciously, is trying to relive the fantasy of Power of being Solid Snake , what kind of identity don't you have? tv no family photos not even a poster Rose I only use that room to sleep a lifeless room almost like your empty heart now I know I've been on Rose this whole video and part of it is kind of a joke but Rose is on at least to me it's a symbol of a real life, that's why Rose is so dramatic and intrusive, if Ryden is to be the player i.e. you, then Rose is the player's responsibility in real life, make fun of Rose all the time that I want, but that's also the point. the game tries to make Rose an annoying character that breaks the fantasy because she is a human being, she is reality, she is a stark contrast to Marilyn the first game, who, while a very strong character, ended up being something of a damsel in distress in the Meanwhile, Rose feels like a very real human character in contrast to someone pretending to be a real romantic couple in part because she was actually influenced by a real romantic couple.

You know that all day is tomorrow. Well, that was actually taken from Hideo Kojima's wife. Again, this blurred line between fantasy and reality is the goal of mgs2 or at least one of the many many points that we will see throughout the adventure. That's right. To have a girlfriend, you have to be a good person. Post was verified as True by a real American Q. Pretty Rose, we'll talk about this later, after the mission, right after the mission. I get it and just like that, we're back to the game and more importantly some really horrible swimming mechanics, but later.

While we endure that we meet Vam and he is guarding the path to Emma Emir, he also reveals that the dead cell was framed for a giant Travy a long time ago and that's his whole motive, but I'll be honest, Vamp could be the character least interesting in the whole game so I can't feel much when we kick his ass in the boss fight so after beating him we find Emma in a locker, just like her brother in the first game, she wets herself too on top of that, uh, thanks bribe, finally. we meet Emma's stepsister Emer aon and her character is literally Aon but female and also she really hates water even though the whole place is flooding we have to get out of here no I hate water yeah it's not a big deal first impression, look, okay, Emma Emer is not my favorite character in this, in fact, she is probably the most autistic character in Metal Gear and you, that's why I love her, she's adorable, this is an Emma Emer family and we will put up with her, luckily we convince her to cling to us while the player has to suffer through the damn swimming games, then we take a little break to connect with her and we do it because emma remembers her time with aacon, now oton It means a lot to Emma, ​​but she is also angry with him because for some Oton just left the whole family, but despite that, he means so much to her that she even starts wearing glasses thanks to him, my brother didn't have close friends, so he used to take care of me, this is when things get uh uh.

We both wanted to be loved so much that we used to pretend we did, we used to play house, my brother was the husband and I was the wife, yeah dude, anyway, it turns out that Emma is involved in Metal Gear because she wants to get revenge on Hal. I wanted to hurt you I wanted to see you suffer and you abandoned me, no that's not what happened, but it's time for the worst part of the game, which is Emma Emer's escort mission, where she's afraid of the bugs we have to spray. them with the cooldown and you have to hold her hand constantly while you both move slower than the running speed of the sonic mazes.

A lot of people hate this part and I agree that it's really not good at all, but there is one thing that is important and that is Emma explaining what exactly GW is, so Emma knows about the Patriots, but not enough to express it with words; However, if it were not clear enough, the planet would completely censor the Internet in a way that is surprising and terribly creepy for our times. Well, nowadays information comes from all directions and is distributed freely. A variety of information collected by servers employing the latest high-speed communication networks and PTP technology circulates rapidly between people.

In fact, the speed of this circulation process is accelerating. Almost daily the Patriots seem to be afraid of this development, apparently believing that their role will change from dominant to dominated and again this is horrible because it is actually true, classified information from giant superpowers can be shared anywhere and then Spreads like a f*cking wildfire now look at it like this political scandal corporate corruption So far the Patriots have managed to keep these and other self-interested events under control, but with their existing data processing system they can no longer effectively control the flow of information. generated at the individual level, but again the plan to combat this with something called GW, but now we finally understand the extent of that because it turns out that GW is a large neural AI that can control everything digital, including scientific reports that change very subtly and convincing and in an optional conversation with Rose you can even change mundane things like what movies are popular, that is, think about the types of movies and bands that everyone wants to see, what's at the top of the lists and whether the lists are composed exactly that way.

In other words, it's George Orwell's 1984 book, so what we're talking about is a huge censorship system to remove information that could be inconvenient to the Patriots. Precisely by eliminating such information, the Patriots can shape the course of history as they see fit, regardless of the current situation. What runs all of this exists, quote, within our social structure now in the game because of Y 2K. It was 2001, the government put a program that enabled AI in every version of Microsoft Windows, the new version of Windows that brings your PC to life experience, the best D experience now, of course, this can be easily avoided by not buying Windows Vista, so it's pretty easy to avoid it unless you know you need to digitally update your OS, but come on, that's ridiculous, the US doesn't have to do that. do that instead, just ban the apps completely and force people to use the ones that are mandatory.

We can't let other countries spy on you, that's our job, we're not spying on your calls, you know what I want, I know, but I want to hear you say. bar Ober, you want to get back to the middle now Gear Solid 2 is a piece of fiction, that being said, it's actually very prescient, one that eerily predicts a reality we might be heading towards this, in my opinion it's a well done exposition dump because It's absolutely terrifying, how can you stop something you can't even fully understand, who is five steps ahead of you, someone who has been controlling what you and your companions have known for years before you could understand.

That's why Solidus wants to burn himself. shut down all electrical circuits in Manhattan witha nuclear explosion oh yeah I forgot about that part, so after going through the biggest segment of all the games, we get to this absolutely beautiful background of the shell, although unfortunately Forma will have to cross the entire ocean, what's up If I fall into the sea? I can't swim, too bad we didn't have a full segment where we covered her with sniper fire taking out Claymores and enemies. This segment is pretty slow to be honest, but we can call. into snake as backup, which honestly is a bit of a rough fight with him, but of course Vamp shows up, it's never that easy and there's only one thing Ryden can do, which is shoot, except the bad news that Emma being stabbed is she's losing a ton of blood. a rotten way to die so the snake takes it away and we rush to its location and we make it but things are looking good at the moment but we have the GPT anti-chat virus although the bad news is that the installation is cut off at 90%. the connection was cut, the virus loading was completed, I don't believe it, the counting stopped at 90%.

Emma then wakes up but unfortunately she is bleeding quickly but Ticon tells her that everything will be okay and the two get one last bit of closure I always what I wanted to see you again you see Emma's anger towards how it was more of a kind of projection she never really hated him but she just wanted to get closer to him you don't hate me I never never wanted to be in your I never wanted to hurt you now to analyze Emma. I think there's a metatextual reason why she's a gender oton like so many other things in the first game.

Emma is something taken from the first game but removed from her identity, but Emma is someone. who greatly admires ocon, her identity is rooted in Aon's original character to the point where she wears fake glasses for him, essentially she is to Aon's character what Ryden is to Snake's character wants Aon to recognize his individuality . I thought that with Arsenal yes I followed in your footsteps I could be closer I just wanted you to look at me look at me as a woman and I want to talk about that for a minute yes Metal Gear Solid one all the characters felt linked to their genes to their families but in Metal Gear only 2 the characters feel tied to something else and that thing is their identity and their legacy Peter Stillman had the legacy of a legendary hero but the legend was fabricated and as a result so is his identity that the fat man wanted to leave behind a legacy and had a whole identity that accompanied him, but he himself leaves nothing behind at all.

President Johnson wanted to leave his mark on history, but he was too much of a pawn for the powers that were defeated to form. his very identity turns a powerful figure like the president into Just another brick in the wall. Fortune rejects legacy and identity entirely. Her identity is her pain and that makes her really nihilistic as a character and her existence as an invulnerable character is very hollow. Meanwhile Emma is very similar, she has an identity but it's not really hers the way she literally presented mgs1's fan service, but when she dies she takes aon's glasses with the fake ones in her hand and asks him Aon to call her Emma and instead of e e. symbolizing a last minute transition into her own identity, this is where we get Aon's posthumous monologue.

I had, I had a relationship with your mother, wait, what's okay, now we just have real incest. My father's death was not an accident, he took his life in a Metal Gear way fun fact side note aon this guy's father well I guess it's true, it's really not your jeans that make you, although all this does make aon's duel much more depressing, although it makes Snake motivate him much more badass, you mean, me. You would only go wrong on your way, only you can save those hostages. Got it, this turns out to be the hardest shot I've ever seen in my life.

Good friend, though Aon starts to lament again. How is Aon's damned love motivating Oton again to save the hostages? They get a scene that's somehow even harder, although there's one more scene with autocon and it's probably one of my favorites in the entire game, so Emma has a parrot and that keeps repeating how I miss you, which makes Oton fall to your knees and start crying uncontrollably. so oton is a very lonely character who wants to be loved, there's the whole Sniper Wolf thing in mgs1 where he had a one-sided crush on her and there's the very strange thing about playing house with Emma, ​​although it's just doable, trust me and Emma is very similar, that's where I want to talk about Aon's love monologue, one of my favorite moments in this game and also very underrated.

Both you and I were always alone, we always just wanted to be loved, we were always waiting. waiting for someone now I know a lot of this is weird but trust me it's just an escape Emma and Aon were escaping because they wanted to feel love in other words it symbolizes escapism, people escape into fictional worlds to deal with their problems and insecurities real. And what a fitting character too, since Aon is literally a giant weeaboo, but running away from anything really just makes you lose your identity and it's actually you who has to find love for yourself, but we were wrong, you can't wait to be loved.

Going out and finding it 4 years ago I realized that you can't just wish for a happy family, you have to make it happen. I just wish I had known sooner. I can't tell you how eye-opening the scene was for me and how relevant Everything is Love is something you should seek out and hold on to. Everyone around you is their own individual human being and that includes the people you love the most. You can't wait for love to happen to you. You have to find. It was important for me to hear this when I played the game without getting too personal.

There was a time in my life where I was kind of locked in where I really desperately wanted to be loved but I didn't want to do anything. Real external connections. I was too afraid and as a result I look to movies, games and other forms of art in search of some kind of expert. It sounds silly now, but this was a real isolating issue for me and, like Emma herself, I started. lose my own sense of identity. I won't act like I have it all figured out, but this was a huge wake-up call for me to begin a first step, regardless of anything before or after, to find real human connections, see people for their own individuality and That's right How can I learn to love again?

I learned that I could love like you probably did anyway. Back to Ryden and Snake, oh yeah, they're in this game, oh yeah, and the gray fox is wait a minute, that's Orga all along, yeah. the cyborg ninja was ogga from the beginning and the snakes also betrayed us what the f*ck are you changing sides now change sides I don't remember saying I was on yours anyway Olga, the knocked out rder Jack, are you reading me? Do you want to save your mission data up to this point? Your mission data has been saved. We wake up. on a torture bed like Metal Gear Solid one right in front of ocelot and solidus and what's even worse uh, we're naked, well, he's naked, this is my son, wait, he's your what now okay, well , not really, he's just a kid soldier who's nice.

He was adopted by Solid, a snake during the Liberian Civil War, and is responsible for a lot of atrocities when he was 10 years old. At the time, his excellent kill record earned him several nicknames, including White Devil and Jack, the also friendly Squad of Child Soldiers called Solidus Small Boy Unit. I heard that pedophile, little bo, not only that, but they were the patriots who finally took him in, so there's no longer any doubt that Ryan's life is officially one big lie. You also get a side note about Solis' intentions. You are the spitting image of the big boss.

Solis is trying to be his own version of his big boss, turning Manhattan into his own outer sky and leaving his own legacy behind him like the big boss did anyway, so he leaves us for a while. individual with ocelot. Oh, by the way, all mgs1 callbacks. um, you are aware of that, by the way, this situation is very nostalgic to me, where am I? Why inside the Arsenal team, of course, we are actually also inside the memory of Shadow Moses, yes, straight from the horse's mouth, we have been inside a giant replay. from Metal Gear Solid, by the way, Ocelot has that virus we need and leaves when Olga enters the room and Olga reveals that she is also a spy for the Patriots because her son that she was pregnant with is held captive by the Patriots .

Long after the tanker incident, she joined an illegal Russian group, you guessed it, it was just the Patriots and if it wasn't clear enough that the Patriots controlled literally everything when I gave birth to my son, it turns out I was in a hospital. for the Patriots and her Patriots job was in fact to help us because otherwise they would kill her son and luckily, although SN fought her off screen while we helped Emma and helped her see what was really going on, You know clearly, an escort. The mission was much more interesting, but why would the Patriots want to help us?

Well, that's what they don't do. You're like me, we're just pawns. Pawns for what purpose is the S3 plan. Hey? You will find out sooner or later. later, but I wonder if you can handle the truth. Gold then hits us and leaves and we, Jack, are you okay? Oh great, you could also tell Rose, so yes, Jack now remembers everything and of course you can bring in a wild guest who's been around and tampering with his memories but interestingly Ryden now has a past and therefore some sort of identity for that bad news that identity is being a Boy Soldier I'm not like a snake I never questioned why we fought there was no purpose there is no way out they give you a gun you ask how many to kill if you didn't you were the one they shot so yeah, Ryden has some kind of childhood that involves being forced to eat drugged gunpowder in his food.

Jesus was fed once a day. I can still taste the gunpowder they mixed with the food. What's happening? Players are welcome to cook in Metal Gear. That's how Ryden's Liberian burgers are made, so put Ryden in the context of all these other characters. Ryden has an identity that he doesn't have at all. he wants and finally admits this kind of defeat that he is not a snake nor will he be because Ryden can't escape his own reality the only people who don't have a problem with my past have secrets and agendas from their own terrible nightmares every night .

I can never forget that you should have told me that I am a murderer and that I always have been, no, no, what I hate more than anything else in the world is my own past. Rosen tries to assure Ryden that she loves him anyway, but she doesn't. It really doesn't work very well and I know that the way I feel about you can only get better and I will share your past if that is the price. It doesn't work that way. No one can share the burden of what I have done. It's not one of those warm and fuzzy things that couples share Ryan then tells Rose that he can't start a family with her at all I know you want to get married Me, but I can't, I can't risk starting a family, there's no way to erase it my childhood is fine Jack, please don't say more and hey, look we are free now that we are in the Arsenal team Ryden, do you copy me?

You must continue with your mission, your role, that's the mission, my role, why do you keep saying jump? jump, but when does this game become good? So Campbell is still alive, but he himself does not constantly fail and says very strange. Colonel, are you under orders from the Patriots? Your role, that's my role, why do you keep saying that? Why not? This is a type of role-playing game for the AI ​​network to be the konel. We have been test subjects for an AI network. I think it means you've been talking to an AI, but anyway in this part we have to sneak past a group of completely naked guards. oh well I'm trying to get Ryden to turn off the game console right now, what did you say?

The mission is a failure. Turn off the power right now. What's the matter? So, this is the strange part. This is the part where the game starts talking to you and staring at you. Honestly, even though you've been playing the game for a long time, don't you have anything else to do with your time? The AI, however, also starts spewing complete nonsense, which is quite disturbing if you've ever seen Chad's GPT malfunction, unused story. beats that go nowhere clearly meant to manipulate well and further there's actually something I wanted to tell you but I just couldn't.

I think you should know, although on Saturday morning last week I saw a guy leaving Rosemary's. room, how should I put it, it was like they were intimate, just randomly referencing other Metal Gear Solid games. Infiltrate the enemy stronghold, the outer sky, destroy the final weapon. Metal Gear President Baker should be somewhere south of where you came through the wall, hurry up and save. him before the terrorists discover his variety of code level 13 rescue Maryland the return of ginola your mission is to infiltrate The Fortress Gallade rescue the hostages and neutralize MetalGear before its assembly is complete just nonsense, I hear it's amazing when the famous purple worm plush in the jaw space with the fingerboard makes a crude flicker on Harry Cary Rock I need 61 D scissors what's going on to make this segment yet stranger we're going through Arsenal team junam ascending colon sigmoid colon rectum and who the hell This woman on my map feels like the game has a mental breakdown you know what kind of sense that makes?

Ryan's entire worldview is collapsing right in front of him. He's surreal, creepy, weird, nothing makes sense, but he's also so Jack, it's me, oh. Damn, Jack, I owe you an apology that day at Federal Hall 2 years ago, it wasn't a coincidence. The Patriots ordered me to watch you, you watch me, yeah oh cool so our girlfriend has been a spy for the Patriots the whole time the point where she changed everything about her to suit our taste hairstyle clothes the way she I moved the things I talked about you say you love the color of my hair my eyes aren't even real again this expands the whole escapism thing Ryden gets attached to something that's not really reality he's playing a role I want I mean, this is some kind of role-playing game and you're solving it the hard way.

I don't know who you really are, the person I knew isn't real she's not the woman I'm talking to now in a sense the deception was mine, not theirs. She was in love or I thought she was with someone who didn't exist. She was trying to be someone she was. t loving what wasn't real Bas R and I wasn't an incel anymore Jack what I am what I'm carrying I'm pregnant ha Rose what's going on oh except Rose is also an AI oh all we know is a lie and the truth is worse than that we could imagine if only there was a big strong man who could twerk with me to save us right now.

It's amazing how you walk like that, he's a sacred snake and he has our equipment too sacred and from the looks of it, he's also I've been looking the most and me, but wait, didn't he like knocking us out earlier? I'm sorry for the above. I had to use you as bait to gain access to the Arsenal. It worked. Oh, okay, you're F, you're okay, buddy, why didn't you do it? Tell me about Olga, you never asked. I love the snake. Sorc was headed to Manhattan and we have to stop him. The snake also gives Ryden the katana ninja sword.

There is no word by the way. A mgs1 you can receive an infinite ammo scarf for finishing the game I bring. this because this is directly mentioned in mgs2 if you run out of ammo you can have mine you have enough absolutely infinite ammo which in addition to being ojima's hilarious fourth wall antics is also further proof that MGS is in fact metafiction and Ryan's life is looking more and more like a video game talking about which this leads to the right thing by asking the snake snake some questions, have you ever enjoyed killing someone what are you talking about?

I'm not sure, sometimes it's hard to distinguish between reality and a game. sense of reality, eh, virtual reality training will do for that, no, it was field training when I was a kid, so at this point we're already broken down enough, right? No one in Ryan's life is who he thinks they are, not even himself, but this year is when I realize that mgs2 has been deconstructing the plot of MGS, so once again, yes, this game is about ideology in place of the MGS gene topic. Forgive me if I repeat myself again, but this is important for reviewing Metal Gear Solid.

One asked what it is. More important is your genes or what you believe in, the answer of course is what you believe in, however this leaves a huge gap in what you believe in, remember that question by the way, but on a more existential level, what are you going to do? to leave behind? Is it really worth doing it? I mean, we look like with the fat man and Stillman, it probably isn't. Ryden begins to worry about exactly what he will be remembered for. I mean, in childhood he was a child soldier and everything else. It was just kind of a pawn and reminder, Ryden is kind of us, the weird self-insert type, so in turn we probably live lives or have trauma that we don't really want to live, which can be a hard blow For ourselves. definitions of our identity, so through Ryden we asked Snake what to do with all that and in the next conversation I'm going to be honest.

I've tried to summarize it or shorten it, but it's such an interesting and empathetic conversation that I'm just going to let it all happen for you Ryden, we don't carry weapons to take people down, we're not here to help any politician, you can't say that either because you're a legend, a hero, I am Jack the Ripper, a dirty man. reminder of a terrible mistake Legends don't mean much I was just a name to exploit just like you will remember only the good part the right part of what they did there is no right part in Murder ever and we are not in this to make ourselves a name then why are you and Aon fighting for a future?

You can stop being part of a mistake from now on, what am I? What am I supposed to do? and this leads to one of my favorite lines in any work of fiction you ever find something to believe in and you find it for yourself and when you pass it on to the Future believe in what your problem is. Come on, this little moment changed my life man, seeing a little scene like this really surprises me that Ryden was as controversial as he was because even though I described him as a strange anti-fan character, there's a reason why he's an almost representation. perfect of the player base, even after all the revelations or maybe because of them, Ryden is still not sure who he is.

But, by extension, no one plays the game and no one in the world. In reality, many people struggle with their identity and what they believe, and it is not unjustified to lack it. The state of global mental health trauma, all of this can shake your self-esteem and view of yourself as a person and not only that, but it's hard to find an ideology that's true and it's hard to figure out what true means and that's it, it's not any secret. Metal Gear Solid 2 is a postmodern text, it is something I would like to delve into. more, but I'll be honest, I'm really stupid, but the philosophy of postmodernism essentially means that truth is relative, there is no objective truth, which at first sounds nihilistic like life is meaningless, but in reality it is exactly the opposite of life. what you make of it and the idea of ​​Truth is your thing, everyone you've ever met is an individual person and so is Ryden and no matter how much Ryden has denied it, in the end he's still a child soldier and a pawn. of the day, but it's never too late for him, if anything, now is the time for him to find something to believe in for himself.

What matters is that you found something and you found it for yourself and you fight to pass it on to the future. It's perfect because the next scene that happens is a giant fight action scene where you, the player, are fighting alongside Solid Snake, one of the most badass characters of all time is in your neighborhood supporting you, dude, oh , what are you going to turn on in the game console? Now kid you got some work to do, there's even a point where you're fighting on the broken version of the Game Over screen, you're literally fighting and pushing against the mission failed screen, bro I want Coima to get me PR, all over again. get confirmation that the colonel is an AI and is acting out because the virus is installed, which is good.

Oh, by the way, the AI ​​is much stranger than he thinks because through nanomachines it is algorithmically designed to Ryden's taste, the colel is in part. your own creation coupled fromexpectations and experience which are crazy, but it's probably the truth, which is absolutely crazy considering the rise of AI companions, people are literally creating robots in the Ai character and sticking to them, now we are literally at a point where life also reflects the metal Gear Solid. I then meet Fortune who is here to kill Snake and everyone else since no one can kill me. I can also kill as many as he can.

Snakes I didn't kill your father. Fortune doesn't believe him, of course, so Snake will take care of it. her for the moment while Ryden climbs this ladder to the Arsenal team rectum where we meet the voice of solid a snake who tells us about the plan S3 a plan to recreate solid snakes S3 means simulation of Solid Snake it is a development program to artificially reproduce Solid Snake, the perfect warrior, so yes, again, we are just a Metal Gear recoverer anyway, it's boss time, a snake appears, but we are not going to fight him, but, for right, we're fighting 25 Metal Gear Rays alone.

Myself tonight, oh, and everyone's name is Rose, one, rose, two, what, oh, and they think two, if that weren't weird, so yeah, the place might be a bit of a stretch, but then the fight of the boss stops and then Olga appears. and she tells us that if we die, her son dies, but then Sol, a snake, the former president and the bad guy uses his Dr. Octopus ARS electric flamethrower to strangle ogga, who then spins his P90 and then shoots her and her. Bush. I love Metal Gear because I can say that in one take, enjoy the show, Jack, don't, but then the AI ​​starts going crazy because of the virus, so Metal Gear's 25 Rays start going crazy, so Solid Snake, the former president, and the third snake. brother jumps in the air and uses his P90 to shoot and the bad news is that he has us strangled and now he has a captive snake that allows him to knock us out and do the same thing to us, but then it turns out that his real goal was to expose . who were the Patriots so it turns out that ocelot was a spy the Patriots all along everything you have done here has been written a small exercise created by us this is the training colonel S3 an orchestrated recreation of Shadow Moses including the death of the father of Fortune and her performance in Revenge was also planned by the Patriots, which she reveals before shooting him in the chest, you know, Mrs.

Luck, you don't have anything we haven't given you, yeah, even Fortune's invincibility is just a little device. , miracles do not exist. or the supernatural technology that only cuts eggs or so we think because the ocelot gets into the metal gear and fires a bunch of missiles just for them too completely Miss while Fortune extends her hands almost in sacrifice she is Lady Luck my name is helina Dolph Jackson the daughter of a proud and noble man, and this is where Fortune's character dies. It's a nice ending for his character where he goes from being nihilistic to finally fighting for something that has been granted the death he wants, but it's such a noble death at the end of the day I promise you Fortune, you won't be forgotten, you'll be in my YouTube video essay, but then, conveniently, the liquid takes over the ocelot's body.

I've been waiting for this and the liquid is here to destroy the Patriots, that's why it's in the ocelot's body. the snake is freed when the liquid takes the metal gear and dies after it, oh yeah, yeah, don't forget we're in a giant Metal Gear garage that's going to crash into New York, which by the way it does, but not only now it crashed in New York. York, but now we crash into Federal Hall, okay buddy, it's not that funny, what are you laughing at? Do you know what day it is today, April 30? date actually because you know the game told me that this is where Solis reveals her true motivations.

You see the patriots are taking away pure American freedom. This post was a fact check through digital censorship, however this is not what you are doing to free anyone, but by doing so, you guessed it, you leave a legacy, so on the surface it is a very reason. selfish. I want my memory, my existence, to remain unlike an intron of history. I will be remembered as an exon, that will be my legacy, my mark in history, however. this is what the game also humanizes him here is a reminder that he is in fact the third snake clone and therefore cannot reproduce meaning this is the only way he can leave any kind of mark on the history.

He doesn't show it, but Solidus is terrified. If forgotten, life data is transferred from parents to children, that's how it works, but we have no ears, no legacy, and this is in stark contrast to Liquid, who is some kind of spoiled child who didn't understand that they are not his genes. that makes you, but who you are solidus on the opposite end is much more understandable, interestingly, unlike liquid, he understands that it is his ideology that makes him and what he leaves behind when the Torches are passed from father to son , extends beyond DNA information. I also imparted what our legacy is if we can't pass the torch, proof of our existence, a mark of some kind, all I want is to be remembered by other people throughout history, although that being said, he still knows the bad guy and He's still trying.

For Nuke Manahattan, the Soldier Boy thing is not a fan either and in the end he continues to act very selfishly. He's not freeing anyonebecause he wants to free people, but rather so that he desperately wants to be written in the history books. It's an interesting twist. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, as Solidus has very selfish ulterior motives for those good intentions, and furthermore, I think Solidus is one of the most underrated characters in the entire series, but with that being said, we have to defeat him. Now we head into one last final boss fight.

I will triumph over the Patriots and free us all and we will become the Sons of Liberty. Ryden. Are you receiving? We are still here. How is it possible? The AI ​​was destroyed only GW, so it turns out that the AI. is still alive, resulting in possibly the most famous and yet most edgy scene in the entire game. There are tons of analysis videos on this scene alone, which makes it even harder for me to add anything, but I'll do my best. So here we go, we are now talking directly to the AI ​​system that has been lying to us the entire game.

Who are you to begin with? We are not what you would call human. A system that speaks almost divinely but yet so pragmatically. Over the past 200 years, a sort of Consciousness formed layer by layer in The Crucible of the White House. It's no different than the way life began in the oceans 4 billion years ago. We have no way. We are the same discipline and morality that Americans so often invoke, but now. It's time to ask the question: why would you want to censor the Internet and AI? You have a very good rebuttal. Why would you take away individual freedoms and censor the internet?

Don't you know that our plans have your interests in mind, not ours? listen carefully like a good, so essentially the AI ​​starts off talking about genes and how we essentially have a greater understanding of genealogy than ever before; However, in a direct deconstruction of Metal Gear Solid, the issues of your genes and who you are are two different things and that creates a problem because you see that the ideologies that we share have shaped all of human history, but the ideologies and, By extension, culture are much more difficult to maintain and preserve, but there are things that are not covered by genetic information.

What do you mean by human memory, ideas, culture, history? Genes contain no record of human history. Is this something that shouldn't be broadcast now? Of course, today we have many ways to disseminate and preserve information. Newspapers, radio, history books and biographies. However, that information was also much easier to translate. forms of communication that were much more limited and, as a result, information was easier to maintain. you could create a collective narrative. you could make your population focus on big problems or distract them from one. We have always kept records of our lives through words and images. symbols from tablets to books, but not all the information was inherited by later generations, a small percentage of the total was selected and processed and then passed on, really not unlike genes, and this of course brings us to the idea of misinformation, now misinformation has always been a part. of human history, but genuinely dangerous misinformation eventually leaks out and that's why the Patriots view the Internet specifically as a threat.

Because the Internet, the information superhighway, is full of junk information and junk disinformation, the Internet has become a tabloid 247 for everyone. What you could never imagine and the AI ​​and the Patriots see this as a trick for the human species, but in today's digitized world, trivial information accumulates every second, preserving in all its threads, never fading, always accessible rumors about Petty issues, misinterpretations, slander, all this crap. Data kept in an unfiltered state is growing at an alarming rate. This is more or less what social media is today, so a lot of information, whether it is real or not, can be published and accessible in a matter of seconds.

However, there are many people who tell the truth. that means and all this without any kind of real narrative or anything and that is what the AI ​​plans to do create a narrative R you seem to think that our plan is censorship are you telling me that it is not that you are being stupid what we propose? What you should do is not control the content but create context create context digital society encourages human defects and selectively rewards the development of convenient half-truths, which is, by the way, a good time to mention that there is a difference between a fact and truth.

The fact is objective. and indisputable, although the truth is a little more subjective than that, since different perspectives are more taken into account, the point is that all facts are obviously true, but not all truth is a fact. Let me give an example, let's say I now have a Blaze the Cat plush toy, Blaze. the cat is purple, right, she is a purple cat, however, I have a housekeeper and he is colorblind, so if I asked him what color my Blaze the Cat plush toy is, he would say oh, that's a blue cat, now of course the facts are incorrect, but he's not lying to me, he's telling me the truth, this is of course just the idea of ​​multiple perspectives which, if you think about it, is a huge double-decker edge, as people can manipulate information and, as a result, tell multiple versions of the truth. they end up juxtaposing each other, just look at the strange juxtapositions of morality that surround it.

Billions spent on new weapons to humanely murder other humans. The rights of criminals receive more respect than the privacy of their victims, although there are people who suffer in poverty. Huge donations. They are made to protect endangered species and then think about how long exactly all of this has been going on and how hypocritical Humanity itself is, especially in this day and age, and all we have done is continue to allow everyone to grow up hearing the same thing I know. kind to others but beat the competition you are special believe in yourself and you will succeed but it is obvious from the beginning that only a few can succeed you exercise your right to freedom and this is the result of all the rhetoric avoid conflict and protect yourself each other from harm, the thing is, while people are more than comfortable subscribing to a false sense of Truth, all for the sake of convenience, it's a similar reason why escapism exists and people are more than happy to radicalizing these small circles just to avoid the reality of conflict or unrest while, ironically, becoming more hostile to any idea that clashes with their own people online, they lock themselves in their own Echo Chambers without realizing that this will only It's getting worse, but at the same time. people who are too advanced in this end up attacking other people anyway, which for the Patriots is an obstacle in the path of social progress.

Everyone retreats into their own little closed community, fearful of a larger Forum, they stay within their own little ponds, filtering out whatever truth suits them. In the growing cesspool of society at large the different cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh no one is invalidated but no one is right not even natural selection can take place here the world is being submerged in truth and this is how the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper, you see, it is not due to a single ideology, but a violent group of ideologies fighting each other and yet not really progressing at all, which ends up creating the intelligence system artificial of the Patriots.

They want to leak information for our benefit because we need it. because we have proven time and time again that we fail to progress society and you believe that you are qualified to decide what is necessary and not absolutely who else could wade through the sea of ​​garbage you produce, recover valuable truths and even interpret their meaning for later generations. that's what creating context means and I mean, do you really know better? In fact, let me ask you a question, why do you believe what you believe? Do you believe it through personal exploration and life experiences or do you just believe everything an important figure says?

You will decide for yourself what to believe and what to convey, but the thing is that even your own idea or something a snake told you is proof of your incompetence, right there you lack the qualifications to exercise free will, AI, so talk about the idea. of oneself or in other words, identity, something we have been exploring throughout the game; However, according to the Patriots, the self is just something we use to make ourselves feel better in this era of ready-made truths. The self is just something that is used to preserve those positive emotions that occasionally feel like that's bullsh*t.

Would you rather have someone else tell you that and then explain it to you? Jack. You are simply the best and you got there alone, but even though we barely have an identity to call our own, we are desperately hell-bent on protecting it. but just to make us feel better, that's why we don't really have any ability to say what the truth is. It's ironic that even though yourself is something you create yourself, every time something goes wrong, you turn around and blame something else. it's not my fault it's not your fault in denial you simply resort to searching for another more convenient truth to feel better leaving behind in an instant the supposed truth that you once embraced if only someone like that could decide what is true and think about that question in a way real or difficult, by the way, can you even decide which is the truth?

The individual is supposed to be weak but far from being powerless, a single person has the potential to ruin the world and the era of digitalized communication has given even more power to the individual too much power for an immature species is a very good argument for why we don't deserve free will think about everything you've seen online in the news around you and wait, what about the people who run the news? and online networks, do they know any better? Are they even qualified to decide? Because there are surely too many cases where the answer is no, today, in the age of the Internet, we do not deserve free will, in fact, looking through human beings. history, did we ever really deserve it, the difference now is that the Internet is now a Pandora's Box of Truth, which means we have overstepped our limits with free will, you have done nothing but abuse your freedom, you don't deserve be free. and the whole game was just the Patriots testing the waters, they weren't trying to train us at all, but rather see if they could algorithmically control Humanity to ensure their survival.

The S3 plan does not represent the simulation of Solid Snake, which it does represent. For their social sanity selection, the S3 is a system for controlling human will and consciousness, so you see, we are the S3, not you, they also chose Ryden for directly denying his own past again, using Ryden as a way to mock the player for escaping. In a fictional world we use Shadow Moses as a paradigm for the exercise. I wonder if you would have preferred a fantasy setting. Do you know why we chose you instead of them? It was because you were the only one who refused to acknowledge the past but turn your back on everything you don't like you do what you like see only the things you like and only for yourself you pretended to be understanding being a gentleman you never made an attempt conscious of getting close to me I was just trying not to do it so trying not to hurt myself dear, the one you were trying not to hurt yourself was yourself avoiding the truth under the guise of kindness is all you did so you see you are a representative perfect of the masses we need to protect you accepted the The fiction we have provided obeyed our orders and did everything you were told.

The exercise is a resounding success and we can't escape now because they have a son AUST and if we, the player, turn off the game console, then yes, Olga's son is dead. so our only option now is to keep playing because we have accepted their reality and it's too late to back out and that's the scariest part about the Patriots and the AI, it's not that they are shadowy or control everything. behind the scenes or the extent of what they control but it is because they are right human beings do not deserve free will we have no idea what the truth is we are set up for failure under the guise of false promises and that is why this moment is so deep and remains deep to this day that it strikes a chord that I have rarely seen in any other work of fiction.

TR really is existentially terrifying, so Jack the Ripper, is Solidus the creation of the Patriots or are you, Solidus, the creation of our beloved monsters? Have fun, although the moment is a little ruined knowing that Solidus was standing there for 13 minutes and also another big plot twist. Solidus killed Ryan's parents. I'll be honest, I love this game. This sh*t is necessary. This part is already dramatic. and all this extra stuff is pretty much just brains, you see, I'm not a kickback dick rider, sometimes, it'salright final boss man these sword controls age like a dog's ass we also get another short call from Ai codc telling us what we already know.

Wow guys, I can't believe it, Ryden, so anyway we open Solidus, make him fall and kneel at George Washington's feet, mother, although now Ryden is broken and alone, even when people surround him, which he doesn't. I blame after all that. the game and the AI ​​conversation and all that I'm not really sure what I am who I am Nobody really knows who or what they are Ryden ignores what I just told you the most important thing to do now is enjoy a delicious Egg McMuffin Sandwich from the new all day breakfast menu at McDonald's all serious yes the snake is here and he is here to give us more life advice after having a whole game where you don't know what is real or not the snake ends Saying you know what it is. it doesn't matter because what matters is that what you went through is yours if people go through their own versions of reality every day so was there ever really an absolute reality anyway it doesn't matter what matters is what you do with it. the memories you have and the role you were assigned are burdens you had to carry no matter if they were real or not that is never the point absolute reality does not exist in the world most of what they call real is actually fiction what What you think you see is only as real as your brain tells you it is, in other words, no matter how real or not real something is, no matter how traumatic it was, what matters most is what Ryden does or does with it.

What you do with it. In fact, if it wasn't clear enough, Metal Gear Solid 2 includes one of my favorite messages in anything and the snake speech here conveys it so well that many people fear what they will leave behind after they die, fear what kind of Legacy they will have. I will, especially when life gets out of your control, what am I supposed to believe? What will I leave behind when I finish answering Ryan's question? It is not easy to discover what reality can be and its perception. It can be broken but that doesn't have to be your absolute reality, what really matters is that everything you felt in your life is real and you can use your experiences to improve the future, you are still alive and you have time left and no matter what happens . happens it's all up to you we can tell other people about having faith in what we had faith in what we found important enough to fight for so it's not about whether you're right or not it's about how much faith you were willing to have what the future decides listen don Don't get so obsessed with the words Find the meaning behind the words and then decide you can find your own name and your own future decides for me and whatever you choose will be you I know you didn't have much choice this time but everything you thought about during this mission is yours and what you decide to do with them is your choice choose your own legacy you decide it's up to you snake to notice Ryan's dog tags dog tags with our name on them and dog The tags that Ryden throws symbolize us when the game ends.

It's time for us to go out and live a new life that we are no longer tied to. We can choose our future and our identities. I will choose my own name and my own life I will find something worth passing on Ryden learns that despite his painful experiences there is valuable information to be learned and that means there are valuable things to pass on to the future and, more importantly, yes, Humans don't deserve free will, which is why it's a miracle that we have it and can still use it to the fullest. They also taught me some good things.

I know that we have inherited freedom from all those who fought for it. We all have the freedom to spread the word. I, Snake then says that he will handle the older boy situation and that he has the names of all the Patriots, although it is actually a fluke in the post-credits scene. Ryden then tries to join Snake but is stopped and then Ryden realizes that he has something else. to take care of that person being, of course, his reality from now on, which is Rose, where we see his first interaction in the real world. Can I ask you something?

Who I am? I don't know, but we'll find out together. Oh, see you so I'm fine, Ryden finally remembers what day it is, so, that nightmare is over. I remember now, today is the day I met you, April 3rd anyway, jokes aside, we get two incredibly beautiful final speeches, one between Ryden and Rose and one after the credits of Snake talking about Legacy jeans and why our characters remain alive. I could do what I've been doing and add my own commentary to them, but they're honestly so perfect I don't want to ruin them, so I'll play them both uncut here.

I think I found something to pass on to the future. What he said: All living things want their jeans to stay alive. Are you talking about the baby? Yes, but jeans are not the only thing you transmit. there are too many things that are not written in our DNA it is up to us to teach that to our children what kind of things about the environment our ideas our culture poetry compassion sadness joy we will tell them everything together is that a proposal it is only for your ears life is not it's just about passing on your genes we can leave much more than just DNA through speech music literature and movies what we have seen heard sense anger joy and sadness these are the things that I will go through that is what I live for, we have to pass the torch and let our children read our sad and messy history in their light, we have all the magic of the digital age to do that, the human race will probably come to an end at some point and new species will appear.

I may rule this planet. The Earth may not be forever, but we still have a responsibility to leave whatever traces of life we ​​can. Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing. Metal Gear solo 2 is a messy game and it's probably my favorite game ever made this is the quintessential postmodern video game and it's brilliant so it's mind boggling but beautiful and also completely out of the ordinary again. I think the game is an anti-fanfiction that deconstructs the whole idea of ​​escaping to a fictional realm. and it really asks you questions like whether we, as humans, deserve free will or what kind of legacy we are going to leave behind as individuals.

Ryden as a character who gets lied to and beaten, but no matter what happens to you, it's about what you keep going. into the Future how you take your experiences and translate them you can find individuality even in the face of information control you find something to believe in and then you convey it to the Future which is as beautiful a message as you can convey in this game. For me personally it was there during a very dark period of my life and it has been there during many others as well. It's a game that reminds me that no matter how dark things get or how much humans don't deserve free will.

Life is something we still have and it is a miracle that we have it. Anyway, the game may criticize escapism, but it also tells you that what you felt in it was real and the important things you carry out with what you learned in your real life and many others. The characters lived false legacies and false lives, but what you have to do is find something for yourself. It's part of why I'm making this video to be honest. I want to pass this game on to you. Metal Gear Solid 2 is a disaster. game and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I can't say goodbye though it's a shame the fans hat yeah so the fans weren't big fans of the whole piece like a twink instead of a snake thing which makes mle gear solo 2 extremely controversial . In other words, they just didn't see the vision, but this meant Kojima had to regain the fans' trust and play it safe for one more game. Also finding something to say in that and balancing artistic expression and fan service is incredibly difficult to do, esp. for a franchise as deep as Metal Gear, so where was that for the next game? Oh, there in my heart, put your soul.

SU guys, this is what it feels like to die. They're going to catch me riding dirty. I've been eating well. I'm a little busy at the moment. Rose. Do you drink water today? Oh yeah if you have then good job baby what do you mean if not go ahead and buy yourself a snack uh make sure you take care of yourself cause I care about you Is this really the time to put this out ? You know you can always talk to me when it's true. Rose. We haven't always slept well tonight. I have sweet dreams. What are you talking about?

Run on this Run on this oh, I can't say goodbye to yesterday, my friend, I still hold on until the end to get out of the darkness, there is no other way but the light that leads to yes, I like Ryden to turn off the game console right now, laugh and get fat, wow, it's. cool lavender comforter I see you enjoy Nintendo games, yes, when I can play them legally you like Silicon Nights games, right? Did you enjoy playing Eternal Darkness? Ooh, that game is so underrated. Actually, you've been playing Super Mario Sunshine, right? No, because I don't like Mario Sunshine.

Oh, so you've played Super Smash Brothers Melee before. Don't even get me started. This post was verified as false by true American patriots. I just landed inside the AF strut of shell one. We're here at Big Shell, thank you for coming on such short notice, of course there's something we really need to go over today, but I brought you a gift of some hanging nougats. Unfortunately, about 6 hours ago, an armed group took over the big shell. and we need you to save it. What can you do to help us? I didn't want it to come to this, but I may have to call the Sons of Liberty.

The story in this post was verified as true by real American Patriots. Now we set out to write our amazing original fanfiction character. The first thing our original character needs is to be a substitute for the writer who is my original character. an idealized version of myself, well, I'll also keep designing them until they're overflowing with superfluous details. I am illuminating the transformed rain. Will this clash with Canon character design? That's the point of focusing on the self-inserted wish-fulfillment aspect of the original character. It also frees the rider from worrying about that pesky problem of audience expectations at the end, the S3 plan reveals that the fans' expectations have been carefully played this whole time, almost making fun of them and certainly making fun of Ryden and if someone complains about the character and then just embraces him with the original character's overly long backstory.

I think I was only six years old when I held my first AK, suddenly when I'm about to turn the page someone grabs my wrist, the junk cook obar, slams the book against the The terrain is being a later game to find out exactly why the fleeting nature of time and the volatility of the bus now means that workers live in epic moments when children grow up in phases and we are always trying to plan ahead so that the future has been incorporated into the present and in addition to that's a confusing understanding of the entire planet, which is actually a pretty small level one Gat, an embarrassing level two Gat, oh Gat, something in my eyes, level three Gat chat, this is a rare sighting of Gat, this is a rare sighting of Gat, like being in a nightmare you can't wake up Jack get out of it I'm not sure, sometimes it's hard to distinguish between reality and the game, no one knows, but there is a subsystem in place and it's about to activate, complete your mission, leave, uh Steven Spielberg Des, what are you laughing at?

That Croc died dishonorably 6 months

Why Metal Gear Solid 2 is a Perfect Nightmare - YTread (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.