Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (2024)


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Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (1)

An in-depth guide to Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers Jobs and Character classes

Updated for the Shadowbringers Expansion


A class system often becomes a foundation upon which the success of an MMORPG is built. In the standard systems, classes are divided into three main categories (Tanks, Healers, and Damage Dealers), players get to choose a class that they would like to play as and are stuck with their choice unless they want to make an Alt. The less common, but "classic" (in a sense that it was utilized in some of the oldest games in the genre and then forgotten just to be reintroduced) solution forgoes the idea of classes altogether and lets players become whoever they want. The second-mentioned approach is typical to Sandbox MMOs (OSRS is a great example), while the first works the best in Themepark games, like WoW or Guildwars.

Square Enix, developers of the Final Fantasy XIV have chosen an interesting middle ground by deciding to implement Classes and Jobs iconic to the Final Fantasy series and giving players an option to play as any of them on every Character. This means that a single Character can play as every single one of the current 10 BaseClasses and extend them to all 18Jobs as long as he meets the requirements, completes associated Quests and activates an appropriate Soul Crystal (this also eliminates the need for Alts, as a single character can learn and master all roles, potentially).

This Guide aims to introduce you to all 18 of the FFXIV’s Jobs and briefly describe their main features. It will highlight flavors, strong points and main gameplay features of each of them while also trying to point out the weaknesses in order to create a clear comparison tool for new and experienced players alike. It will also be focused on changes implemented in the Shadowbringers expansion.

We have just recently published a DPS Tier List based on the data in Patch 5.35 so if you are still trying to figure out which class is worth playing currently, you may check the article right here.

Detailed Jobs Overview

Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (2)
Starting ClassGuide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (3)Gladiator

When it comes to tanking, Paladins like to do it the good old way - by using Swords, Shields, and sets of heavy Plate Armor. They have access to strong damage mitigation skills, insanely powerful 10-second invulnerability Cooldown in the form of the Hallowed Ground ability (its power is balanced by long, 7 minutes Cooldown, however), and use robust but long two-part (physical and magical damage) DPS rotation. Physical damage rotation focuses on building up MP that are then spent during the Magical damage rotation. Paladins also offer the most group utility of all Tank Jobs, which makes them great as off-Tanks that focus on babysitting other party members (for example, their Cover ability allows them to divert all damage taken by an ally to themselves for 12 seconds). In Shadowbringers expansion, Paladins did not change too much, but still, they feel more streamlined, and even more solid as Tanks and off-Tanks. Their damage mitigation remains very strong and they received a much-needed charge ability (they were the only tank Job without one, and now they get it at level 74).

Note: Just like in other MMORPGs, Tanks have a much easier time finding a groupbecause of how rare they are. This rarity, however, is not accidental - playing as a Tank is quite challenging and requires good knowledge of the game mechanics and boss encounters.

How to Unlock/
  • Requires level 30Gladiator with all Class Quests completed
  • "Paladin's Pledge" Quest, Ul'dah; Steps of Thal (9, 11)

Job's Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (4)Very strongdamage mitigation abilities, including party-wide defensive cooldowns
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (5)Jack-of-all-trades, easy-to-play Job (for a Tank)
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (6)Paladin's gameplay can become a bit dull after a while
Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (7)
Starting ClassGuide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (8)Marauder
Unlike disciplined Paladins, Warriors tend to lose themselves in combat and often get consumed by battle rage while slashing their enemies with powerful Great Axes. They are definitely the most aggressive of all Tank Jobs and their toolkit supports all-in offensive playstyle. Warriors utilize a rather simple but surprisingly tricky resource-building/spending rotation that revolves around a single starter (Maim) and two separate finishers (Storm's Eye - Self Damage Buff, and Storm's Path - Self Heal and resource generator) that generate wrath - Warrior-specific resource. Generated resources, displayed on the Beast Gauge, are then used to fuel a range of powerful abilities. As true Tanks should, Warriors also have tremendous self-sustain abilities that don't have negative effects on their DPS, and powerful defensive cooldowns, however, their group utility is rather limited. With the introduction of Shadowbringers expansion, Warriors lost some of their flavors, as other Tanks gained access to a range of new aggressive tools, but they are still worthy contenders. All in all, Warriors are easy-to-play, hard-to-master, dynamic Tanks who combine devastating offensive abilities with rock-solid defenses.
How to Unlock/
  • Requires level 30 Marauder with all Class Quests completed
  • "Pride and Duty (Will Take You...)" Quest, Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (11, 6)

Job's Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (9)Solid defensive abilities and great self-sustain
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (10)Strong DPS combos and aggressive, dynamic gameplay
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (11)Lack of group utility
Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (12)
Dark Knight
Starting ClassNone/Additional Job

Wicked-looking and heavy-armored, Dark Knights embrace the darkness and use it as a weapon to fight for good (where is light, there is also a shadow and all that). In the past, Dark Knights were in a peculiar spot... close to death, but never dying, always starving for MP, but never wanting to hold off on offensively spending it. They were all about resource management, which made them both simple and deceptively tricky to play. This made them too unhandy and too complex for the majority of players. Luckily for Dark Knights, the Shadowbringers expansion gave them a comprehensive rework. It altered their playstyle, bolstered their defenses, and overhauled their kit.

Dark Knight's rotation still revolves around good old builder-spender relation, but it got streamlined and now allows him to bolster both his offense and defense instead of forcing him to choose just one. As all Tanks, Dark Knight supports impressive damage mitigation toolkit. He excels at nullifying enemy's magic attacks (which is somewhat niche) but lacks strong health-sustain abilities. Moreover, his invulnerability skill - Living Dead forces him to rely on Healers to keep him alive. All in all, Dark Knight is solid, but not ideal and rather complex Tank with an interesting, shadowy flavor.

How to Unlock
  • Requires level 50 Desciple of Magicor Desciple of War
  • "Our End" Quest, The Pillars (13, 8)

Job's Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (13)Can completely mitigate even the hardest of hits
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (14)Excels at nullifying magic damage
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (15)Lacksstrong Health-Sustain abilities
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (16)Experiences sustain problems ifhis resources are not managed properly
Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (17)
Starting ClassNone/Additional Job

Guns are fun, but swords are cool too... why not combine them? The Gunblade, a strange, but powerful amalgamation of melee and a ranged weapon, now utilized by Final Fantasy XIV's newest Tank Job, is most likely a result of someone asking the foregoing question. Gunbreaker uses this peculiar weaponto deliver a deadly combination of melee swings and point-blank gunfire to his enemies. His main gameplay mechanic, based on loading cartridges into his Gunblade so he can unleash its devastating power on enemies, ensures engaging and dynamic playstylemore akin to a DPS Job. In addition, Gunbreaker has access to a range of Tank-specific defensive abilities. Thanks tothis dynamic system, Gunbreaker is awell-rounded Tank with acceptable defenseand a very potent offense, but there is a price to pay. He lacks Health-sustain abilities, so he is forced to rely on the rest of his toolkit to stay alive and maintain his health level. If you are looking for offense-focused Tank who can also shrug off surprising amounts of punishment while delivering devastating combos, Gunbreaker is a way to go.

How to Unlock
  • Requires level 60 Desciple of Magicor Desciple of War
  • "The Makings of a Gunbreaker" Quest, New Gridania (11, 11). NPC Gods' Quiver bow

Job's Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (18)Playssimilarly to a DPS Job, which makes himvery dynamic
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (19)Impressive single-target Damage output and competitive AoE
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (20)Strong party synergies
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (21)Not as durable as other Tank Jobs
Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (22)
Starting ClassGuide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (23)Arcanist
The Scholar is unique, mostly, because of two things; His Pets and the micromanagement that comes with them. He is a difficult-to-master but also rewarding Healing Job that focuses on shields instead of classic healing spells. Over the years, Scholar suffered because of his too wide kit - he just had too many abilities. The Nightbringers expansion eliminated this problem by merging or straight up removing a large portion of his abilities (mostly offensive, thankfully patch 5.05 reintroduced Energy Drain). As you can imagine, this treatment has left a large hole in scholar's arsenal, greatly limiting his offensive capabilities and fortifying his identity as a "Shield-Bot". Changes didn't stop there, however, and Scholar's Pets also received some of the treatment. They are now untargettable, which makes micromanaging them much easier, and simplified - previously Scholar could have two separate Fairys at his side, both with a different toolkit; now, while he still can use two Fairys at once, both of them support the same abilities. Luckily, he also received a new pet summon, Seraph that works as a very potent Healing Cooldown. While not as flexible as Astrologian, Sholar is a very powerful Healer that excels at preventing damage and is irreplaceable in newest, incoming damage-heavy End-Game content. Moreover, he is the best babysitter in the game, because nothing saves your life better than a potent shield.
How to Unlock
  • Requires level 30 Arcanist with all Class Quests completed
  • "Forgotten but Not Gone" Quest, Limsa LominsaLower Decks (4, 11)

Job's Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (24)Excels at shielding allies, preventing incoming damage
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (25)A Fairy pet
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (26)Pet requires micromanagement
Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (27)
White Mage
Starting ClassGuide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (28)Conjurer
White Mage is the only Healer Job accessible to new players, which is good because it's also the most straightforward (which translates to "boring" for some people). He excels at raw Heal output, managing the highest HPS of all Healers (which can result in overhealing, as Healing numbers that Withe Mage produces are simply not needed in most encounters), but lacks the ability to shield allies and his utility is limited, especially for a Healing Job. What may come as a pleasant surprise to more DPS-focused players is White Mage's AoE Damage output, which is very solid for a Job designated for Healing (but other Healing Jobs are capable of dealing higher Single-Target damage these days). He is even capable of dealing solid burst AoE damage if needed. Utilizing White Mage's traits to their full potential might be quite tricky, however, because he is rather squishy and plays like a glass cannon. White Mage is a good (and only available) place to start the game as a Healer and earn experience necessary to master other available Healing Jobs.
How to Unlock
  • Requires level 30 Conjurer with all Class Quests completed
  • "Seer Folly" Quest, Old Gridania (6, 10)

Job's Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (29)Strong AoE Heals and Heal over Time spells
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (30)Surprisingly hard-hittingAoEspells and solid Raid DPS
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (31)Lacks shields andfocuses on raw Healing output which makes him the most reactive of three healing Jobs (you can't front-load Heals, but you can front-load Shields)
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (32)Limited utility
Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (33)
Starting ClassNone/Additional Job

Astrologian is a Healing Job that utilizes an interesting, but somewhat RNG-dependant mechanic - a Card System. Basically, he has a Deck of cards that he can Draw random Cards from and Play them for various buffs. This mechanic, while a bit random, keeps the gameplay engaging. On top of that, Astrologian can select one of two stances - Diurnal (adds regen effect to some of your healing spells) and Nocturnal (allows you to shield your allies from incoming Damage).

Shadowbringers expansion has left Astrologian in a sad spot. The Job felt underpowered and players were forced to work hard to achieve the same outcome, as other healer Jobs could without breaking a sweat. Thankfully, patch 5.05 brought a range of buffs that revitalized Astrologian, allowing him to dish out competitive Raid DPS while keeping the heals up. As of right now, Astrologian is a flexible, competitive Healer with a lot of potential, and piloting him feels smooth and rewarding.

How to Unlock
  • Requires level 50 Desciple of Magic or Desciple of War
  • "Stairway to the Heavens" Quest, The Pillars (15, 10)

Job's Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (34)Good mix of Shields and Healing Spells
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (35)Very strong damage buffsand great group utility
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (36)Can Heal off global cooldown without losing DPS (unlike other two Healing Jobs)
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (37)Aastrologian's Heals are weaker than White Mage's, and his Shields are weaker than Scholar's
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (38)Lack of Burst-Healing spells
Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (39)
Role/DisciplineMelee DPS/War
Starting ClassNone/Additional Job

Samurai is the pure DPS Class of the Final Fantasy XIV, and the word "pure" translates to "selfish". While most other DPS Jobs bring at least some group utility to the table, Samurai focuses exclusively on slashing his enemies to very small bits with his deadly Katana. This results in a Jobwith potential to top DPS meters throughout all content while not aiding the group in any way except damage.

Shadowbringers expansion didn't change much when it comes to Samurai's gameplay. He still remains powerful, well designed, melee DPS with an explosive resource building/spending rotation. Samurai feels smooth during combat and his resources are generated organically while he performs his combo, which makes the gameplay dynamic and enjoyable.If you are looking for a straightforward, but engaging and enjoyable Jobfocused on one thing, and excelling at that one thing -look no further, Samurai is the best choice.

Note: Samurai, like aJob based on Japanese cultureshould, has his abilities named after real Samurai sword techniques (Iaijutsu, for example)... in Japanese, which can be confusing and hard to remember for some players.

How to Unlock
  • Requires level 50 Desciple of Magic or Desciple of War
  • "The Way of the Samurai" Quest, Ul'dah; Steps of Nald (9, 9)

Job's Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (40)The "pure" DPS Job with very enjoyable gameplay
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (41)Very high Damage output
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (42)No group Utility
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (43)Finding a party may be difficult, as there is often just one spot open for a Samurai in any given group
Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (44)
Role/DisciplineMelee DPS/War
Starting ClassGuide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (45)Rogue

Despite having quite severe DPS problems, Ninja wasone of the most sought after Damage Dealers in the Final Fantasy XIV. He owes this popularity in Raid groups to a single ability from his wide utility kit - the Trick Attack. Trick Attack is a straightforward melee ability... that also applies a 10-second debuff that increases Target's damage taken by 10%, making it one of the most powerful group-utility abilities in the entire game (it has 60s Cooldown). However, having one of the best group-utility abilities in the game is often not enough to secure a Raid spot and Ninjas have to work hard to squeezeevery last point of DPS out of their classto be competitive.

The Shadowbringers expansion has left Ninja in a rather bad spot. His damage output is often too low to secure him a spotin most groups, even if the Trick Attack's Damage bonus is taken into account. However, patch 5.1 might shake things around and increase the Ninja's power level enough to make him a viable Job again (fingers crossed).

How to Unlock
  • Requires level 30 Rogue with all Class Quests completed (Rogue himself requires level 10 DoM/DoW and a Class Quest to unlock)
  • "Peasants by Day, Ninjas by Night" Quest, Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (8, 16)

Job's Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (46)Great group utility, including party-wide damage buffs
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (47)Poor Damage output, especially for a DPS class
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (48)Competition for a group spot might be fierce
Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (49)
Role/DisciplineMelee DPS/War
Starting ClassGuide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (50)Pugilist

Unlike other Jobs, Monk does not use weapons, as weapons are for people who can't effectively fight without them, instead, his whole body is a Weapon. He is a straightforward, easy-to-learn, but also hard-to-master melee DPS that supports very engaging gameplay. Many of the Monk's abilities have positional requirements and force him to be on the move almost constantly. Thanks to this, He is one of the most dynamic Jobs in the game. Playing as aMonk revolves around maintaining the Greased Lightning buff (10% attack Damage bonus + 5% attack speed bonus, stacks up to 3 times, or up to 4 while under the effect of the Fist of Wind ability). Monk is not all about dealing damage, however.He also brings some quite good group utility to the table.

Shadowbringers expansion introduced some well-received quality of life changes to a Monk, making Greased Lightning uptime manipulation much easier while also providing tools that enablethe preservation ofstacks even between encounters.

Overall, Monk is a very strong DPS Job, well-suited for Players who are looking for a dynamic experience and like to stay engaged for the whole duration of an encounter.

How to Unlock
  • Requires level 30 Pugilist with all Class Quests completed
  • "Brother from Another Mother" Quest, Ul'dah; Steps of Nald(9, 10)

Job's Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (51)Very dynamic Job that forces you to be on toes
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (52)Very high DPS
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (53)While easy-to-play on a decent level, Monk is surprisingly hard to master
Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (54)
Role/DisciplineMelee DPS/War
Starting ClassGuide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (55)Lancer

Have you ever seen an action fantasy Korean movie? Dragoon plays (and looks) like a character taken straight from one. He uses Armor designed to make him look like a dragon and fights with a giant polearm. His playstyle revolves around jumping around (a lot) and executing some of the longest combos, with positional requirements, in the gamewhich is very satisfying, dynamic, and spectacularly flashy. Dragoon's trademark, jumps, arealso one of his main drawbacks in some situations, as they lock himin place, making badly timed jump attack sometimes result in death to boss's AoE attack. His long combos, while more complicated than most other, feel very impactful when executed correctly, especially if you get all positional requirements right.

Shadowbringers expansion brought some quality-of-life changes to the Job (mainly, the rotation got streamlined and feels a lot smoother)andadded a new Jump, for the new total of five. Dragoon also receiveda three-part AoE combo that fits his theme of having long combos perfectly. All in all, the expansion didn't change Dragoon much but made him a lot smoother and fixed some of his main rotation problems.

How to Unlock
  • Requires level 30 Lancer with all Class Quests completed
  • "Eye of the Dragon" Quest, Old Gridania (14, 5)

Job's Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (56)Jump attacks feel very satisfying
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (57)Good utility
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (58)Jump animations lock you in place
Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (59)
Role/DisciplineRanged DPS/War
Starting ClassNone/Additional Job

Dancer is a new Ranged Physical DPS Job introduced in the Shadowbringers expansion. He uses Chakrams and supports an interesting combo mechanic, where his main moves (both single-target and AoE, which means that Dancer has two flourishing rotations) have a 50% chance to flourish, triggering one of two combo abilities that in turn have a chance to give you a Dancer-specific resource, the fourfold feather, that stacks up to 4 and can be used to trigger special abilities called fan darts (there are two; a single-target and AoE, and both of them can flourish into third one). This system, while a bit confusing at first, is quite simple to learn and pleasant to use, but also RNG-based. On top of that, Dancer has access to some interesting buffs that make him, and a selected teammate (so-called "dance partner"), more effective in combat. Although the Dancer'sDPSis not the highest, His Raid contribution more than compensates for it.

Dancer feels like a complete Job. His kit is well-designed and makes him fit into a group setting almost perfectly. Overall, He is a good Support DPS Job with fun and solid, but also quite random mechanics.

How to Unlock
  • Requires level 60 Desciple of Magic or Desciple of War
  • "Shall We Dance" Quest, Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (9, 12), NPC Eager Lominsan

Job's Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (60)Random procs keep you engaged and force you to pay attention (Dancer is definitely not a boring Job)
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (61)Good utility
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (62)Quite complex, RNG-based rotation
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (63)Rather low personal DPS
Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (64)
Role/DisciplineRanged DPS/War
Starting ClassNone/Additional Job

Machinist is a Ranged Physical DPS Job that uses Guns and various technological inventions, like Turrets and Automatons. He is very dynamic and action-packed, especially for a job that is supposed to keep a distance and spam ranged abilities at a target.

Machinist is one of the Jobs that received the most complex rework treatment in Shadowbringers. First of all, His rotation was freed from the RNG elements, and he can now freely spam his Split Shot⇒ Slug Shot⇒ Clean Shot combination. His Ammunition resource was removed completely and replaced with a double resource system focused on building up Heat and Battery resources by using abilities. The Batterycan be used to summon machines (Turret or an Automaton Queen) that aidin combat, while Heat can provide the "Overheated" buff that boosts weapon skill potency and unlocks two very powerful special abilities. The newest expansion has left Machinist in almost a perfect spot, his DPS ishigh, his rotations feel polished, and there is nothing "wrong" with the current iteration of the Job.

How to Unlock
  • Requires level 50 Desciple of Magic or Desciple of War
  • "Savior of Skysteel" Quest, Foundation (8, 10)

Job's Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (65)Very dynamic and fast-paced,especially for a ranged DPS
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (66)Good DPS
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (67)Difficult to learn and even more difficult to master
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (68)Getspunished by bad internet connection
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (69) Lack of utility
Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (70)
Role/DisciplineRanged DPS/War
Starting ClassGuide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (71)Archer

Bard is a proc-based Physical Ranged DPS with a lot of buffing potential, which makes him a good teammate in a group. One of his main features is dynamic playstyle. Bard is able to execute his combos while on the move thanks to his instant-cast abilities. This makes him great at dodging incoming AoE while keeping up his DPS and managing buffs. As a true battle-singer should, Bard can utilize his Song mechanic to apply buffs to himself and his teammates.

Shadowbringers brought someimpactful changes to Bards. They lost their Crit buff, but their raw damage output was significantly increased, making them less Crit-reliant and much more consistent. Their Song system was also revampedand they received a new resource, called Soul Voice that charges when they play Songs and can be used to empower their new special attack, Apex Arrow. This new Attack deals massive Damage to enemies in a straight line and makes Bard's toolkit feel more complete. There is nothing more satisfying than a powerful BANG at the end of one's performance, after all.

How to Unlock
  • Requires level 30 Archer with all Class Quests completed
  • "A Song of Bards and Bowmen" Quest, New Gridania (15, 11)

Job's Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (72)Mobile and dynamic Ranged DPS
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (73)Good utility toolkit
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (74)Damage output depends on RNG-based procs
Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (75)
Red Mage
Role/DisciplineRanged DPS/Magic
Starting ClassNone/Additional Job

Red Mage is a combat caster Job that combines magic and martial arts. This battle mage fights by casting spells and building up his resources, Black and White Mana, that are then used for devastating Rapier (Red Mage's weapon of choice) attacks. Red Mage is also one of few Final Fantasy XIV Jobs capable of resurrecting players and although he is a DPS, he has access to some healing abilities. As a Job, Red Mage is rather simple to play, because of quite straightforward mechanics that just require him to follow combo prompts and unleash his melee combo when he collects enough resources.

Red Mage remains mostly unchanged in Shadowbringers. He received some quality-of-life improvements, some of hisDamage/Cast Timevalues were tinkered with, and he gained access to a brand-new AoE rotation. Patch 5.05 adjusted Red Mage's ability costs (a lot of his abilities now cost 100 less MP than they used to) and the Enchanted Reprise got buffed. Overall, He still remains one of the most versatile jobs, because of the utility and support that he provides.

How to Unlock
  • Requires level 50 Desciple of Magic or Desciple of War
  • "Taking the Red" Quest, Ul'dah; Steps of Thal (14, 11)

Job's Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (76)An interesting mix of melee combat and spell-casting
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (77)Great utility
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (78)Rather simple to learn
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (79)"Simple" may turn to "Boring" if you like your gameplay to be challenging
Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (80)
Role/DisciplineRanged DPS/Magic
Starting ClassGuide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (81)Arcanist

Summoner is a Final Fantasy XIV's pet Class (Job). He can choose fromthree different (AoE and ST DPSs and a Tank)normal pets and has access to the powerful, time-limited special summons. In combat, he relies not only on His companions but also on powerful Damage over Time abilities and spells that synergize with them. Moreover, he has access to apowerful utilityspell,resurrection, that makes him one of just two Jobs that can revive fallen comrades. Micromanaging Summoner's DoTs, Pets, Resources, and Job-specific mechanics all at thesame time is complicated, making him one of the most difficult to learn Jobs in the game.

Luckily for aspiring Summoners, Shadowbringers expansion brought a range of welcome changes to the Job. Pets are no more targetable, which makes micromanaging them much easier, moreover, Pet-specific actions were movedto summoner's action bars, simplifying pet gameplay even further. There is also a new super-summon, the Demi-Phoenix that distributesparty-wide, 20-second Heal over Time when activated and then functions similarly to the Demi-Bahamut. His DoTs now have a duration of 30 seconds, making them easier to maintain, which is good, because they are now more important than ever, as Ruin spell deals bonus Damage to targets affected by Summoner's DoTs. All in all, Summoner remains a very complicated, but also very rewarding Job, suited well for players who like a challenge.

How to Unlock
  • Requires level 30 Arcanist with all Class Quests completed
  • "Austerities of Flame" Quest, Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (4, 11)

Job's Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (82)Summons powerful Pets
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (83)Able to resurrect fallen comrades
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (84)Complicated gameplay with many different things to keep track of
Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (85)
Black Mage
Role/DisciplineRanged DPS/Magic
Starting ClassGuide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (86)Thaumaturge

Black Mage is a master of elemental magic able to scorch his enemies with fire, just to freeze and shatter them with potent Ice-based spells seconds later. As most other casters, he suffers from mobility problems caused by cast times and is less mobile than ranged physical Jobs. This, combined with a lack of defenses, forces Black Mage players to pay close attention to surroundings in order to not get caught in Bosse's AoE mid cast (moving around as a Black Mage creates Downtime and Downtime significantly reduces DPS, keep this in mind and learn your encounters well to avoid unnecessary movement).

Square Enix must have decided that Black Mage was in a good spot before Shadowbringers because they left him almost unchanged. The most notable change is the addition of Aspect Mastery that allows Black Mage to switch betweenAstral Fire and Umbral Ice for free as long as he is stacked up. If you are looking for an explosive (and chilly, at the same time) Caster DPS, Black Mage will do the job.

How to Unlock
  • Requires level 30 Thaumaturge with all Class Quests completed
  • "Taking the Black" Quest, Ul'dah; Steps of Nald (7, 12)

Job's Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (87)Rather simple to learn
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (88)Very flashy spells make you feel powerful
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (89)Experiences downtime if forced to relocate during an encounter

Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (90)
Blue Mage*

*This is a Limited Job focused on story and skill-based sologameplay experience that has some limitations imposed on it.

Role/DisciplineRanged DPS/Magic
Starting ClassNone/Additional Job

Blue Mage can mimic the abilities of his enemies, effectively defeating them with their own weapons. In theory, the more powerful the enemy, the more powerful the Blue Mage and his arsenal, but... As a limited Job, he suffers from a range of crippling limitations, including inaccessibility of PvP and most of the group content. On top of that, he can't reach max level. The main focus of the Job is the Blue Mage-specific content, the "Masked Carnivale" that is comprised of a collection of combat challenges that force players to use Job's mechanics to their full advantage.

At some point during Shadowbringers, Blue Mage's level cap will, most likely, be raised but not to the max.

How to Unlock
  • Requires level 50 Desciple of Magic or Desciple of War
  • "Out of the Blue" Quest, Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (10, 11)

Job's Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (91)Versatile and adaptive
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (92)Unique, Job-specific content
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (93)Can't reach the max level
  • Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (94)Crippling Job limitations


Picking up the Right Job is a difficult task, especially in a game as complex as the FFXIVV. We hope that this overview will help you make the right choice andcontribute to your fun and progressive in-game experience.

We hope that you have found this guide useful and informative. If we have missed a piece of information that is important to you, please let us know!

Please do note that this is an early version of our guide, and we will be happy to receive constructive criticism, that will help us improve it, so leave your suggestions in the comments section below.

Pictures used in this article are theintellectual property of Square Enix Co., Ltd.

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Guide to Final Fantasy XIV Jobs and Character classes - Odealo (2024)


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